The SNOMAN Symbol Table

This section is organised as follows:-


What the symbol table is and how to use it to issue SNOMAN symbolic commands.

General Flags


Job control

Event limits, file names, file formats, record sizes, processor list, event tests, database control.

MC Control

MC run number, generation limit, killvx, seed.

MC Generation

Number of seed vertices, description of seed vertex - interaction, position, direction, energy, time.


MSW control of neutrino type, neutrino model, neutrino flavour, solar model, msw model, cross-section type, b8 spectrum.

MC Neutron Transport & Photodisintegration

Salt and heavy water impurities affecting neutron transport, photodisintegration switch.

Neutron Debugging Switches

Neutron debugging.

MC Cerenkov Light.

Wavelength cuts, CERFAC settings, Fresnel and Rayleigh scattering.

MC PMT simulation.

PMT model, efficiency asymmetry, noise rates.


Thresholds, ZTELL flag, TAC droop (TSLH).

Media Optical Properties

Refractive index, attenuation, scattering, reflectivity, scintillation.


Enable/disable element, partial fill, debug, regions.


Filter Test Mnemonics


Control event fitters.

Energy Calibration

Control energy calibration.

Energy calibration mnemonics

Energy calibration mnemonics.


Control the network classifier.


Control the event display.

Random Access Analyser

Random Access Analyser Mnemonics

N-tuple (ANL,TCA) Control

Enable/disable n-tuple,cut values.

SNOMAN Live Control

Control of SNOMAN Live.

Event Pruner

Trimming the data structure before output.

Event Packer/Unpacker

Packing of event into ZDAB bank, unpacking into PBUN.

Raw Data Validation

Low level validity checks on raw data.

Runlogger processors: RLG, RLR, RLO

Runlogger processor controls.

SPS commands

Settings for the Second Pass Run Selection Processor


Particle codes.


Interaction codes.


Media codes.

DQF Mnemonics

Modes for CCC_INFO.

Bank Addresses

Data structure bank names.

Calibration Control

Control of ECA/PCA calibrations.

MXF commands

Settings for the MXF maximum likelihood fitter.

ANXX Banks commands

Criterion Cuts and data type for creating ANXX Banks.

MC NCD Simulation

Control of the NCD Simulation.


SNOMAN has a very limited number of native commands. However, one of them, the SET BANK command, allows the user to modify any Titles Bank This is very powerful as all software control is via these banks. For example, to limit the number of events to process the user can type:- set bank job 1 word 2 to 10 This is not exactly intuitive! To help, SNOMAN reads a symbol table (the file symbol_table.dat) before it starts to process. The symbol table is used to process symbols found while parsing:- The table consists of symbol name and translation entries like this:- event_limit set bank job 1 word 2 to ! $event_limit 10 The first field (event_limit) is the symbol name which is translated into the following fields up to an optional ! which marks the start of an example. To use a symbol, quote it proceeded by a dollar (a la UNIX) for example, issuing the command:- $event_limit 10 gets translated into:- set bank job 1 word 2 to 10

A symbol may optionally be terminated by a second $ which allows a symbol to be replaced without leaving a trailing space. For example, two entries in this table are:-

mc_misc_find_region set bank mcpi 1 word 65 to d2o 100 So, the command:- $mc_misc_find_region $d2O$0000 gets translated into:- set bank mcpi 1 word 65 to 1000000

There are two types of symbols:-

The above discussion also illustrates the point that translation is recursive; if the translation string contains further symbols these too are translated until none remain.

Symbols are case insensitive, SNOMAN converts both the symbol name and translation to upper case. However case can be preserved by enclosing in double quotes. This is used for embedded file names, for example:-

3d_pmt @"pmt_simulation.cmd" ! $3d_pmt which is stored internally as:- 3D_PMT @pmt_simulation.cmd i.e. with case preserved. To store a double quote in a symbol, double it up (cf FORTRAN rules for single quotes) e.g. string 'a string with a "" in it' is stored as:- STRING 'A STRING WITH A " IN IT'

The same symbol substitution is permited in n-tuple entries, thus permiting entries like:-

' vx_cls float_equals MCVX+$KMCVX_CLS; '

