
                              Titles:  MCMA
Contact:  D. Wark, Oxford.
Revision History:-
2.03    D. Wark         First version.
2.06    N. West         Add warning about CERFAC.
        D. Wark         Add photo disintegration switch.
2.08    N. West         Add KILLVX = 2, 5 and 7.
                        0=off for fresnel and rayleigh scattering.
        J. Lyon         Add KILLVX_NEUTRON.
3.00    N. West         Add REJECT_EMPTY. Add event rate and duration.
        D. Wark         Add ECAL_TYPE.
3.01    N. West         Add comment about CERFAC for photon bombs.
        D. Wark         Use MCTYPE < 0 to select MCPL bank.
3.02    G. McGregor     Add (n,np) to KILLVX_NEUTRON level 4.
        N. McCauley     Addition of overlay switches and constants.
        D. Wark         Addition of PMT late pulsing flag.
4.02    N.Jelley        Add salt fill rate
        N. West         Add spoil NC Xsection flag.
        J.  Formaggio   Add Enable Hadrons flag. Add Enable MUSIC Calc. flag.
        N. McCauley     Add Enable run specific conditions and PMT collection 
                        efficiency drift flags.
        P.Elahi         Add Wls concentration
        N. West         Add TRACK_ABS_PHOTONS.
5.00    N. West         Add ENABLE_NCD_SIMULATION. Add current pulse control.
                        Add CALL_MCEVLV_DEBUG
5.01    N. West         Add KILLVX = 999
        D. Waller       Add switch _FLUKA_ONLY
        C. Kyba         Add KILL_MUON_RADIUS
        SJM Peeters     Add switch for new and old source geometry for autosno
        SJM Peeters     Add source offset for autosno
5.02    N. West         Spell out KILLVX = 0 means no no deletion.
        N. Oblath       Add switch for NCD noise
        H.S. Wan        Add switch for multiple scattering in ncds
5.03    N. Oblath       Add switch for electron tracks
        N. Oblath       Updated the use of the ion-scatter word
        N. West         Bring up to date (words 63 - KILLVX_MUON 64 - MUON_ROCK_REJECTION)

