
                          EV      Event bank
    Contact:  N. West, Oxford.
    Revision History:-
    1.03  N. West     Converted to mixed format.
    2.00  N. West     New data structure.
    2.05  N. West     Redefine date stamps.
          Ed Frank    Add link to DAPM
    2.06  D. Wark     Add PT0 bank.
    2.07  N. West     Remove seed (KEV_RNS).  Now in MC bank.
          R. Van de Water, Add PIx banks and KEV_DAQ, KEV_TRG words.
    2.08  N. West     Minor comment change to KEV_NPM, KEV_NPH.
          R. Van de Water, Add KEV_REC and KEV_VPCK words.
    2.09  M. Thorman  Add link to CL 
          D. Wark     Add PMT bank.
    3.00  J. Klein    Replace TIM by GTR. 
          N. West     Bug fix: store DAQ Trigger, PCK and CAL type in _TRG
          N. West     Rename _RTP -> _DTP
    3.01  N. West     Correct typo: KMC_DTP -> KEV_DTP.  Add OWL, LG, FECD.
          N. West     Local Date Stamp now GMT not EST.
          J. Klein    Added trigger words to EV bank, rename _TRG -> _MC_PCK.
          M. Thorman  Rename Px/PIx charges for consistency with electronics
    3.02  N. West     Add KEV_ORPHAN status bit.  Add comment about TRG_TYPE.
                      Add link to ANAL
                      Replace: DAQ_STATUS ->  SUB_RUN.
          N .McCauley Add links to BUTT and NECK
    4.01  G. McGregor Add KEV_TSLH status bit.
          N. West     MC_PCK: CAL_TYPE -> STAT_10MHZ.
    4.02  G. McGregor Add KEV_HCA status bit.
          N. West     Add _MC_GE_ERR.
          N. McCauley Add _DATA_SET, spare words.
    5.00  N. West     Add NCD banks NESG, NES, NEMS, NPA.  Extend _NCD_STATUS.
                      Change link: bank_trig.html to
    5.01  H. Deng     Add NECL.
          A. Poon     Add NCD pulse FFT bank

    Holds all information global to one event trigger.
Reference Links
Structural Links

 -32 -KEV_NPFA      NPFA  NCD Scope Event Fourier and Power Spectra
 -31 -KEV_NECL      NECL  NCD Event Shaper Scope Correlation
 -30 -KEV_NPA       NPA   NCD Pulse Shape Analysis Dispatch
 -29 -KEV_NEMG_PAR  NEMG  NEMG Partial  - Not every supported NEMS has KNEMS_STATUS == 7
 -28 -KEV_NEMG      NEMG  NEMG Complete - Every supported NEMS has KNEMS_STATUS == 7
 -27 -KEV_NES       NES   NCD Event Shaper ADC 
 -26 -KEV_NESG      NESG  NCD Event Shaper Card Global Record
 -25 -KEV_RSP       RSP   Energy Calibration Bank 
 -23 -KEV_BUTT      BUTT  BUTT PMT. 
 -22 -KEV_ANAL      ANAL  Analysis bank.
 -21 -KEV_FECD      FECD  Front end card data.
 -20 -KEV_LG        LG    Low Gain PMT
 -19 -KEV_OWL       OWL   OutWard Looking PMT
 -18 -KEV_PMT       PMT   PMT "short fat" bank.
 -17 -KEV_CL        CL    Classifier bank. 
 -16 -KEV_PIF       PIF   ZDAB_PMT error/status/ID flags.
 -15 -KEV_PIT0      PIT0  ZDAB_PMT unwobbled time.
 -14 -KEV_PIT       PIT   ZDAB_PMT tube time.
 -13 -KEV_PIHS      PIHS  ZDAB_PMT high gain, short-time integrated charges.
 -12 -KEV_PIHL      PIHL  ZDAB_PMT high gain, long-time integrated charges.
 -11 -KEV_PILX      PILX  ZDAB_PMT low gain, long-time integrated charges.
 -10 -KEV_PIN       PIN   ZDAB_PMT tube number.
 -9  -KEV_PT0       PT0   PMT unwobbled times.
 -8  -KEV_PLX       PLX   PMT long-time integrated charges, low gain.
 -7  -KEV_PHS       PHS   PMT short-time integrated.
 -6  -KEV_ZDAB      ZDAB  Zebra Data Acquisition/Analysis Bank.
 -5  -KEV_PF        PF    PMT flags.
 -4  -KEV_PN        PN    PMT tube numbers.
 -3  -KEV_PHL       PHL   PMT charges long-time integrated charges.
 -2  -KEV_PT        PT    PMT times.
 -1  -KEV_FT        FT    Fitter bank.
Status Bits
Note: Any status bit parameters are defined to work with bit functions such as
      IAND and BTEST.

