TCAC: Time Correlation Analyser: Control

                Titles:  TCAC: Time Correlation Analyser: Control
    Contact:  N. West, Oxford.
    Revision History:-
    3.01  N. West     First version.

Titles Files
    This bank controls the Time Correlation Analyser (TCA). For more 
information see the Time Correlation Analyser chapter in the SNOMAN User's
Data Words
        Data types: B(bit), I, F, D(double), H(hollerith 4 char)

        Fixed length Database Header.  See titles_dbhdr.html

Word Type  Mnemonic        [symbolic command]  Description
---- ----  --------        -------------------------------

   1  I    _BUFFER_FRAC    [tca_buffer_frac] Fraction of the avaliable free 
                           memory TCA can grab. If TCA is running as the only
                           processor, leave this at its default of 1.0 
   2  I    _QUIT_ON_OVFL   [tca_quit_on_ovfl] Flag: 
                           = 0 This is the default and tells TCA to continue
                           even though data will be lost. The output log will
                           give an estimate of the size of buffer needed to
                           prevent the 
                           = 1 abort if buffer overflow. 
   3  I    _AMBIG_MAX      [tca_ambig_max] Defines maximum possible ambiguity 
                           (the number of times a given primary can form
                           associations with different secondaries) that TCA
                           will encounter. This defines the size, in records, of
                           the output buffer that has to hold them. 
   4  I    _AMBIG_REQ      [tca_ambig_req] Defines maximum ambiguity TCA is to
                           output.  By using the _SORT_ON variable to measure
                           the quality of the association together with this
                           command, the user can output just the best
   5  I    _OUTPUT_UNASS   [tca_output_unass] Flag:
                           = 0 Don't output unassociated primaries 
                           = 1 This tells TCA to output a primary even if it
                           fails to form an association. Such n-tuple entries
                           have the undefined value for any variable that
                           depends directly or indirectly on any event other
                           than the primary.  
   6  I _TIME_GATE_LOW     [tca_time_gate_low] Selects the low edge of the time
                           gate.  Any event occurring at a time earlier than
                           this, relative to the current primary, will not form
                           an association in which the current event is the
                           primary.  The lower limit must be less than zero.
   7  I   _TIME_GATE_HIG   [ca_time_gate_high] Selects the high edge of the time
                           gate.  Any event occurring at a time later than this,
                           relative to the current primary, will not form an
                           association in which the current event is the
                           primary. The higher limit must be greater than zero.

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