
        PMT The "short fat" banks for each PMT.  One for each PMT > disc.
    Contact:  D. L. Wark, Oxford.
    Revision History:-
    2.09  D. Wark     First version.
    3.00  N. West     Add bank address mnemonics.  Add comment about creation.
                      Add status bit _DIGITIZED and data word _PIN.
          D. Wark     Add data word _CELL.
    3.01  N. West     _PIN now holds Card Crate Channel after uncalibration.
                      Correct FLAG1/2 bit numbering.
          R.G. Van de Water, Reorganise to match production electronics.
          M. THorman  Renamed Px/PIx charges for consistency with electronics
    3.02  N. West     New bits: Crosstalk, No calibration, Bad calibration. 
                      Add KPF_FECD (comment only - change made in 3.01)
          N .McCauley Add comments on BUTT and NECK.
    4.01  G. McGregor Add KPMT_TSLH data word.
    4.02  G. McGregor Add KPMT_HCA data word.
          R. Van de Water Add ECA/PCA/ANXX validation and ECA calibrated
                          Q/T words.
          N. West     Add 6 spare words.
    4.02  M. Boulay   Add KPMT_PT1 data word.
    5.00  C. Kyba     Add KPMT_PTM and KPMT_PTMS.
          C. Kyba     Add KPMT_QM, best estimate for PMT charge,
                      and KPMT_QMS, status word
          A. Anthony  Add  KPMT_QRC. Change: corrected value -> correction.
    5.01  N. McCauley Add note 8.
          M. Dunford  Changed KPMT_QRC to Float

   These banks contain the information from those PMT's that exceeded the
   discriminator threshold in a particular trigger (the so-called "short
   fat" banks).  They contain the same information as the Px and PIx banks,
   but arranged so that all the information from a particular PMT is in one
   PMT bank (while the Px and PIx banks contain all the, say, times for a
   particular trigger in the PT bank and so forth).
   For more detail about the Px and PIx banks see PF.

   The PMT bank is Created by   : MCO:  Monte Carlo
                   Updated by   : UCL:  Event UnCalibration
                   Recreated by : UPK:  Event Unpacker 
                   Updated by   : CAL:  Event Calibration

   The OWL, LG, FECD, BUTT and NECK banks have an identical format to the PMT bank, so the
   bank PMT mnemonics can be used for them as well.

Reference Links
Structural Links
Status Bits
Note: Any status bit parameters are defined to work with bit functions such as
      IAND and BTEST.

  0  KPMT_DIGITIZED    The PIx data words e.g. _PIT0, are stored in digitized form. 
  1  KPMT_MISSING_PMT  The bank contains a missing PMT. See Note 2

Data Words

    Data types: B(bit), I, F, D(double), H(hollerith 4 char)
 +1  I  KPMT_PN    Tube number. (PN)
                   For FECD, which has no associated tube number, this word is 
                   a copy of KPMT_PIN
 +2  I  KPMT_PF    Set of 1-bit flags.  All undefined bits are
                   set to zero. (PF)  The following bits are defined:-
             Bit      Meaning if Set
          0  KPF_DIS         Discard hit for all processing including fitting.
                             See Note 3.
          2  KPF_NOI         Noise.
          3  KPF_PRP         Pre-pulse.
          4  KPF_AFP         After pulse.
          5  KPF_FECD        Front-End Card Data i.e. non-PMT channel.
                             Should only be set on FECD bank.
          5.. KPF_FT_MASK+i  Discarded by fitter method i (i = 1,2..).
                             For description of fitter methods set the FTx bank.
         26  KPF_XT          Crosstalk.
         27  KPF_NO_CAL      No calibration.
         28  KPF_BAD_CAL     Bad calibration.