  0  KEV_ORPHAN    Event contains orphan data.
  1  KEV_TSLH      Event contains TSLH information.
  2  KEV_HCA       Event contains HCA information.
  3  KEV_MC_GE_ERR Event produced from MC that had geometry errors suppressed.
Data Words
    Data types: B(bit), I, F, D(double), H(hollerith 4 char)
 +1  I KEV_RUN  Run Number.
 +2  I KEV_EVN  Event Number.
 +3  I KEV_DTP  Data type (see Data Type Codes).
       The next 3 words are the Universal Date Stamp (trigger time):-
 +4  I KEV_JDY  Julian date.  See note 1.
 +5  I KEV_UT1  Universal Time seconds
 +6  I KEV_UT2  Universal Time nanoseconds
       The next 2 words are the Local Date Stamp:-
 +7  I KEV_DTE  Date (format: yyyymmdd).  See note 2
 +8  I KEV_HMSC Time (format: hhmmsscc  - cc is centisec)
 +9  D KEV_GTR  Global trigger time in nsec(first word). See note 3
+10             Second word.
+11  I KEV_NPM  Number of PMTs that fired.  See note 4
+12  F KEV_NPH  Integrated charge in the event.  See note 4
       The next two words relate to the ZEBRA Data Acquisition/Analysis Bank ZDAB.
+13  I KEV_SUB_RUN    Sub-run number, or -1 if unknown.  Only defined for
                      run number >= 10614
+14  I KEV_MC_PCK Packed word see word 5 of zdab:-

                Variable   LSB      Number
                           Pos.    of Bits  
                PCK_TYPE    29       4       MC packing type
                STAT_10MHZ  25       4       10MHz clock status. See KSTAT_10MHZ_* 
                             1      24       zero (obsolete Trigger info)

+15  I KEV_REC  ZDAB input/output record type, e.g. PMT, NCD, CMA, RUN, etc.
                (see for RECTYPE definitions).
+16  I KEV_VPCK ZDAB_PMT format number (x10).
+17  I KEV_GTR_ID     Global Trigger ID 
+18  I KEV_TRG_TYPE   Trigger Word.  See
+19  I KEV_PEAK       Digitized peak of analog sum
+20  I KEV_DIFF       Aalog sum derivative
+21  I KEV_INT        Digitized integral of analog sum
+22  I KEV_ERR        Trigger error bits plus spares
+23  I KEV_DATA_SET   Data Splitter Blindness Word. See note 5
+24-26  Spare

       = 0    No NCD activity
       = 1    Good (legal) NCD data
       = 2    (Not yet implemented) Good NCD data but may have multiple 
              events convolved on to a single trace
       = 3    Bad (illegal) NCD data
       = 4    Unanalysed NCD activity (not yet validated)

                        The remainder of the bank is only defined if 
                        is NCD status > 0.

+28  I  KEV_NUM_MUXG   Number of Multiplexer Global Records
+29  I  KEV_NUM_MUX    Number of Multiplexer Records
+30  I  KEV_NUM_SCOPE  Number of Scope Records

+31     Spare

+35     Spare

       The following come from the  NCD Clock Record    

+36  I  KEV_NCD_CLK_UP  Upper 24 bits of clock
+37  I  KEV_NCD_CLK_LW  Lower clock register (32 bits)

                        If there is no MTC time the above clock will be used to
                        fill Universal and Local date stamps (KEV_JDY... and KEV_DTE...)

+38  I  KEV_NCD_REG     Latch register id

       The following come from the NCD GTID Record

                        If there is no MTC trigger ID the above GTID will be used to
                        fill the Global Trigger ID (KEV_GTR_ID)

+40  I  KEV_NCD_SYNC    Sync clear error

+41                     Spare
+50                     Spare

1)  The Universal Date Stamp gives the trigger time to the nearest 100
    nanosecond, except for MC data that has not been through the 
    packer/unpacker for which it is only rounded to 20 nanosecond. It is based 
    on a 53 bit register 10MHz clock which started on:-

           1 Jan 1996 00:00

    and runs forever (= 28.5years). Due to imperfections in our mechanical
    universe the clock does not run at constant rate.

    The functions:-

        time difference

    can be used to calculate the time shift when comparing times that are
    relative to different Universal Date Stamps.

2)  The Local Date Stamp gives a time to the nearest centisec in GMT (no
    daylight saving correction) and is equivalent to the Universal Date Stamp.
    As it is of lower resolution it should be derived from the Universal
    version (using universal_date_local) and NOT the other way round.  The
    reason for the duplication is that this form is easier for humans (helps
    when debugging etc.) and will probably used for database validity ranges.

3)  The Global trigger time is based on a 43 bit 50MHz clock. It must
    restart/wrap every 2.04 days and will happen within a run. It gives 
    relative time between events (unless phase changes between them).  Global 
    triggers are latched to (i.e. occur on) 50MHz (20nsec) clock ticks 

4)  KEV_NPM records the number of PMTs that were hit, regardless of the number
    of photoelectrons each received.  KEV_NPH gives the integrated charge in
    the event.
5) KEV_DATA_SET holds the blindness results of the data splitter for the 
   current event. The word is used as a bit mask with the bits defined as 
   Bit 0 set if the event is in a data set that has been defined to be OEPN.
   Bit 1-30 set if the event is in data set 1-30.
   Bit 31 set if the data set is undefined.
   If no bits are set the data set has not been calculated. 

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