The Symbol Table

Start of Symbol Table


General Flags

off                0
on                 1



store_full_limit      set bank job   1 word 1  to  ! $store_full_limit 10
event_limit           set bank job   1 word 2  to  ! $event_limit 100
constant_ver          set bank job   1 word 87 to  ! $constant_ver $default_constant_ver
default_constant_ver  1
processor_list        set bank jobp  1 word 1  to  ! $processor_list ' MCO FTT ANL OUT END'
processor_sequence    obsolete: "processor_sequence" - see companion/titles/job
hardwired             0                            ! $processor_sequence $hardwired
user_controlled       1                            ! $processor_sequence $user_controlled

define_test           set bank fltr $1 $2 '$3'     ! See below
no_scan               word  8 to 0                 ! $define_test 10 $no_scan
and_scan              word  8 to 1                 ! $define_test 10 $and_scan
or_scan               word  8 to 2                 ! $define_test 10 $or_scan
line_1                word  12 to                  ! See below
line_2                word  32 to                  ! See below
line_3                word  52 to                  ! See below
line_4                word  72 to                  ! See below
line_5                word  92 to                  ! See below
line_6                word 112 to                  ! See below
line_7                word 132 to                  ! See below
line_8                word 152 to                  ! See below
line_9                word 172 to                  ! See below
line_10               word 192 to                  ! See below

! On-line test creation example:-
!   $define_test 10 $line_1 'vx_dist magnitude    MCVX+$KMCVX_PSX; '
!   $define_test 10 $line_2 'test    lt           vx_dist,100.;    '

disable_test          set bank fltr $1 word 4 to $off! $disable_test 1
enable_test           set bank fltr $1 word 4 to $on ! $enable_test 1
initial_data_type     set bank job   1 word 84 to  ! $initial_data_type 0
initial_date          set bank job   1 word 85 to  ! $initial_date 19960722 10450000

interactive_commands  file shl 1                   ! $interactive_commands my_file.cmd checkpoint=5
write_dummies         file shl 9                   ! $write_dummies my_file.for
go                    @"read_sno_titles"           ! $go

default_input_file    set bank job   1 word 4  to  ! $default_input_file 'input_events.dat  '
default_output_file   set bank job   1 word 20 to  ! $default_output_file 'output_events.dat'
default_hbook_file    set bank job   1 word 36 to  ! $default_hbook_file  'hbooksm.ntp      '
default_seed_file     set bank job   1 word 52 to  ! $default_seed_file   'rseed.dat        '
default_pegs_file     set bank job   1 word 68 to  ! $default_pegs_file   'pegs4_10.dat     '

eio_print_flag        set bank teio  1 word 0  to  ! $eio_print_flag 2

default_output_format set bank teio  1 word 1  to  ! See below
full_ds               0                            ! $default_output_format $full_ds
zdab_only             1                            ! $default_output_format $zdab_only

io_err_lim            set bank teio  1 word 2  to  ! $io_err_lim 10

skip_on_error         set bank teio  1 word 3 to   ! $skip_on_error $enabled (or $disabled)
end_on_eof            set bank teio  1 word 4 to   ! $end_of_eof $enabled (or $disabled)
disabled              0
enabled               1

multi_input_sel       set bank teio  1 word 5 to   ! $multi_input_sel $user_sel (or $merge_first, $merge_all or $by_weight)
multi_output_sel      set bank teio  1 word 6 to   ! $multi_output_sel $user_sel (or $all, $pel_args)
user_sel              0
merge_all             1
merge_first           2
by_weight             3
all                   4
pel_args              5

input_nhit_thresh     set bank teio  1 word 7 to   ! $input_nhit_thresh 15
return_eof            set bank teio  1 word 8 to   ! $return_eof $enabled
fake_data_type        set bank teio  1 word 9 to   ! See below
                                                   ! $fake_data_type $disabled
real                  1                            ! $fake_data_type $real
mc                    2                            ! $fake_data_type $mc

input_file            file inp 1                   ! $input_file input_events.dat
output_file           file out 1                   ! $output_file output_events.dat

nhp_bank_output       set bank tnhp  1 word 1 to   ! $nhp_bank_output 1

! WARNING: output_format is only defined for backward comptability;
!          Use the FORMAT option if using the FILE command!
output_format         $default_output_format       ! $output_format $full_ds

hbook_file            $default_hbook_file   
seed_file             $default_seed_file    
pegs_file             $default_pegs_file    

disk                  0                            ! file inp 1 f1.dat device=$disk
tape                  1                            ! file out 2 /dev/rnmth1 device=$tape
mem                   2                            ! file inp 1 device=$mem

enable_database       set bank tmtt 1 word 1 to $on  ! $enable_database
disable_database      set bank tmtt 1 word 1 to $off ! $disable_database
enable_titles_check   set bank tmtt 1 word 2 to $on  ! $enable_titles_check
max_titles_resync     set bank tmtt 1 word 3 to      ! $max_titles_resync 0
sdb_multi_file_test   set bank tmtt 1 word 4 to $on  ! $sdb_multi_file_test
sdb_which_bank        set bank tsdb 1 word 1 to      ! $sdb_which bank 0
sdb_validity_type     set bank tsdb 1 word 2 to      | $sdb_validity_type 0
sdb_bank_type         set bank tsdb 1 word 3 to      ! $sdb_bank_type 0
sdb_enable_verification   set bank tsdb 1 word 4 to $on  ! $sdb_$enable_verification
sdb_disable_verification  set bank tsdb 1 word 4 to $off ! $sdb_disable_verification
sdb_write_mode        set bank tsdb 1 word 5 to      ! $sdb_write_mode 1
sdb_write_option      set bank tsdb 1 word 6 to      ! $sdb_write_option 1
sdb_max_ins_date      set bank tsdb 1 word 7 to      ! $sdb_max_ins_date 19970912 123200

hbk_lrecl             set bank thbk 1 word 1 to      ! $hbk_lrecl 1024 (limit: 8191)


