Structure Diagram for MCO: Monte Carlo
         An Introduction to the Structure Diagrams is available.
        NB  These links will be broken until the HTML Version of the Code is installed.
See also MCG (MC Generation), MCE (MC Evolution) and
MCD (MC DAQ) wich are part of this SU.
This is the main Monte Carlo processor.  It consists of 3 processors, which may
eventually be callable individually: MCG,
If MCO is called where there is already an MC subtree present then it does the
following procressing:-

1)  If the number of particles in the MCPI is greater than zero then call MCG
    and MCE
2)  Call MCD

Titles Banks Used
 JOB  Job Control
See also:- MCG, MCE, MCD Initialisation Routines ----------------------- INMCO Execution Routines ------------------ MCMAIN Termination Routines -------------------- TMMCO

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