NPFA  NCD Scope Event Fourier and Power Spectra
    Contact:  N. Tolich, LBNL.
    Revision History:-
    5.01  A. Poon   First version


This bank stores the Fourier and the power spectra of NCD scope traces that are 
calculated by the NPF processor.  

Two Fourier spectra are stroed in this bank.  One of these is calculated from a 6-us 
window around the logged input pulse, whereas the other one is calculated from a 
12-us window.  The power spectrum for the 6-us window case is also stored in this bank.

Reference Links
Structural Links
Status Bits
Note: Any status bit parameters are defined to work with bit functions such as
      IAND and BTEST.
Data Words
    Data types: B(bit), I, F, D(double), H(hollerith 4 char)
 +1      I KNPFA_FFT_STATUS       Status word from NPF Fourier transform (See 
                                  note 1 ).
 +2      F KNPFA_BASELINE_OFFSET  Average baseline of the logged input pulse
                                  (See note 2 ).
 +3      F KNPFA_FFT              Beginning of the "short" FFT spectrum 
  .                               (6us window on input pulse)
 +6003   F KNPFA_FFT_LONG         Beginning of the "long" FFT spectrum 
  .                               (12us window on input pulse)
+18003   KNPFA_POWER_SPECT        Beginning of the power spectrum on the short 
  .                               FFT spectrum (length=3001 bins(words))
1) This is set to KSU_OK (=0) if the NPF does not encounter any problem

2) This is the average (logged) pulse height in the last 4.5us of the captured pulse.


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