MC Control( JOB, MCMA, SEED, EGS4 )

mcrun                 set bank mcma 1 word  1 to  ! $mcrun  1
killvx                set bank mcma 1 word  2 to  ! $killvx 0
killvx_neutron        set bank mcma 1 word 12 to  ! $killvx_neutron 0
reject_empty_events   set bank mcma 1 word 13 to  ! $reject_empty_events $on
starting_seed         set bank seed 1 word  1 to  ! $starting_seed 31328 30081 755201
starting_seed_2       set bank seed 2 word  1 to  ! $starting_seed_2 31328 30081 755201
num_events            set bank job  1 word 2  to  ! $num_events 100
mc_event_rate         set bank mcma 1 word 14 to  ! See below
mc_gen_duration       set bank mcma 1 word 16 to  ! $mc_gen_duration 5.
per_day               1                           ! $mc_event_rate 1. $per_day
per_sec               2                           ! $mc_event_rate 1. $per_sec
enable_overlay        set bank mcma 1 word 25 to  ! $enable_overlay $on
overlay_keep_bad_cal  set bank mcma 1 word 26 to  ! $overlay_keep_bad_cal $on 
disable_nc_xsec_spoil set bank mcma 1 word 32 to  ! $disable_nc_xsec_spoil $yes
enable_hadrons        set bank mcma 1 word 33 to  ! $enable_hadrons $on
mc_gen_run_cond       set bank mcma 1 word 35 to  ! $mc_gen_run_cond $on
mc_gen_source_run     set bank mcma 1 word 36 to  ! $mc_gen_source_run $on
mc_gen_run_trig       set bank mcma 1 word 49 to  ! $mc_gen_run_trig $on
mc_drift_pmt_coll     set bank mcma 1 word 37 to  ! $mc_drift_pmt_coll $on
mc_drift_reflectors   set bank mcma 1 word 39 to  ! $mc_drift_reflectors $on 
mc_drift_attenuation  set bank mcma 1 word 40 to  ! $mc_drift_attenuation $on  
enable_music_calc     set bank mcma 1 word 42 to  ! $enable_music_calc $on
track_abs_photons     set bank mcma 1 word 43 to  ! $track_abs_photons $on
ncd_signal_simulation set bank mcma 1 word 44 to  ! $ncd_signal_simulation $on
user_control_ncd      set bank mcma 1 word 45 to  ! $user_control_pt 1
ion_current           set bank mcma 1 word 46 to  ! $ion_current $on
space_charge          set bank mcma 1 word 47 to  ! $space_charge $on
gain_fluctuation      set bank mcma 1 word 48 to  ! $gain_fluctuation $on
ncd_pulse_reflection  set bank mcma 1 word 50 to  ! $ncd_pulse_reflection $on
muon_kill_radius      set bank mcma 1 word 55 to  ! $muon_kill_radius 950
ncd_electronics       set bank mcdq 1 word 28 to  ! $ncd_electronics $on
neutron_src_assembly  set bank mcma 1 word 56 to  ! $neutron_src_assembly $ncd_ambe_med
ncd_noise             set bank mcma 1 word 60 to  ! $ncd_noise $on
ion_scatter           set bank mcma 1 word 61 to  ! $ion_scatter $mult_scattering (also, $off)
mult_scattering       1
min_pulse_width       2
electron_tracks       set bank mcma 1 word 62 to  ! $electron_tracks $on

! The following are neutron source assemblies which are combinations of geometry elements.
! They are listed in id_src_assemblies.for and the composition of each assembly is hard-wired into mcg_gen_source_run.for.
! They should be used only with the symbolic command $neutron_src_assembly
!  e.g. $neutron_src_assembly $idsa_ncd_ambe_med 

CASA                  -1  ! Use assemblies from the CASA bank.

