
           RSP     Energy Calibration Bank
    Contact:  M. Boulay, Queens.
    Revision History:-
    4.00  M. Boulay   First version.
    4.02  M. Boulay   Revised KTRSP_NWIN to include prompt hits
                      witout PCA correction, KTRSP_NWIN_PT now
                      includes prompt hits with PCA correction.
		      Added KTRSP_TSHIFT, average time shift between
		      walk-corrected and non-corrected times. 
    5.01 R.F. MacLellan Add alternate energy estimator.
    5.01 R.F. macLellan Add additional words for alt energy.

    Holds results from the energy calibration processor.
Reference Links
Structural Links

Status Bits
Note: Any status bit parameters are defined to work with bit functions such as
      IAND and BTEST.

  0  KRSP_OK   This event has a valid energy calibration.
Data Words
    Data types: B(bit), I, F, D(double), H(hollerith 4 char)
 +1  F KRSP_OPTICAL_RESPONSE Optical response for this event.
 +2  F KRSP_NWIN             Number of in-time hits.
 +3  F KRSP_NWIN2            Total number of in-time hits (MC only), 
                             see note 1.
 +4  F KRSP_NDARK            Average number of noise hits in window.
 +5  F KRSP_NEFF             Effective hits, see note 2.
 +6  F KRSP_NCOR             Corrected hits, see note 3.
 +7  F KRSP_NCORMC           Scaled corrected hits, see note 4.
 +8  F KRSP_NONLINE          Number of on-line tubes.
 +9  F KRSP_NCAL             Number of calibratable tubes, 
                             see note 5.
 +10  F KRSP_NEFFICIENT      Number of tubes with efficiency > 0, 
                             see note 5.
 +11  F KRSP_NWORKING        Number of working tubes, see note 5.
 +12  F KRSP_ENE             Estimated energy in MeV.
 +13  F KRSP_UNCERTAINTY     Uncertainty on above.
 +14  F KRSP_QUALITY         Quality of energy calibration.
 +15  F KRSP_R_D2O           D2O contribution to response.
 +16  F KRSP_R_ACR           Acrylic contribution to response.
 +17  F KRSP_R_H2O           H2O contribution to response.
 +18  F KRSP_R_FRESNEL       Fresnel scattering contribution to 
                             response, see note 6.
 +19  F KRSP_R_MPE           MPE contribution to response.
 +20  F KRSP_R_PMTR          PMT response contribution to response.
 +21  F KRSP_R_EFF           PMT efficiency contribution to response.
 +22  F KRSP_DRIFT           Scale drift correction  
 +23  F KRSP_NHITS           Total number of working inward-looking PMTs
                             which have fired in this event.
 +24  I KRSP_FIT_IDX         Index of vertex fitter used.
 +25  F KRSP_NWIN_ALLQ       Number of working inward looking tubes in the 
                             prompt time window which have fired, without the
			     software charge threshold. See note 3.
 +26  F KRSP_NHITS_ALLQ      Number of working inward looking tubes which have
                             fired without the software charge threshold.
			     See note 3.
 +27  F KRSP_NHITS_DQXX      Number of online inword looking tubes which have
                             fired.  See note 3.
 +28  F KRSP_NWIN_PT         In-time hits with walk-correction and charge cut.
 +29  F KRSP_TSHIFT          Time shift between walk corrected and non-corrected
 +30  F KRSP_PMT_RESPONSE    RSP PMT response.
 +31  F KRSP_ALT_ENERGY      Alternate RSP energy see note 8.
 +32  F KRSP_NCKV            Alternate RSP Ncor equivalent.
 +33  F KRSP_RESOLUTION      RSP resolution estimate, not yet defined.
 +34  F KRSP_FOM             RSP figure of merit, not yet defined.
 +35  F KRSP_NCD_SHAD_COR    NCD shadow correction, not yet defined.
 +36  F KRSP_RLAMBDA         New energy optical response
 +37  F KRSP_OMEGA           New energy solid angle response
 +38  F KRSP_CKVPROB         New energy cerenkov distribution response
 +39  F KRSP_CHANEFF         New energy channel efficiency response
 +40  F KRSP_PMTEFF          New energy relative PMT efficiency response
 +41  F KRSP_MPE             New energy MPE response
 +42  F Spare.
 ..     ..
 +50  F Spare.


0)  KRSP_NWIN holds the total number of in-time discriminator
    firings using non-walk corrected times and without a 
    software charge threshold.  KRSP_NWIN_PT uses walk-corrected
    times and applies the charge threshold.

1)  KRSP_NWIN2 holds the total number of in-time discriminator 
    firings for a Monte-Carlo event which can be used to study 
    multi-photon effects.

2)  KRSP_NEFF is defined as NWIN - NDARK.

3)  KRSP_NCOR is defined as KRSP_NEFF x (1./optical_response) x 
    (total no. tubes)/(no. tubes online).

4)  KRSP_NCORMC is a scaled version of KRSP_NCOR.  
    This should only be used for testing.

5)  KRSP_NEFFICIENT  is currently only a placeholder.  The total number
    of tubes online are counted by several methods:
    KRSP_NWORKING :   Number of working tubes, tubes which are determined
                      to be on-line from the DQXX info, the ECA validation,
		      and the RSPS validation.  This number of tubes
		      are counted towards RSP_NWIN, the primary energy
    KRSP_NONLINE :    Number of tubes defined as 'online' with the DQXX info.
    KRSP_NCAL    :    Number of tubes which are 'online' and pass the RSPS
6)  With the current +/- 10 nsec time window, corrections for 
    Fresnel transmission through the acrylic interfaces are not 
    included in the optical response, since reflected/transmitted 
    light will both be in-time.

7)  The raw hit totals for a given event are defined as follows:
    a)  Number of hits in a prompt time window:
       KRSP_NWIN : number of tubes which have fired, are defined as
                   'working' above, and are in the prompt window,
		   without PCA walk correction or charge cut.
       KRSP_NWIN2: same as above but mulitple hits on the same channel are
                   counted (MC).
       KRSP_NWIN_PT: same as Nwin but using PCA walk-corrected times and 
                     applying a software charge threshold.
       KRSP_NWIN_ALLQ: same as KRSP_NWIN_PT but without the sofware treshold.
    b) No time window:
       KRSP_NHITS: same as KRSP_NWIN_PT but without a prompt time window applied.
       KRSP_NHITS_ALLQ: same as above but without a software charge threshold.
       KRSP_NHITS_DQXX: number of tubes which have fired and are defined
                        as 'online' in the DQXX info.

       The energy estimator used in RSP is KRSP_NWIN.

8  If calculating both RSP energy types this word is filled with the 
   alternate energy. Which energy this is depends upon TRSP word 23.

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