Titles Banks

The ZEBRA Titles Banks are stored in the memory array ICONS/RCONS/LCONS and hold data that describes the detector and control the software. This data typically gets loaded before the first event and then does not change unless some Validity Range expires. Contrast this with the Event Data Structure which contains all the information about the current event. It is stored in the ZEBRA memory array IQ/RQ/LQ. Each time an event is input, the structure is recreated. Most banks get loaded from the SNO database but each release of SNOMAN comes with a set of titles files that can be used to supplement or replace them.

Below is a list of all titles banks. There is also a List of Structure Diagrams that can be used to see what titles banks are used in each Software Unit (SU)

Since the input files used in the generation of PEGS media information are not strictly titles banks, a separate link to these is made available here --> PEGS

Alphabetic List of all Titles Banks

ANCT Abnormal channel analysis: Control
ANHD ANxx: Bad hardware Channels
ANXX Abnormal channel analysis: Output
ATDR Attenuation time dependencies
ATPA Attributes of all particle and target codes
ATPR Attributes of all process codes
AVAR Relative acrylic attenuation/scattering coefficients
B8SP B8 energy spectrum generator
BADC Bad ADC's (from CALDAC)
BANP BP 1992 Solar Model(no He diffusion) data
BASP BP 1992 Solar Model(no He diffusion) data
BBNP BP 1992 Solar Model(He diffusion) data
BBSP BP 1992 Solar Model(He diffusion) data
BCNP BP 1995 Solar Model(full diffusion) data
BCSP BP 1995 Solar Model(full diffusion) data
BDNP BP 1995 Solar Model(no diffusion) data
BDSP BP 1995 Solar Model(no diffusion) data
BENP BP 1998 Solar Model data
BESP BP 1998 Solar Model data
BFNP BP 2000 Solar Model data
BFSP BP 2000 Solar Model data
BFTI FTI impact parameter bin size definitions
BOBU Factors used to calculate the BCK CC total cross section
BUNP BU Solar Model data
BUSP BU Solar Model data
CASA Calibration source assemblies and positions
CASL Calibration Source List
CATR Calibration Trials
CAXX Calibration Output
CBBC Mapping: Card/Crate/Channel --> Cable Barcode.
CCBU BCK Charged Current Total X-Sections
CCCT Mapping: Crate/Card/Channel <--> SNOMAN tube no.
CCNA NETAL nu Charged Current Differential X-Sections
CCNB NETAL Anti-nu Charged Current Differential X-Sections
CCNP NETAL nu Charged Current Differential X-Sections
CCNS NSGK nu Charged Current Differential X-Sections
CCRC Scaling factor for the NSA + CC cross sections
CCXB KN Anti-nu Charged Current Differential X-Sections
CCXS KN nu Charged Current Differential X-Sections
CCXT KN Charged Current Total X-Sections
CCXU NSGK Charged Current Total X-Sections
CCYH YHH Charged Current Total X-Sections
CECA ECA: Q Slope Electronics Calibration
CHET Hadron code data
CHGN Channel Gain
CNST Fundamental and physical constants
CRON Enable/Disable electronics crates
CST0 Simple calibration constants
CVAR Channel Efficiency used for QVAR bank
DAMN Data Analysis Mask Numbers
DARN Data Analysis Request Numbers
DBHDR Database Header
DFTI Data constants used by the FTI energy fitter
DFTK Data constants used by the FTK energy fitter
DQCH DAQ Channel Status
DQCR DAQ Crate/Card Status
DSM Data Structure Manager
DSNB DSNB Neutrino models data.
DT2R Mapping: Date Time -> Run number
EGS4 EGS4 control
ESRD Pre-calculated cross section data for ES
FDUP Flag Dead or Uncalibrateable Phototubes.
FLTH Constants for a Hardwired Event Filter Test
FLTR Event Filter Test Request
FLUK FLUK: Hadron code data
GAIN PMT Calibration: Gain
GEDP Geometry deployment
GEDS Geometry design
GPCA PMT Calibration: Gain bank
GQWD PMT Calibration: Gain fit quality