D2O_CF                 0
SALT_CF                2
SALT_AMBE              8
NCD_CF                14
NCD_AMBE_MED          20
NCD_AMBE_HIGH         26
NCD_24NA              32

a1_mce                set bank pmtm 1 word 1 to   ! set a1 coefficient in modified collection efficiency (MCE)   
a2_mce                set bank pmtm 1 word 2 to   ! set a2 coefficient in MCE    
a3_mce                set bank pmtm 1 word 3 to   ! set a3 coefficient in MCE     
b1_mce                set bank pmtm 1 word 4 to   ! set b1 coefficient in MCE  
b2_mce                set bank pmtm 1 word 5 to   ! set b2 coefficient in MCE     
uniform_ref           set bank pmtm 1 word 6 to   ! set uniform reflectivity of petals         
linear_ref            set bank pmtm 1 word 7 to   ! set linear reflectivity over petals eg 0.9 = 10% loss from one end to the other

! EGS4 short commands
egs4_ds               set bank egs4 1 word 11 to  ! $egs4_ds $on (or $off)
egs4_mott_corr        set bank egs4 1 word 12 to  ! $egs4_mott_corr $on (or $off)


MC Generation( MCPI )

mc_num_seed_vx        set bank mcpi 1 word  1  to  ! $mc_num_seed_vx 1


For seed vertex 1

mc_interaction_type   set bank mcpi 1 word  2  to  ! See below
mc_decay_scheme_var   set bank mcpi 1 word  3  to  !
mc_gaus_mean          set bank mcpi 1 word  6  to  ! $mc_gaus_mean  3.767
mc_gaus_sigma         set bank mcpi 1 word  7  to  ! $mc_gaus_sigma 1.54
mc_poisson_flag       set bank mcpi 1 word  8  to  ! $mc_poisson_flag 2.7 (overrules mc_gaus_mean and mc_gaus_sigma) 
mc_position           set bank mcpi 1 word  9  to  ! See below
mc_direction          set bank mcpi 1 word 20  to  ! See below
mc_dir_neutrino_type  set bank mcpi 1 word 30  to  ! See below
mc_energy             set bank mcpi 1 word 31  to  ! See below
mc_en_neutrino_type   set bank mcpi 1 word 41  to  ! See below
mc_time               set bank mcpi 1 word 42  to  ! See below
mc_miscellaneous      set bank mcpi 1 word 53  to  ! See below
mc_misc_num_photons   set bank mcpi 1 word 59  to  ! $mc_misc_num_photons  500
mc_misc_num_neutrons  set bank mcpi 1 word 59  to  ! $mc_misc_num_neutrons 10
mc_misc_position      set bank mcpi 1 word 60  to  ! $mc_misc_position $pos_point
mc_misc_direction     set bank mcpi 1 word 61  to  ! $mc_misc_direction $dir_isotropic
mc_misc_energy        set bank mcpi 1 word 62  to  ! $mc_misc_energy $en_mono
mc_misc_time          set bank mcpi 1 word 63  to  ! $mc_misc_time $tim_fixed
mc_misc_polarization  set bank mcpi 1 word 64  to  ! $mc_misc_polarization $misc_fixed_pol
mc_misc_find_region   set bank mcpi 1 word 65  to  ! $mc_misc_find_region $D2O$0000
unknown               -1                           ! mc_misc_find_region $unknown
mc_misc_poisson_flag  set bank mcpi 1 word 66  to  ! $mc_misc_poisson_flag $on (or $flat_dist)
flat_dist             2                            ! $mc_misc_poisson_flag $flat_dist


For seed vertex 2

mc_interaction_type2  set bank mcpi 1 word 69  to
mc_decay_scheme_var2  set bank mcpi 1 word 70  to 
mc_gaus_mean2         set bank mcpi 1 word 73  to  
mc_gaus_sigma2        set bank mcpi 1 word 74  to 
mc_poisson_flag2      set bank mcpi 1 word 75  to 
mc_position2          set bank mcpi 1 word 76  to
mc_direction2         set bank mcpi 1 word 87  to
mc_dir_neutrino_type2 set bank mcpi 1 word 97  to
mc_energy2            set bank mcpi 1 word 98  to
mc_en_neutrino_type2  set bank mcpi 1 word 108 to 
mc_time2              set bank mcpi 1 word 109 to
mc_miscellaneous2     set bank mcpi 1 word 120 to
mc_misc_num_photons2  set bank mcpi 1 word 126 to  ! $mc_misc_num_photons2  500
mc_misc_position2     set bank mcpi 1 word 127 to  ! $mc_misc_position2 $pos_point
mc_misc_direction2    set bank mcpi 1 word 128 to  ! $mc_misc_direction2 $dir_isotropic
mc_misc_energy2       set bank mcpi 1 word 129 to  ! $mc_misc_energy2 $en_mono
mc_misc_time2         set bank mcpi 1 word 130 to  ! $mc_misc_time2 $tim_fixed
mc_misc_polarization2 set bank mcpi 1 word 131 to  ! $mc_misc_polarization2 $misc_fixed_pol
mc_misc_find_region2  set bank mcpi 1 word 132 to  ! $mc_misc_find_region2 $D2O$0000
mc_misc_poisson_flag2 set bank mcpi 1 word 133 to  ! $mc_misc_poisson_flag2 $on


