
                          TRIG      Trigger bank
    Contact:  N. West, Oxford.
    Revision History:-
    3.01  D. Wark    First version, data from Peter Wittich.
    3.02  N. West    Add Run Number + 5 spares.  
                     Fix misordering of OWLN,OWLELO,OWLEHI


    Holds data from the global trigger. 
Reference Links
Structural Links
Status Bits
Note: Any status bit parameters are defined to work with bit functions such as
      IAND and BTEST.
Data Words
    Data types: B(bit), I, F, D(double), H(hollerith 4 char)
  Wd Typ  Mnem.          Description


  +1  I   TRIG_MASK      Trigger mask, for bits see note 1 below.   
  +2  I   N100LO  - -      
  +3  I   N100MED   |      
  +4  I   N100HI    |       
  +5  I   N20       |     /  Words 2-11 are the present trigger thresholds for
  +6  I   N20LB     |----<   the indicated trigger (see the SNO-STR-97-035) in 
  +7  I   ESUMLO    |     \  DAC counts.
  +8  I   ESUMHI    |      
  +9  I   OWLN      |
 +10  I   OWLELO    |
 +11  I   OWLEHI   --
 +12  I   N100LO_ZERO --  
 +13  I   N100MED_ZERO |  
 +14  I   N100HI_ZERO  |    
 +15  I   N20_ZERO     |   /  Word 12-21 trigger zero offsets (i.e., the 
 +16  I   N20LB_ZERO   |--<   difference between the value in word 2-11 above 
 +17  I   ESUMLO_ZERO  |   \  and the value of word 12-21 for the given trigger
 +18  I   ESUMHI_ZERO  |    \ is the threshold for that trigger
 +19  I   OWLN_ZERO    |
 +20  I   OWLELO_ZERO  |
 +21  I   OWLEHI_ZERO --  
 +22  I   PULSER_RATE     Current setting of the MTCD pulser in frequency.
 +23  I   MTC_CSR         MTCD control and status register, see note 2.
 +24  I   LKOUT_WIDTH     Lockout width, see note 3. 
 +25  I   PRESCALE_FRAC   Prescale setting, see note 4.
 +26  I   GT_ID           Global Trigger ID indicating the start of validity.
 +27  I   RUN_NUMBER      Run number
 +28  I                   Spare
 ..   I                   ..
 +32  I                   ..


1) Each bit set in the global trigger mask indicates a trigger that is
   masked in.  For a fuller description see SNO-STR-97-035.  The bits are:

   Trigger type     Bit            Description

   NHIT100LO        0x00000001UL   Low threshold, 100 ns wide trigger window
   NHIT100MED       0x00000002UL   med threshold, 100 ns wide trigger window
   NHIT100HI        0x00000004UL   you get the idea
   NHIT20           0x00000008UL   tube-to-tube programmable 20 ns wide trigger 
   NHIT20LB         0x00000010UL   lookback version of 20 ns trigger
   ESUMLO           0x00000020UL   trigger on energy sum of low gain 
   ESUMHI           0x00000040UL   trigger on energy sum of high gain
   OWLN             0x00000080UL   100ns nhit trigger on outward looking tubes
   OWLELO           0x00000100UL   energy sum, low gain on outward tubes
   OWLEHI           0x00000200UL   energy sum, high gain on outward tubes
   PULSE_GT         0x00000400UL   pulser generated calibration trigger
   PRESCALE         0x00000800UL   Prescaled NHIT_100_LO trigger
   PEDESTAL         0x00001000UL   Pedestal calibration trigger
   PONG             0x00002000UL   GPS round-trip delay trigger
   SYNC             0x00004000UL   GPS synchronization trigger
   EXT_ASYNC        0x00008000UL   External trigger not synched to the 50 MHz
   EXT2             0x00010000UL   External synchronous trigger 2
   EXT3             0x00020000UL   and 3
   EXT4             0x00040000UL   and 4
   EXT5             0x00080000UL   and do forth.....
   EXT6             0x00100000UL
   EXT7             0x00200000UL
   EXT8_PULSE_ASYNC 0x00400000UL   ext trig. 8, also makes pulse_gt asynch.
   SPECIAL_RAW      0x00800000UL   Logical combination of up to 9 triggers
   NCD              0x01000000UL   Neutral Current Detector trigger
   SOFT_GT          0x02000000UL   Trigger forced from software

   There is one more trigger bit that you cannot mask in but will appear in the
   data stream, namely:

   MISS_TRIG        0x04000000UL   Missed trigger bit, i.e., an additional
                                    trigger arrived after the trigger coin.
                                    but before LOCKOUT. 

2) The bits in the control and register status register are:

   PED_EN           0x00000001UL   Enable pedestal pulse
   PULSE_EN         0x00000002UL   Enable on-board calibration pulser
   LOAD_ENPR        0x00000004UL   Prescale load enable (toggle to load SCALE)
   LOAD_ENPS        0x00000008UL   Pulser load enable (toggle to load period)
   LOAD_ENPW        0x00000010UL   toggle to load pedestal width and coarse del
   LOAD_ENLK        0x00000020UL   toggle to load lockout width
   ASYNC_EN         0x00000040UL   enable generation of synclr on gt
   RESYNC_EN        0x00000080UL   generate synclr on gt counter 16-bit roll
   TESTGT           0x00000100UL   gt counter test mode
   TEST50           0x00000200UL   50 MHz test mode
   TEST10           0x00000400UL   10 MHz test mode
   LOAD_ENGT        0x00000800UL   toggle to load programmed gt count
   LOAD_EN50        0x00001000UL   toggle to load programmed 50 MHz setting
   LOAD_EN10        0x00002000UL   toggle to load programmed 10 MHz setting
   TESTMEM1         0x00004000UL   memory test mode 1
   TESTMEM2         0x00008000UL   memory test mode 2
   FIFO_RESET       0x00010000UL   reset all fifo pointers
   The remaining bits specify which MTC/A DAC threshold to monitor.
   For a fuller description see SNO-STR-97-035.

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