 +3  F  KPMT_PT    Time in nano-secs relative to event T0 - see EV. (PT)
 +4  F  KPMT_PHL   Integrated charge. (PHL)
 +5  F  KPMT_PHS   Short-time integrated charge. (PHS)
 +6  F  KPMT_PLX   Low-gain integrated charge. (PLX)
 +7  F  KPMT_PT0   Time with the PMT jitter removed. (PT0)
 +8  I  KPMT_PIF   Set of n-bit flags for ith hit in list. All undefined bits are
                   set to zero. (PIF) The following bits are defined:-

        Bit Field            DAQ Meaning
          0-3                NCELL    (CMOS Cell address 0 to 15)
          4-5                FLAG1     Bit  4 = CGT ES16
                                       Bit  5 = CGT ES24.
          6-9                FLAG2     Bit  6 = Missed Count
                                       Bit  7 = NC/CC Flag
                                       Bit  8 = LGISELECT (1=long sample)
                                       Bit  9 = CMOS ES16.

 +9  F  KPMT_PIT   Uncalibrated times (PIT)
 +10 F  KPMT_PIHL  Uncalibrated high-gain, long int. charge  (PIHL)       
 +11 F  KPMT_PIHS  Uncalibrated high-gain, short int. charge (PIHS)
 +12 F  KPMT_PILX  Uncalibrated low-gain, long int. charge   (PILX)
 +13 F  KPMT_PIT0  Uncalibrated unjittered time (PIT0)
 +14 I  KPMT_CELL  PMT channel cell number.
 +15 I  KPMT_PIN   CCC DAQ Circuit Number
                       = 1024*card + 32*crate + channel
                   Before uncalibration it holds the tube no.  See Note 1
                   and Note 2
 +16 F  KPMT_TSLH  TSLH of PMT. See Note 4
 +17 F  KPMT_HCA   HCA information. See Note 5
 +18 I  KPMT_ECA_VAL ECA validation status word Note 6
 +19 I  KPMT_PCA_VAL PCA validation status word. See Note 8
 +20 I  KPMT_ANXX    ANXX validation status word. See Note 8
 +21 F  KPMT_EPT     ECA calibrated time (nsec)
 +22 F  KPMT_EHL     ECA calibrated QHL (pedestal subracted)
 +23 F  KPMT_EHS     ECA calibrated QHS (pedestal subracted)
 +24 F  KPMT_ELX     ECA calibrated QLX (pedestal subracted)
 +25 F  KPMT_PT1     Non-walk corrected PMT time.
 +26 F  KPMT_PTM     Multiphoton PCA time
 +27 F  KPMT_PTMS    Multiphoton PCA PMT transit time RMS
 +28 F  KPMT_QM      Best charge (either QHS or QLX)
 +29 I  KPMT_QMS     Best charge status word. See Note 7
 +30 F  KPMT_QRC     Charge correction for rate-dependent shifting.

1)  All real data comes in digitized form and so the _PIN word holds CCC numbers.
    For Monte Carlo data however, the _PIN word initially holds PMT tube numbers
    which are subsequently converted to CCC in UCL:  Event UnCalibration

2)  Before development release 3.0081, SNOMAN code used all 9552 PMTs and just
    recorded the tube number in _PIN.  After that, missing PMTs were
    excluded and _PIN held CCC after uncalibration.  If reading old data
    the _PIN word is converted but a problem arises if the bank contains 
    a missing PMT for it has have no corresponding CCC. In this case:-

    o  The KPMT_MISSING_PMT is set.
    o  The _PIN word holds the negated tube no. instead of CCC.

    This allows CAL:  Event Calibration to map PIN -> PN correctly even if the
    tube is missing.

3)  The discard bit KPF_DIS of the 1-bit flags KPMT_PF is also set if any
    other failure bit, such as KPF_NO_CAL or KPF_BAD_CAL is set.  So only this
    bit need be tested for PMT rejection. This can also be set in the
    unpacker if $UPK_TUBES_OFF is set $ON, in which case the PMT is disgarded
    if it was not on according the the corresponding DQCH/DQCR banks.

4)  TSLH information is present only in the modified (v4.01) zdab format or
    when the RAA TSLH subprocessor has been called to fill the data structure.

5)  HCA information is present only in the modified (v4.02) zdab format.
    Defined as corrected ECA time = ECA time + HCA correction.

