
                          MAST    Master bank
    Contact:  N. West, Oxford.
    Revision History:-
    2.00  N. West     First version.
    2.05  N. West     Add DSML and shift up EDIT and ANAL.
    2.08  N. West     Add SNOMAN version no.
    3.00  N. West     Add SNOMAN_VER_ORG. Replace EDIT -> RHDR.  Add status bits
    3.01  N. West     Add spare structural links.  Add EPED.  
                      Rename status bit MAST_RUN -> MAST_PERM.
    3.01  D. Wark     Update for the new TRIG bank.
    3.01  S. Biller   Update for the new CAST, CAAC, SOSF and SOSx banks
    3.02  P. Wittich  Add _SUBRUN bit. Add LABL bank for tape labels.
    3.02  M. Thorman  Add KMAST_RLOG link.
          N. West     Fix typo: links to CAST and CAAC were interchanged.
          J. Roberts  Add TASK bank.
    4.01  N. McCauley Add RLAI bank
    5.00  N. West     Add NCD Global (NGxx) banks. Replace NGxx by NGGR.

    Top level bank for one physics event.
Reference Links
Structural Links

 -25 -KMAST_RLOG  RLOG  Runlog data.
 -24 -KMAST_RLAI  RLAI  Runlog Analysis data.  See Note 2
  :               Spare Links.
 -14 -KMAST_NGGR  NGGR NCD Global Generic Record
 -13 -KMAST_TASK  TASK bank (not yet implemented)
 -12 -KMAST_LABL  LABL  Tape label information
 -11 -KMAST_CAAC  CAAC  AV status
 -10 -KMAST_CAST  CAST  Manipulator status
 -9  -KMAST_SOSF  SOSF  LED status
 -8  -KMAST_SOSx  SOSx  Manipulator-source status
 -7  -KMAST_TRIG  TRIG  Trigger Information Bank. 
 -6  -KMAST_EPED  EPED  Electronics Calibration Pedestal bank.
 -5  -KMAST_RHDR  RHDR  Top level run header bank.
 -4  -KMAST_ANAL  ANAL  Analysis top level bank.
 -3  -KMAST_DSML  DSML Data Structure Manager Log bank.
 -2  -KMAST_MC    MC    Monte Carlo top level bank.
 -1  -KMAST_EV    EV    First event trigger bank.
Status Bits
Note: Any status bit parameters are defined to work with bit functions such as
      IAND and BTEST.

                If bit set structure contains ...

  0                Not used (set to zero).
  1  KMAST_PMT     PMT data.
  2  KMAST_PERM    Permanent data of any kind e.g. Run Header.
  3  KMAST_NCD     NCD data.
  4  KMAST_CMA     CMA data.
  5  KMAST_ECA     ECA data.
  6  KMAST_SUBRUN  Sub-run data, i.e. permanent bank data that is duplicated
                   at the start of the second and subsequent sub runs to
                   ensure the context is maintained across file boundaries.
                   See Note 1

Data Words
    Data types: B(bit), I, F, D(double), H(hollerith 4 char)
  Wd Typ  Mnem.       Description
 +1   F   SNOMAN_VER      Current SNOMAN version no.
 +2   F   SNOMAN_VER_ORG  Original SNOMAN version no.


  1. Runs span files. Each file contains a single subrun. The separation into subruns is a processing convenience. However it must be possible, where sensible, to process any file in isolation, so it follows that each subrun must have a full complement of permanent data banks. So, the recorder duplicates the current set as the very first record, each time it starts a new subrun. Processors that always process the entire run can ignore these duplicates by testing the KMAST_SUBRUN bit and skiping any record that has it set.
  2. The RLAI bank is usually found hanging from the runlogger bank. This link is only used during the creation of the RLAI bank.

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