For seed vertex 3

mc_interaction_type3  set bank mcpi 1 word 136  to
mc_decay_scheme_var3  set bank mcpi 1 word 137  to 
mc_gaus_mean3         set bank mcpi 1 word 140  to  
mc_gaus_sigma3        set bank mcpi 1 word 141  to 
mc_poisson_flag3      set bank mcpi 1 word 142  to 
mc_position3          set bank mcpi 1 word 143  to
mc_direction3         set bank mcpi 1 word 154  to
mc_dir_neutrino_type3 set bank mcpi 1 word 164  to
mc_energy3            set bank mcpi 1 word 165  to
mc_en_neutrino_type3  set bank mcpi 1 word 175 to 
mc_time3              set bank mcpi 1 word 176 to
mc_miscellaneous3     set bank mcpi 1 word 187 to
mc_misc_num_photons3  set bank mcpi 1 word 193 to  ! $mc_misc_num_photons3  500
mc_misc_position3     set bank mcpi 1 word 194 to  ! $mc_misc_position3 $pos_point
mc_misc_direction3    set bank mcpi 1 word 195 to  ! $mc_misc_direction3 $dir_isotropic
mc_misc_energy3       set bank mcpi 1 word 196 to  ! $mc_misc_energy3 $en_mono
mc_misc_time3         set bank mcpi 1 word 197 to  ! $mc_misc_time3 $tim_fixed
mc_misc_polarization3 set bank mcpi 1 word 198 to  ! $mc_misc_polarization3 $misc_fixed_pol
mc_misc_find_region3  set bank mcpi 1 word 199 to  ! $mc_misc_find_region3 $D2O$0000
mc_misc_poisson_flag3 set bank mcpi 1 word 200 to  ! $mc_misc_poisson_flag3 $on


Interaction codes

start_cosmic_muon      $cosmic_muon$000              !$mc_interaction_type $start_cosmic_muon
start_photon_bomb      $photon_bomb$000              !$mc_interaction_type $start_photon_bomb
start_neutron_bomb     $neutron_bomb$000             !$mc_interaction_type $start_neutron_bomb
pick_particle_list     $particle_list$000            !$mc_interaction_type $pick_particle_list

! Also:-

! $mc_interaction_type $start$$e_minus$
! $mc_interaction_type $start$$gamma$
! $mc_interaction_type $35cl$$n_gamma$$any_channel$
! $mc_interaction_type $208tl$$beta_gamma_decay$$any_channel$
! $mc_interaction_type $8li$$beta_decay$$any_channel$
! $mc_interaction_type $238U$$alpha_decay$$any_channel$



pos_point             10                 ! $mc_position  $pos_point X Y Z
pos_shell             20                 ! $mc_position  $pos_shell Rmin Rmax
pos_line              30                 ! $mc_position  $pos_line X1 Y1 Z1 X2 Y2 Z2
pos_region            40                 ! $mc_position  $pos_region 2. $D2O$0000. 1. $ACRC_IVL$0000. 1.
pos_exponential       50                 ! $mc_position  $pos_exponential DIST PART_NUM
pos_user              60                 ! $mc_position  $pos_user
pos_cosmic            70                 ! $mc_position  $pos_cosmic
pos_umbil             80                 ! $mc_position  $pos_umbil
pos_av_surface        90                 ! $mc_position  $pos_av_surface
pos_mcpl             100                 ! $mc_position  $pos_mcpl
pos_ncd              110                 ! $mc_position  $pos_ncd 96 2.3 10.
pos_3dlaserball      130                 ! $mc_position  $pos_3dlaserball
pos_disk             140                 ! $mc_position  $pos_disk X Y Z R THETA PHI
pos_msw              150                 ! $mc_position  $pos_msw
pos_alpha_nickel     160                 ! $mc_position  $pos_alpha_nickel



dir_isotropic         10                 ! $mc_direction  $dir_isotropic
dir_beam              20                 ! $mc_direction  $dir_beam THETA PHI
dir_cc_e              30                 ! see below

time_dependent        0.                 ! $mc_direction $dir_cc_e $time_dependent
fixed_date            1.                 ! $mc_direction $dir_cc_e $fixed_date JULIAN_DATE
fixed_direction       2.                 ! $mc_direction $dir_cc_e $fixed_direction X Y Z
fixed_coord           3.                 ! $mc_direction $dir_cc_e $fixed_coord  RA DEC GMST

