NCLI  NCD ADC and Mux Scope Linearity Fits

        Contact: Juergen Wendland

        Revision History:-
        2004-10-05 (jw)  - Original
        2005-04-27 (jw)  - update
	2005-10-19 (jw)  - version 1.0 into snoman

Titles Files


Bank Number: Bank Version Number = 2

Holds the fits that characterize and test the linearity of the shaper and mux responses.

Data Words

    Fixed length Database Header. See

    Data types: B(bit), I, F, D(double), H(hollerith 4 char)

Word              Type    Mnemonic                                Description
1                     I      NCLI_VERSION                         Version Number of this bank = 2 
2		      I      NCLI_NUM_RECORDS                     Number of NCD records that follow 
3                     I      NCLI_NUM_WORDS                       Number of words in each record = 211
4                     I      NCLI_TABLE                           Base address of table = 145
5                     I      NCLI_VSPULSER                        Indicates pulser variable used in fits
                                                                  0 -> pulser amplitude (default)
                                                                  1 -> pulser width
                                                                  2 -> pulser integral
Global pulser data: j=5+4*(n-1), n=1..30
j+1                   F      NCLI_PULSE_SHAPE                     Shape of the calibration pulse
                		                                  0 -> square (default)  1 -> sine
j+2                   F      NCLI_PULSE_AMPLITUDE	          Amplitude of pulse
j+3                   F      NCLI_PULSE_WIDTH	                  Width of pulse
j+4	              F      NCLI_PULSE_INTEGRAL	          Integral of pulse
126..145              F      NCLI_SPARE_GLOBAL                    spares
Data for each NCD String: there are NCLI_NUM_RECORDS sets of values in the following format
i   Start of nth record in table. i = NCLI_TABLE + (n-1)*NCLI_NUM_WORDS where n=1..NCLI_NUM_RECORDS

i+1                   I      NCLI_NCD_STRING_NUM                  NCD string number

i+2		      I      NCLI_ADC_DATAPOINTS                  Number of data points for this ADC channel
i+3..61,i+4..62       F      NCLI_ADC_CHG NCLI_ADC_UNC            Raw ADC charge and uncertainty
i+63                  I      NCLI_ADC_NDF1                        ADC: Number of degrees of freedom
i+64                  F      NCLI_ADC_CHISQ_NDF1                  ADC: Chi Squared per degree of freedom 
i+65..83,i+66..84     F      NCLI_ADC_PAR1_J NCLI_ADC_PAR_UNC1_J  ADC: Fit parameter j and uncertainty
i+85                  I      NCLI_ADC_NDF2                        ADC: Number of degrees of freedom
i+86                  F      NCLI_ADC_CHISQ_NDF2                  ADC: Chi Squared per degree of freedom 
i+87..105,i+88..106   F      NCLI_ADC_PAR2_J NCLI_ADC_PAR_UNC2_J  ADC: Fit parameter j and uncertainty

i+107		      I      NCLI_MUX_DATAPOINTS	          Number of data points for this MUX channel
i+108..166,i+109..167 F      NCLI_MUX_CHG NCLI_MUX_UNC            Raw MUX charge (integral) and uncertainty
i+168                 I      NCLI_MUX_NDF1                        MUX: Number of degrees of freedom
i+169                 F      NCLI_MUX_CHISQ_NDF1                  MUX: Chi Squared per degree of freedom 
i+170..188,i+171..189 F      NCLI_MUX_PAR1_J NCLI_MUX_PAR1_UNC_J  MUX: Fit parameter j and uncertainty
i+190                 I      NCLI_MUX_NDF2                        MUX: Number of degrees of freedom
i+191                 F      NCLI_MUX_CHISQ_NDF2                  MUX: Chi Squared per degree of freedom 
i+192..210,i+193..211 F      NCLI_MUX_PAR2_J NCLI_MUX_PAR2_UNC_J  MUX: Fit parameter j and uncertainty

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