NECL  NCD Event Shaper Scope Correlation
    Contact:  H. Deng, Penn
    Revision History:-
    5.01  H. Deng   First version
    5.02  A. Poon   Added correlated GTID and spare words


The RAA subprocessor RAA_SUBP_NCD_CORR_TAG searches for correlated
shaper/scope events. If a pair of shaper/scope events are found, two
NECL banks are lifted. One is under the ev bank of the shaper event
and the other is under the ev bank of the scope events.

Reference Links
Structural Links
Status Bits
Note: Any status bit parameters are defined to work with bit functions such as
      IAND and BTEST.
Data Words
    Data types: B(bit), I, F, D(double), H(hollerith 4 char)
 +1  I KNECL_CHARGE     Correlated shaper value
 +2  F KNECL_DTIME      Time difference between two events
 +3  I KNECL_CORR_GRID  Event trigger ID of the correlated event.(See note 1).
 +4  I KNECL_SPARE_I_1  Spare integer words
  .                     . 
  .                     .
 +6  I KNECL_SPARE_I_3  Last spare integer words
 +7  F KNECL_SPARE_F_1  Spare float
  .                     .
  .                     .
+10  F KNECL_SPARE_F_4  Last spare float

1.  If the current event is a MUX/scope event, this word stores the shaper 
event GTID, and vice versa.  When reading in files that were processed 
with SNOMAN version prior to 5.0181 (and if NECL banks exist in this
file), this word is set to -99999 (KNECL_NO_GTID).

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