6)    Packed ECA status word (true = 1).  See "SNO Electronic Calibration 
                                          Constants" review doc for more details.
      -bit 0    failed overall ped/TAC cell check (OR of bits 1-7)
      -bit 1    failed MB/DB ID test
      -bit 2    no ECA events/sequencer off (cell)
      -bit 3    failed Qhs ped test (cell)
      -bit 4    failed Qhl ped test (cell)
      -bit 5    failed Qlx ped test (cell)
      -bit 6    failed TAC ped test (cell)
      -bit 7    failed TAC slope test (cell)
      -bit 8    failed overall pedestal/TAC check (channel)
      -bit 9    Frati TAC jump flag set (cell)
      -bit 10   Frati TAC jump flag set (channel)
      -bit 11   QHS failed CALDAC test (channel/slot)
      -bit 12   QHL failed CALDAC test (channel/slot)
      -bit 13   QLX failed CALDAC test (channel/slot)
      -bit 14   TAC failed CALDAC test (channel/slot)
      -bit 15   Cannot extrapolate TAC (time lies in curl or low region)    

7)  The value of the status word is as below:

       In Charges              Out    Err
       ----------              ---    ---
       QHS good,   QLX good    QHS     0
       QHS good,   QLX bad     QHS     0
       QHS good,   QLX railed  QHS     0
       QHS bad,    QLX good    QLX     0
       QHS bad,    QLX bad     -9999.  3
       QHS bad,    QLX railed  QLX     2
       QHS railed, QLX good    QLX     0
       QHS railed, QLX bad     QHS     1
       QHS railed, QLX railed  QLX     1

       Routine disabled        NONE   -1 (set by cal_calibration_pmt)
       Monte Carlo             NONE    0 (set by mcfec)

8)   The ANxx status word and the PCA validation are filled by ANxx. 
KPMT_PCA_VAL is filled by the PCA style ANxx bank generated from the next PCA, 
while KPMT_ANXX is filled by the neutrino style ANxx bank generated from this 
run. These words are two bitmasks, whos bits are defined as follows.

 Bit        Bit Name                 Description.
 ===        ========                 ============

  0     KANX_FLAG_ZERO_OCC         zero occupancy
  1     KANX_FLAG_TAC_ORIG         fails original TAC cut.
  2     KANX_FLAG_TAC_LO           fails TAC low side cut.
  3     KANX_FLAG_TAC_HI           fails TAC low side cut.
  4     KANX_FLAG_QHS_ORIG         fails original QHS cut.
  5     KANX_FLAG_QHS_LO           fails QHS low side cut.
  6     KANX_FLAG_QHS_HI           fails QHS low side cut.
  7     KANX_FLAG_QHL_ORIG         fails original QHL cut.
  8     KANX_FLAG_QHL_LO           fails QHL low side cut.
  9     KANX_FLAG_QHL_HI           fails QHL low side cut.
 10     KANX_FLAG_QLX_ORIG         fails original QLX cut.
 11     KANX_FLAG_QLX_LO           fails QLX low side cut.
 12     KANX_FLAG_QLX_HI           fails QLX low side cut.
 13     KANX_FLAG_SYNC             fails sync clear test.
 14     KANX_FLAG_CELL_ID          fails cell ID# increment test.
 15     KANX_FLAG_ORPHAN           fails excessive orphan cut.
 16     KANX_FLAG_HIGH_OCC         fails high occupancy cut.
 17     KANX_FLAG_LOW_OCC          fails low occupancy cut.
 18     KANX_FLAG_GAIN_RATIO       fails EHS/ELX gain ratio cut.
 19     KANX_FLAG_HARDWARE         flags bad hardware tubes from anhd.
 24     KANX_FLAG_FORMER_TAC       failed last PCA TAC tests
 25     KANX_FLAG_FORMER_QHS       failed last PCA QHS tests
 26     KANX_FLAG_FORMER_QHL       failed last PCA QHL tests
 27     KANX_FLAG_FORMER_QLX       failed last PCA QLX tests
 28     KANX_FLAG_FORMER_GR        failed last PCA gain ratio test.
 30     KANX_FLAG_LOW_PROMPT_OCC   failed prompt occupancy cut on clean data.

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