dir_nc_n              35                 ! see dir_cc_e
dir_es_e              40                 ! see dir_cc_e 
dir_cone              50                 ! $mc_direction  $dir_cone  X1 Y1 Z1 X2 Y2 Z2 THETA
dir_user              60                 ! $mc_direction  $dir_user
dir_laserball         70                 ! $mc_direction  $dir_laserball 
dir_ptg               80                 ! $mc_direction  $dir_ptg A B PROTON_ENERGY
dir_cavity            90                 ! $mc_direction  $dir_cavity THETA_PSUP
dir_mcpl             100                 ! $mc_direction  $dir_mcpl
dir_pled             110                 ! $mc_direction  $dir_pled P1 P2 P3 P4 ThMax Xend Yend Zend
dir_cosmic           120                 ! $mc_direction  $dir_cosmic
dir_ncd_usr          140                 ! $mc_direction  $dir_ncd_usr  theta phi
dir_3dlaserball      130                 ! $mc_direction  $dir_3dlaserball
dir_isotropic_alpha  150                 ! $mc_direction  $dir_isotropic_alpha
dir_fcone            160                 ! $mc_direction  $dir_fcone DX DY DZ WIDTH

! Also (for dir_cc_e and dir_es_e):-
! $mc_dir_neutrino_type $nu_e$.    (note trailing $. because floating point)



en_mono               10                 ! $mc_energy  $en_mono ENERGY
en_cc_e               20                 ! $mc_energy  $en_cc_e THRESHOLD
en_nc_n               30                 ! $mc_energy  $en_nc_n THRESHOLD
en_es_e               40                 ! $mc_energy  $en_es_e THRESHOLD
en_cerenkov           50                 ! $mc_energy  $en_cerenkov 
en_beta               60                 ! $mc_energy  $en_beta THRESH_BETA THRESH_GAMMA
en_user               70                 ! $mc_energy  $en_user
en_thrm               80                 ! $mc_energy  $en_thrm
en_gauss              90                 ! $mc_energy  $en_gauss
en_mcpl              100                 ! $mc_energy  $en_mcpl
en_heg               110                 ! $mc_energy  $en_heg
en_norite            120                 ! $mc_energy  $en_norite
en_shotcrete         130                 ! $mc_energy  $en_shotcrete
en_cosmic            140                 ! $mc_energy  $en_cosmic
en_ndelta            150                 ! $mc_energy  $en_ndelta
en_spallation        160                 ! $mc_energy  $en_spallation
en_binned            170                 ! $mc_energy  $en_binned

! Also (for en_cc_e and en_es_e):-
! $mc_en_neutrino_type $nu_e$.     (note: trailing $. because floating point)

! Also (for thermal energy distribution):-
! $mc_thrm_temp       TEMPERATURE
mc_thrm_temp          set bank mcpi 1 word 32 to  ! $mc_thrm_temp 303.

! Also (for the gaussian distribution):-
! $mc_en_gauss        MEAN S.DEVIATION
mc_en_gauss           set bank mcpi 1 word 32 to  ! $mc_en_gauss 1. 0.5



tim_fixed             10                 ! $mc_time  $tim_fixed T
tim_uniform           20                 ! $mc_time  $tim_uniform T T2
tim_abs_exponential   30                 ! $mc_time  $tim_abs_exponential START MEAN SIGMA
tim_rel_exponential   40                 ! $mc_time  $tim_rel_exponential MEAN PART_NUM
tim_solar_neutrino    50                 ! $mc_time  $tim_solar_neutrino 0. 0. 0. 0. NAN RATE CORRECT
tim_user              60                 ! $mc_time  $tim_user
tim_gaussian          70                 ! $mc_time  $tim_gaussian START END SIGMA MEAN
tim_supernova         80                 ! $mc_time  $tim_supernova
tim_mcpl             100                 ! $mc_time  $tim_mcpl



misc_fixed_pol        10                 ! $mc_miscellaneous  $misc_fixed_pol Px Py Pz
misc_random_pol       20                 ! $mc_miscellaneous  $misc_random_pol
misc_cerenkov_pol     30                 ! $mc_miscellaneous  $misc_cerenkov_pol
misc_mcpl_pol        100                 ! $mc_miscellaneous  $misc_mcpl_pol