HCAG HCA global banks.
HCAS HCA status banks.
HDDK Hadron Decay Chain
HDLT Hadron Look-up Table
HIST PMT histogram control
JOB Job control
JOBP Job control: Processors
LASR Laserball angular distribution
LDYE Laserball dye cell -> wavelength map
LRBP Laserball position bank
MCBE Monte Carlo user-defined binned energy distribution
MCDQ MC DAQ control
MCDR MC PMT Collection Efficiency Drift
MCDS Monte Carlo Decay Scheme
MCEC Electronic Calibration Simulation
MCEG Trigger simulation from Generic Cal. Source
MCEL Trigger simulation from Laser Cal. Source
MCEN Trigger simulation from 16N Cal. Source
MCMA Monte Carlo Master
MCND Monte Carlo Delta Function Energy Generator
MCNE Monte Carlo NCD Electronics constants
MCNP Monte Carlo NCD Properties bank
MCPI Monte Carlo Particle Information
MCPL Monte Carlo Particle List
MCPT Monte Carlo PMT Time distribution
MCRD Petal Reflectivity Deterioration
MCXT Monte Carlo Crosstalk Generation
MEDA Physical media optical properties data
MHEP MHEP energy spectrum generator
MMSW MSW Generator Control
MPAR Muon flux at SNO depth
MPCA Multiphoton PCA walk correction
MPLP Multipoint PCA Laserball PMT Mask
MSEI Microseismic Events
MTHE MUX Threshold Efficiencies
MUCX MUSIC data file
MUFX Surface cosmic muon flux + energy loss
MUON Muon capture on O16
MUSF Energy loss in footwall
MUSH Energy loss in hanging wall
MWLS Properties of D2O wavelength shifting chemical
NCBU BCK Neutral Current Total X-Sections
NCCG NCD Counter-by-counter gain variations
NCDP Essential numbers for NCDs and also some switches
NCED NCD electron diffusion.
NCST NCD straggling for protons
NCIB Energy deposition of charged particles in NCD counters
NCLA NCD MUX Log Amp constants
NCLB NCD Log Amp Calibration Initial Guess Parameters and HP Pulser settings
NCLE NCD Shaper charge to energy conversion
NCLI NCD ADC and Mux Scope Linearity Fits
NCMB Modified NC Kubodera Antineutrino Neutral Current differential cross sections
NCMC Input values and settings for the NCD MC
NCNA NETAL Neutral Current Total X-Sections
NCNB NETAL Anti-nu Neutral Current Differential X-Sections
NCNM Modified NC Kubodera Neutral Current differential cross sections
NCNP NETAL nu Neutral Current Differential X-Sections
NCNS NSGK nu Neutral Current Differential X-Sections
NCRT Parametrization of the t(r) curve
NCSP NCD String-by-String Properties
NCTH NCD ADC and Mux Thresholds
NCXB KN Anti-nu Neutral Current Differential X-Sections
NCXS KN nu Neutral Current Differential X-Sections
NCXT KN Neutral Current Total X-Sections
NCXU NSGK Neutral Current Total X-Sections
NCYH YHH Neutral Current Total X-Sections
NEUT Neutron data
NIMP Pre 4.01 Neutron Impurities
NNOI Power spectrum for generating NCD noise
NQDH NCD Scope Settings Record
NQHH NCD High Voltage Header record
NQMH NCD Multiplexer Settings Record
NQNH NCD Global Event Header
NQRH NCD Relationship Record
NQSH NCD Shaper Header record
NRGR Rockwall (shotcrete/norite) neutron energy spectra
NTPC N-tuple booking and filling: Control
NTPR N-tuple booking and filling: Request
NTRC Neutron control
NTRN Pre 4.01 banks with neutron data
OCAL Optical calibration control
OMEG Omega reflectivity
PCAS PCA Summary
PCAT Photcathode response
PDBG PMT simulation debug
PDST Pedestal calibration file ("new" ECA)
PEWL Wavelengths for Calibration and Interpolation
PMTE PMT efficiency asymmetry
PMTM PMT Modified collection efficiency and concentrator petal reflectivity
PMTR PMT angular performance
PMTT PMT timing and noise performance
PNEU Muon photodistingration
PNPI Photodistingration (Pion)
PNPN PMT Names to PMT Numbers
PRAT Ratio of Prompt photons in 3dPMT
Qxyy x=1,2,3 yy=AV,FL,NE,RM Electronics Charge Pedestals
Qxyy x=1,2,3 yy=AV,CH,QC,SL,SP,SQ Electronics Charge Slopes