Titles Files
   This bank contains the parameters which apply globally to a simulation.
   (MCMA = Monte Carlo MAster bank)
Data Words
        Fixed length Database Header.  See titles_dbhdr.html
Line  Type   Variable   [symbolic command]   Description
----  ----   --------   --------------------------------
  1    I     MCRUN      [mcrun]
                        User assigned run number
  2    I     KILLVX     [killvx]
                        Delete unwanted vertices:-
                        =0 No deletion.
                        =1 Cerenkov photon boundary
                        =2 As =1 + Cerenkov photon creation
                        =5 As =2 + Cerenkov photon sink unless it is PMT hit.
                           Also backtrack and totally remove photon trajectory.
                        =7 As =5 but backtrack and totally remove all photon
                        =9 all
                        Note: Cerenkov bundle vertices are always deleted (they
                              are unpacked into the photon creation vertices).
                        =999 Special case: Don't evolve event at all i.e. only 
                             source vertices and tracks. Useful to check source generation.
  3    I     FRETMP     [fresnel_scat]
                        Fresnel scattering flag, 0=off, 1=on
  4    I     RAYTMP     [rayleigh_scat]
                        Rayleigh scattering flag, 0=off, 1=on
  5    I     IBOUNCE    [grey_disk_pmt_bounce]
                        PMT surface scattering flag, 0=off, 1=on
  6    I     DIS_FLAG   [photodisintegration]
                        Photodisintegration, 0=off, 1=on
  7    F     W1         [low_wave_cut]
                        Lower wavelength cutoff for Cerenkov light (cm)
  8    F     W2         [high_wave_cut]
                        Upper wavelength cutoff for Cernekov light (cm)
  9    F     CERFAC     [cerfac]
                        Cerenkov light yield reduced by CERFAC (see note 1).
 10    F     CERFAC_II  [cerfac_ii]
                        Cerenkov light yield reduced by CERFAC (see note 1).
 11    I     MCTYPE     Monte Carlo run type (see note 2).
 12    I     KILLVX_NEUTRON [killvx_neutron]
                        Delete unwanted neutron vertices:-
                        =0 No deletion.
                        =1 Delete boundary vertices.
                        =2 Delete n-in, n-out scattering vertices
                        =3 Delete n-in, n+gamma-out inelastic scatt. vx's.
                        =4 Delete n-in, (2n, 3n, n+alpha, np)-out vx's.
                        =5 Delete n capture vertices.
                        Higher values include lower values.
                        2 is the highest normally recommended value.
 13    I     REJECT_EMPTY [reject_empty_events]
                        Reject empty events. If
                        variable number generates
                        zero (see MCPI Note 4) generate event again if flag set.
                        Otherwise proceed to process empty event.
                        = 0 No,  = 1 Yes
 14    F                [mc_event_rate]
                        Event rate (events/unit time) (=0. no rate) (<0. fixed).
                        (see note 3)
 15    I                Event rate unit.  = 1 day, = 2 sec
 16    F                [mc_gen_duration]
                        Event generation duration in days (=0. no duration)
                        (See note 4).
 17    I     MODE_CERFAC [mode_cerfac]
                         Cerfac Mode:
                        =1 old fixed-value Cerfac application
                        =2 wavelength dependant
                       (see note 1)
 18    I     ECAL_TYPE []
                        Electronics calibration flag (>0 => elec. cal.)
 19    F     SUNFACTOR [sunfactor]
                        Sunfactor - PABA concentration in H2O (gm/liter)
 20    I     NP_EXTERNAL_CERFAC [np_external_cerfac]
                        Apply Cerfac to external photons (0=no,1=yes)
                       (see note 1).
 21    I               Apply variations in PMT efficiencies. (1=yes)
 22    I               Apply variations in reflector efficiencies. (1=yes)
 23    I               Apply variations in acrylic tile transmission. (1=yes)
 24    F               Average collection efficiency of PMT
 25    I     OVRLY     Turn on overlay and disable poisson noise. 
                        =0 off, =1 on.(see note 5).
 26    I     KEEP      Discard or attempt to calibrate tubes with bad calibration
                       in overlay.(see note 5). 
                        =0  Discard Tubes, =1 Attempt average calibration.
 27    F     QGRD      Charge gradient for average calibration in overlay.
 28    F     QINT      Charge intercept for average calibration in overlay. 
 29    F     TGRD      Time gradient for average calibration in overlay.
 30    F     TINT      Time intercept for average calibration in overlay.
 31    F     SALT_FLOW Salt fill rate in litres/min
 32    I     SPOIL_NC_XSECTION [disable_nc_xsec_spoil]
                       =0 Rescale NC cross-section (in range 0.5-2.5)
                       =1 Don't rescale
 33    I     ENABLE_HADRONS [enable_hadrons] 0 = disabled, 1= enabled.
 34    I     CONST_TINT  Enable constant (i.e. non-poissonian) time intervals 
                       for solar neutrinos. =0 off =1 on
 35    I     GEN_RUN   Generate the run with specific run conditions as per 
                       the RLOG/RLAI banks. =0 off =1 on (see note 6).
 36    I     GEN_SOURCE_RUN  Generate the calibration run with the specific 
                       source conditions as per the RLOG/RLAI banks. 
                       =0 off =1 on (see note 6).
 37    I     DRIFT_GAIN Enable the drift of the PMT collection efficiency as per
                       the MCDR bank.  =0 off =1 on
                       Wavelength shifting concentration in ppm (1 ppm = 1 mg/L)
 39    I     DRIFT_REFLECT [mc_drift_reflectors] 0 = disabled, 1= enabled.
                       If enabled reflectors degrade with time. 
 40    I     DRIFT_ATTEN [mc_drift_attenuation] 0 = disabled, 1= enabled.
                       If enabled attenuations drift with time. 
 41    I               PMT late pulsing flag (0 = no late pulsing, 
                       1 = PMT time distribution from MCPT bank).  
 42    I     ENABLE_MUSIC_CALC [enable_music_calc] 0 = disabled, 1= enabled.
             Performs full transport calculation of surface cosmic muon flux
             to SNO depth. Warning: very slow (takes many hours!).  If disabled
             use much faster parametric approximation.
 43    I     TRACK_ABS_PHOTONS [track_abs_photons] 0 = disabled, 1= enabled.
             If enabled photons striking front face of PMT outside bucket
             will be tracked.  If disabled such photons are absorbed.
 44   I      ENABLE_NCD_SIMULATION [ncd_signal_simulation] enable_ncd_simulation  0 = disabled, 1= enabled.
 45   I      [user_control_ncd] Control pt orientation after n capture (off/on=0/1)
 46   I      [ion_current] Simulate ions flag (off/on = 0/1)
 47   I      [space_charge] Simulate space charge flag (off/on = 0/1)
 48   I      [gain_fluctuation] Simulate gas gain fluctuations flag (off/on = 0/1)
 49   I      Simulate trigger settings from the RLOG/RLAIm banks (off/on = 0/1)
 50   I      [ncd_pulse_reflection] ENABLE_PULSE_REFLECTION [enable pulse reflection] (off/on = 0/1)
 51   I      [mcevlv_debug] CALL_MCEVLV_DEBUG (off/on = 0/1) - generate lots of debug output from MCEVLV.
 52   I      Type of noise rate to use in run conditions code.
               = 0 mean nhit / gt_valid
               = 1 mean ncal / cal_valid 
               = 2 mean n(cal+qc) / cal_valid 
               cal_valid - valid period for PMT calibration
               n(cal+qc) PMT has valid time and passes QC cuts.
 53   I      Generate multiple neutrons per Cf burst (off/on = 0/1) 
 54   I      [fluka_only] FLUKA_ONLY Simulate hadrons with FLUKA only (instead of
               NMTC/FLUKA hybrid) (off/on = 0/1)
 55   I      [kill_muon_radius] KILL_MUON_RADIUS (kill_muon_radius 950)
               Radius (in cm) at which to start killing muons.
               Set to +9999 to disable.
               Do not set to any value less than 850cm!
 56   I      Use old/new (0/1) neutron source  (using mcg_gen_source_run)
 57   F      Add offset to (any) source in X              "
 58   F      Add offset to (any) source in Y              "
 59   F      Add offset to (any) source in Z              "
 60   I      Simulate NCD Noise (off/on 0/1)
 61   I      Simulate ion scattering in the NCDs
               = 0 -- no scatter
               = 1 -- multiple scattering
               = 2 -- minimum pulse width
 62   I      Simulate electron tracks in the NCDs (off/on = 0/1)
 63   I      Kill unwanted muon verticies (off/on = 0/1)
 64   I      Muon rock rejection (off/on = 0/1)