msw_solar_model          set bank mmsw 1 word 1 to     !
ssm_bu                   1                             ! $msw_solar_model $ssm_bu
ssm_bp1992nodiff         3                             ! $msw_solar_model $ssm_bp1992nodiff
ssm_bp1992diff           4                             ! $msw_solar_model $ssm_bp1992diff 
ssm_bp1995diff           5                             ! $msw_solar_model $ssm_bp1995diff
ssm_bp1995nodiff         6                             ! $msw_solar_model $ssm_bp1995nodiff
ssm_bp1998               7                             ! $msw_solar_model $ssm_bp1998  
ssm_bp2000               8                             ! $msw_solar_model $ssm_bp2000
ssm_bp2001               9                             ! $msw_solar_model $ssm_bp2001
msw_e_shift              set bank mmsw 1 word 2 to     ! $msw_e_shift 0.0
msw_b8_scale             set bank mmsw 1 word 3 to     ! $msw_b8_scale 1.0
msw_hep_scale            set bank mmsw 1 word 4 to     ! $msw_hep_scale 1.0
msw_solar_core_t         set bank mmsw 1 word 5 to     ! $msw_solar_core_t 1.E0
msw_neutrino_model       set bank mmsw 1 word 6 to     !
ssm                      0                             ! $msw_neutrino_model $ssm
msw_dirac                1                             ! $msw_neutrino_model $msw_dirac
msw_maj                  2                             ! $msw_neutrino_model $msw_maj
vac                      3                             ! $msw_neutrino_model $vac
msw_neutrino_type        set bank mmsw 1 word 7 to     !
b8_hep                   11                            ! $msw_neutrino_type $b8_hep
b8                       10                            ! $msw_neutrino_type $b8
hep                      01                            ! $msw_neutrino_type $hep
msw_neutrino_flavour     set bank mmsw 1 word 8 to     !
nue                      10                            ! $msw_neutrino_flavour $nue 
numu                     01                            ! $msw_neutrino_flavour $numu
nue_mu                   11                            ! $msw_neutrino_flavour $nue_mu
msw_osc_type             set bank mmsw 1 word 9 to     !
normal                   0                             ! $msw_osc_type $normal
sterile                  1                             ! $msw_osc_type $sterile
msw_solar_prob           set bank mmsw 1 word 10 to    !
non_adiab                0                             ! $msw_solar_prob $non_adiab
large_angle              1                             ! $msw_solar_prob $large_angle
just_so                  2                             ! $msw_solar_prob $just_so
msw_user                 3                             ! $msw_solar_prob $msw_user
msw_delta_msquare        set bank mmsw 1 word 11 to    ! $msw_delta_msquare 6.2E-4 
msw_sin_sq_2_theta       set bank mmsw 1 word 12 to    ! $msw_sin_sq_2_theta 0.96
msw_sun_mixing_theory    set bank mmsw 1 word 13 to    ! 
landau_zener_finite_inf  0                             ! $msw_sun_mixing_theory $landau_zener_finite_inf 
pizzacaro                1                             ! $msw_sun_mixing_theory $pizzacaro
petcov                   2                             ! $msw_sun_mixing_theory $petcov 
inf_landau_zener         3                             ! $msw_sun_mixing_theory $inf_landau_zener
msw_neutrino_interaction set bank mmsw 1 word 14 to    ! 
msw_es                   100                           ! $msw_neutrino_interaction $msw_es
msw_cc                   010                           ! $msw_neutrino_interaction $msw_cc
msw_nc                   001                           ! $msw_neutrino_interaction $msw_nc
msw_all                  111                           ! $msw_neutrino_interaction $msw_all
msw_cc_nc_xs             set bank mmsw 1 word 15 to    ! 
kn                       0                             ! $msw_cc_nc_xs $kn
yhh                      1                             ! $msw_cc_nc_xs $yhh
nsgk                     2                             ! $msw_cc_nc_xs $nsgk
bck                      3                             ! $msw_cc_nc_xs $bck
ebl                      4                             ! $msw_cc_nc_xs $ebl
netal                    5                             ! $msw_cc_nc_xs $netal
msw_duration_type        set bank mmsw 1 word 16 to    ! 
job_control              0                             ! $msw_duration_type $job_control
msw_control              1                             ! $msw_duration_type $msw_control
msw_duration           set bank mmsw 1 word 17 to    ! $msw_duration 20.0
msw_earth_eccentricity   set bank mmsw 1 word 18 to    !
earth_ecc_on             1                             ! $msw_earth_eccentricity $earth_ecc_on 
earth_ecc_off            0                             ! $msw_earth_eccentricity $earth_ecc_off
msw_earth_effect         set bank mmsw 1 word 19 to    !
no_ee                    0                             ! $msw_earth_effect $no_ee
ee_day_night             1                             ! $msw_earth_effect $ee_day_night
ee_night_only            2                             ! $msw_earth_effect $ee_night_only
ee_user                  3                             ! $msw_earth_effect $ee_user 
msw_earth_nyr            set bank mmsw 1 word 20 to    ! $msw_earth_nyr 3
msw_earth_night          set bank mmsw 1 word 21 to    ! $msw_earth_night 4
msw_b8_spectrum          set bank mmsw 1 word 22 to    !
bahcall_b8               1                             ! $msw_b8_spectrum $bahcall_b8 
bahcall_b8_p1s           2                             ! $msw_b8_spectrum $bahcall_b8_p1s
bahcall_b8_n1s           3                             ! $msw_b8_spectrum $bahcall_b8_n1s 
ortiz_b8                 4                             ! $msw_b8_spectrum $ortiz_b8
ortiz_b8_p1s             5                             ! $msw_b8_spectrum $ortiz_b8_p1s
ortiz_b8_n1s             6                             ! $msw_b8_spectrum $ortiz_b8_n1s
msw_bck_free_parameter   set bank mmsw 1 word 23 to    ! $msw_bck_free_parameter 5.6
msw_rad_corr             set bank mmsw 1 word 24 to    ! $msw_rad_corr 1
msw_anti_nu              set bank mmsw 1 word 25 to    ! $msw_anti_nu 1
msw_es_rad_corr          set bank mmsw 1 word 26 to    ! $msw_es_rad_corr 1
msw_cc_target            set bank mmsw 1 word 27 to    ! $msw_cc_target $target_d
target_d                 1
target_18o               2
target_17o               3