QSLP QSlope calibration file ("new" ECA)
QTCA Phototube calib. constants
QVAR Relative PMT efficiencies
QMPP Probability distribution for observed charge given #pe
R2DT Mapping: Run number -> Date Time
RAAR Random Access Analyser Request
RAAS Constants for an RAA Subprocessor
RESP Energy calibration constants for use with RSP.
RLNR Runlog Ntuple Request
RSPD Table of Julian Dates and relative energy scale drifts
RSPM Map phototubes on the PSUP into theta, phi bands.
RSPN Look up table of number of tubes online for each run.
RSPR Effective Rayleigh scattering lengths.
RSPS Tubes not suitable for energy calibration.
RTMC Rebuild 10MHz Clock mapping: Run start -> 50MHz.
RVAR Relative reflector efficiencies
SCBU Scintillator Bulk Properties.
SCCO Scintillator Component Properties.
SDMS SnoDb Multi-file support: Search strategy
SDMT SnoDb Multi-file support: Titles look-up
SDMV SnoDb Multi-file support: Validation
SEED Seeds for the random number generator
SMLC SNOMAN Live control
SODA Accelerator calibration source description
SODF PSUP-based LED source description
SODG N16/N17/Li8 Gas source description
SODH Hot Rock/PMT source description
SODI Activated 23Na source description
SODL Laserball source description
SODN Neutron 252Cf/Am-Be source description
SODP Proportional counter source description
SODR Rotating source description
SODS Sono-ball source description
SODW Lone NCD source description
SPEL Integrated S.P.E. pulse height dist.
TACF Angular correlation function data
TCAC Time Correlation Analyser: Control
TCAL Event calibration
TCAR Time Correlation Analyser: Request
TCLN Network Classifier Control
TCTD Context specific Titles Dumper Control
TDMM Data Mask Manager Control
TECA Electronics Calibration Control
TEIO Event Input Output Support
TFPS First pass run selection control
TFT1 User fitter 1 control
TFTA Attenuation Fitter Control
TFTC Stopping muon fitter control
TFTE Elastic fitter control
TFTG Grid fitter control
TFTI "Impact Parameter" muon fitter control
TFTK Energy fitter control
TFTM Muon fitter control
TFTP Path fitter control
TFTQ Quad fitter control
TFTR Through-going muon fitter control
TFTT Time fitter control
TFTU QPDF fitter control
TFTY "Charge-only Impact Parameter" muon fitter control
TFTZ "Time-only Impact Parameter" muon fitter control
TGEO Detector Geometry control
THBK HBOOK support control
TLSP Livetime Summary control
TMES Muon Event Selection control
TMPC Multiphoton PCA: Control
TMyy AV,FL,NE,RM Electronics Time Pedestals
TMyy yy=AV,CH,DM,QC,CC,SL,SI,SQ Electronics Time Slopes
TMTT Management of Titles control
TNEC Classifier Data for Neck Events
TNHP Control the NCD Histogram Producer.
TNPF NCD Pulse Frequency Analysis Inputs
TOCA Optical Calibration Control
TPCA PMT Calibration Control
TPCK Event packer control
TPRU Event pruner control
TQIO Root tree and raw channel histogram (QIO) control
TRAA Random Access Analyser: Control
TRDV Raw Data Validation Control
TREF Trigger Efficiency Table
TRLG Runlog Generator control
TRLR Runlog Reader control
TRSP Control bank for the energy calibration processor (RSP)
TSDB SDB option initialization control
TSLP TSlope calibration file ("new" ECA)
TSPS Second Pass Run Selection control
TTRF Trigger Efficiency Calibration Control
TTSP Time Spoiler Processor: Control
TUPK Event unpacker control
TUSR Example USR titles
TWOB Constants for PMT transit time jitter
TXED XSnoed Event Viewer: Control
USNO US Naval Observatory Ephemeris data
VRLY High Voltage Relays
VTHR Discriminator Thresholds
WALK PMT Calibration: Walk
WQWD PMT Calibration: Walk fit quality
WPCA PMT Calibration: Walk Interpolation

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