
                          RLOG      Run Log bank
    Contact:  M. Thorman, Oxford.
    Revision History:-
    3.02  M. Thorman     First version.
          N. West        Update ready for data production.  Add creation date.
                         Add missed count and trigger error words.
                         Major update ready for production tests.
    4.01  N. McCauley    Add RLAI bank.

This is the major bank of the RLG data structure. It holds a summary of the data
from a single run. It is created by the runlog generator (RLG) which writes the
full MASTed structure out to the database. It can later be read  back in with
RLR, the  runlog reader, (which reads it in to the event division, not the
permanent division). Most of the data is in the form of histograms and small
ntuples which are generated by HBOOK and then copied over from the PAWC store
(see HIDx).

The bank number is the run number.
Reference Links
Structural Links

 -5               Spare links.
 -2  -KRLOG_RLAI  RLAI  Runlog Analysis Information.
 -1  -KRLOG_HIDx  HIDx  HBOOK histogram/ntuple data.
Status Bits
Note: Any status bit parameters are defined to work with bit functions such as
      IAND and BTEST.
Data Words
    Data types: B(bit), I, F, D(double), H(hollerith 4 char)
  Wd Typ Mnem.        Description


   -5   I                 Run number (this is the bank number).
      Words 1..4 effectively define a validity range for the run:-
   +1   I  RHDR_DATE      Date/Time from runheader.
   +2   I  RHDR_TIME          "      
   +3   I  MX_DATE        Date/Time of latest event in this run. 
   +4   I  MX_TIME            "      
   +5   I  RUN_TIME       Run time in seconds
   +6   I  NUM_SUB_RUNS   Number of sub-runs.
   +7   I  NUM_CHAN       Number of channels on-line.
   +8   F  RLG_SNOMAN_VER SNOMAN version used for runlog generation.
   +9   I  RLG_DATE       Local date for runlog generation.
   +10  I  RLG_TIME       Local time for runlog generation.
   +11  H  RLG_MACHINE    Machine name for runlog generation (first 4 chars)
   +12  H                 Machine name for runlog generation (last 4 chars)
    :   I
   +20  I                 Spare
   +21  I  NUM_EV         Number of EV banks processed.
   +22  I  EV_MIN         The lowest event number encountered.
   +23  I  EV_MAX         The highest event number encountered.
   +24  I  SOSF_LED_MASK  1-bit mask.  Bit i on if LED i on in any SOSF bank.
   +25  I  SOSA
   +26  I  SOSG
   +27  I  SOSL
   +28  I  SOSR
   +29  I  NUM_MISS_CHAN  Number of channels with Missed Count bit set
                          on any event.
    :   I
   +39  I                 Spare

   +40     CLPS_NTPR      This marks the start of the section of the RLOG
                          banks that is build as a "collapsed n-tuple" by NTPR
                          See runlogger.dat.

   This section counts the number of each of the following banks.

   +49  I  EPED_PED_END
   +50  i  EPED_OTHER
   +70  I               Spare

   This section counts the number of each type of trigger error bit.

   +71  I  TESTGT
   +72  I  TEST50
   +73  I  TEST10
   +74  I  TESTMEM1
   +75  I  TESTMEM2
   +76  I  SYNCLR16
   +77  I  SYNCLR16_NO_TC_16
   +78  I  SYNCLR24
   +79  I  SYNCLR24_NO_TC_16
   +82  I  FIFOS_FULL
   +83  I  TRIG_ERR_29
   +84  I  TRIG_ERR_30
   +85  I  TRIG_ERR_31
  +150  I  Spare

   The remainder of the bank is organised by trigger bit.  
   For each bit there are 4 words:-
     +0    I  Number of event with trigger
     +1    F  Exposure in secs (= run time if trigger enabled,
                                = 0.       otherwise)
     +2    F  Trigger rate (events/sec)
     +3    F  Rate RMS  (or = 0. if no trigger histogram available)

   For example NHIT100MED+2 is the Trigger rate for NHIT100MED.
  +151  I  Any
  +155  I  NHIT100LO
  +159  I  NHIT100MED
  +163  I  NHIT100HI
  +167  I  NHIT20
  +171  I  NHIT20LB
  +175  I  ESUMLO
  +179  I  ESUMHI
  +183  I  OWLN
  +187  I  OWLELO
  +191  I  OWLEHI
  +195  I  PULSE_GT
  +199  I  PRESCALE
  +203  I  PEDESTAL
  +207  I  PONG
  +211  I  SYNC
  +215  I  EXT_ASYNC
  +219  I  EXT2
  +223  I  EXT3
  +227  I  EXT4
  +231  I  EXT5
  +235  I  EXT6
  +239  I  EXT7
  +247  I  SPECIAL_RAW
  +251  I  NCD
  +255  I  SOFT_GT
  +259  I  Spare
  +300     Spare

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