
                              PEGS Input Files
Contact:  S. Biller, Oxford.
Revision History:-
3.02  S. Biller     First version.
    The following is a list of PEGS4 input files used to 
generate the media information used by EGS4 and stored in 
the file PEGS4_10.DAT Note: only the latter file is used by 
SNOMAN -> the following merely describes the subsidiary files 
which were used to generate this!

    The 1st line of each input file lists whether the medium 
is described as an element (ELEM), a compound (COMP) or a 
mixture (MIXT). If ELEM, an &INP statement follows which may 
list the density (RHO) and atomic weight (WA(1)), if different 
than the default values. If COMP, the following &INP statement 
lists the number of elements used (NE), the overall density (RHO), 
and the relative numbers of atoms of each element used in the 
compound (PZ(I)). As before, the atomic weight of any element
(WA(I)) in can also be specified as being different from the 
default value. If MIXT, then the following &INP statement lists 
the number of elements used (NE), the overall density (RHO), 
and the relative amount of atoms by weight (RHOZ(I)), along with 
any relevant modification of atomic weights.

    Following this, the medium's name and list of component 
elements are given. The ENER statement then specifies that the 
following &INP will relate to energy thresholds: AE is the lower 
energy (total) cutoff for e+- transport; UE is the upper 
energy (total) limit for e+- transport; AP is the lower energy 
cutoff for photon transport; and UP is the upper energy limit for
photon transport.

    PWLF refers to input parameters relevant to the piece-wise 
linear fit. NALE and NALG specify the number of intervals 
allocated in this fit for electrons and gammas, respectively.

             For more information, see the EGS4 manual 
                   (SLAC report 265, Dec. 1985)

      PEGS4 Input Files for SNOMAN Used to Generate PEGS4_10.DAT
sno01_h2o.pegs4inp - H2O
sno02_d2o.pegs4inp - D2O
sno03_norite.pegs4inp - NORITE
sno04_acrylic.pegs4inp - ACRYLIC
sno05_nickel.pegs4inp - NICKEL
sno06_ssteel.pegs4inp - STAINLESS STEEL
sno07_pyrex.pegs4inp - PYREX
sno08_air.pegs4inp - AIR
sno09_aluminium.pegs4inp - ALUMINIUM
sno10_kevlar.pegs4inp - KEVLAR
sno11_bafe.pegs4inp - BaFe
sno12_countergas.pegs4inp - COUNTER GAS
sno13_absair.pegs4inp - ABS PLASTIC/AIR
sno14_abswater.pegs4inp - ABS PLASTIC/H2O
sno15_photocath.pegs4inp - PHOTOCATHODE
sno16_nai.pegs4inp - SODIUM IODIDE
sno17_poly.pegs4inp - POLYETHYLENE
sno18_concrete.pegs4inp - CONCRETE
sno19_scintillator.pegs4inp - PLASTIC SCINTILLATOR
sno20_quartz.pegs4inp - QUARTZ
sno21_lead.pegs4inp - LEAD
sno22_germanium.pegs4inp - GERMANIUM
sno23_copper.pegs4inp - COPPER

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