1.  CERFAC is a trick used to speed up simulation by reducing the number of
    photons but increasing the PMT detection efficiency correspondingly.  See
    the User Manual. 

    If MODE_CERFAC is set to 1 (fixed-value Cerfac) then SNOMAN uses two

    1)   CERFAC_II applied to photons created inside the PMT when using
         the grey-disk model or, alternatively, to photons everywhere
         when using the full 3-d PMT simulation.

    2)   CERFAC  applied for photons created outside the PMT if using the grey-
         disk PMT model. Due to the logic, CERFAC_II must be larger than CERFAC.

    However, if MODE_CERFAC is set to 2 (wavelength dependant), SNOMAN computes
    the factors and the values CERFAC and CERFAC_II are ignored.

    For black-disk PMT model, CERFAC and CERFAC_II are both set to 1.0 and
    MODE_CERFAC is set to 1.

    If generating Cerenkov light directly consider setting CERFAC to 1, or
    switch on NP_EXTERNAL_CERFAC to get correct detection  efficiency.
    Setting NP_EXTERNAL_CERFAC reduces the number Cerenkov photons generated.
    For example if the user selects a 100 photon bomb with  this switch set
    then, on average, SNOMAN will only generate 100 * (cerfac factor).
2.  The value of MCTYPE is used to select the appropriate MCPI bank.As of
    version 2_08 only one MCPI is distributed, with alternative particle
    generation being performed by command files. However, the user is still
    free to write their own MCPI and set the value of MCTYPE accordingly.
    Setting MCTYPE = 0 gives the user total control (and responsibilty!) over
    the generation process via MCG_USER (q.v.)
    Setting MCTYPE < 0 is used to to select a specific MCPL bank.

3.  The following commands will generate events with Universal Date stamps
    that progress randomly according to a mean rate of 10. a day:-
      $initial_date 19960101 12000000
      $mc_event_rate 10. $per_day
    Setting the event rate negative results in a fixed interval.  For example:-
      $mc_event_rate -2. $per_day
    generates events with a fixed time interval of 12 hours.
    Note that $mc_event_rate will be overriden if generating events with a
    solar neutrino rate i.e.:-
      $mc_time $tim_solar_neutrino ...
    and the rate controlled by the solar neutrino code.  The initial date
    will still be controlled by the $initial_date command.
4.  If events are being generated with progressive Universal Date stamps as
    described in note 3 or by selecting a solar neutrino rate, then the following
    commands will generate 30 days of data:-
      $event_limit 0
      $mc_gen_duration  30.
    Setting the event limit to zero ensures that there is no direct cut on the
    number of events generated.
    Note that this will be overriden if generating events MSW events if the
    duration logic is enabled (DUR_ON) in the MMSW bank.
5.  Overlay uses a pre-existing event form the event bank and coppies the tubes into 
    the monte carlo bank, before deleting the pre-existing event bank. If some of the
    tubes have bad calibrations they can either be discarded or an approximate 
    calibration can be applied. This calibration is linear and is of the form:
           Charge in ADC counts = Qint + Qgrd*(Calibrated charge)
           Time in ADC counts = Tint + Tgrd*(Offset-(Calibrated time)) 
    The offset is as in the TCAL bank.

6.  GEN_RUN sets up the following run conditions:
         The start data and time.
         The run duration.
         The PMT noise rate.
    GEN_SOURCE_RUN sets up the calibration source specified in the RHDR bank 
         contained in the run logger, and sets up the source position based 
         upon the CAST bank stored with the RLAI banks.

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