
                              Titles:  NTRC
    Contact:  G. McGregor, Oxford.
    Revision History:-
    4.01  G. McGregor  First version.

Titles Files
This bank controls the neutron code. It is not intended for user 
modification. Further documentation is in the titles file itself. 

Data Words

  Offset      Content				  
  1   I       Number of neutron tables. (n)
  Then follows a list of NZA numbers used to map the NZA number
  to the table number (the table number is used as an internal
  array label in SNOMAN because the NZA numbers are too large).
  2+n I       Number of isotopes detailed.
  Then follows information which the neutron code uses to recognise
  isotopic information from EGS4 and decide which neutron table to use.

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