MC Neutron Transport & Photodisintegration( NEUT, MCMA )

! Heavy water region commands.

! These commands specify salt in heavy water regions; this affects
! the neutron transport, but is presently assumed not to affect optical 

! properties. Please see neut bank 1 for more details. 

num_d2o_regions       set bank neut 1 word 01 to  ! $num_d2o_regions 2

d2o_region_01         set bank neut 1 word 02	  ! see below
d2o_region_02         set bank neut 1 word 05	  ! see below
d2o_region_03         set bank neut 1 word 08	  ! see below
d2o_region_04         set bank neut 1 word 11	  ! see below
d2o_region_05         set bank neut 1 word 14	  ! see below
d2o_region_06         set bank neut 1 word 17	  ! see below
d2o_region_07         set bank neut 1 word 20	  ! see below
d2o_region_08         set bank neut 1 word 23	  ! see below
d2o_region_09         set bank neut 1 word 26	  ! see below
d2o_region_10         set bank neut 1 word 29	  ! see below
d2o_region_11         set bank neut 1 word 32	  ! see below
d2o_region_12         set bank neut 1 word 35	  ! see below
d2o_region_13         set bank neut 1 word 38	  ! see below
d2o_region_14         set bank neut 1 word 41	  ! see below
d2o_region_15         set bank neut 1 word 44     ! see below
d2o_region_16         set bank neut 1 word 47     ! see below
d2o_region_17         set bank neut 1 word 50     ! see below
d2o_region_18         set bank neut 1 word 53     ! see below
d2o_region_19         set bank neut 1 word 56     ! see below
d2o_region_20         set bank neut 1 word 59     ! see below

h2o_fraction          offset 1 to                    ! see below
salt_gmgm             offset 2 to                    ! see below

! For example, normal D2O would be set up (as region 1) by the commands:

! $d2o_region_01 to $D2O
! $d2o_region_01 $h2o_fraction 0.000924
! $d2o_region_01 $salt_gmgm 0.0

! For defaults with salt the following mnemonics can be used.
nosalt               0.0
added                0.00195            ! 0.195% salt default.

! Note: Any D2O region not specified is assumed to be pure D2O.

! Impurity control. (NEUT)

! To switch on impurities, the global flag must be on:

impurities_global  set bank neut 2 word 01 to  ! $impurities_global $on (or $off)

! Impurities are specified by: 
! [Bank word location] REGION $on(or $off) Z A D(atoms/cm3)

! For example, to specify 1.0e22 atoms/cm3 of 23Na in the D2O :

impurity_1    set bank neut 2 word 3  to ! $impurity_1 $D2O $on 11 23 1.0e22

! Placeholders are defined for 10 impurities (below) but the code can 
! currently support 200. To add these, an actual set bank command must be used.

impurity_2    set bank neut 2 word 8  to !
impurity_3    set bank neut 2 word 13 to !
impurity_4    set bank neut 2 word 18 to !
impurity_5    set bank neut 2 word 23 to !
impurity_6    set bank neut 2 word 28 to !
impurity_7    set bank neut 2 word 33 to !
impurity_8    set bank neut 2 word 38 to !
impurity_9    set bank neut 2 word 43 to !
impurity_10   set bank neut 2 word 48 to !

! Photodisintegration. (MCMA)

! Gamma-rays with an energy above 2.23 MeV (approx.) may photodisintegrate
! a deuteron to produce a detectable neutron. For some runs (debugging runs)
! you may wish to prevent photodisintegration occuring. This is non-
! physical. The default setting is most definitely ON.

photodisintegration   set bank mcma 1 word  6 to  ! $photodisintegration $on (or $off)

! Simulation of 24Na decay when salt is being added. (MCMA)

! To simulate the decay of 24Na when salt is being added use the command
salt_flow     set bank mcma 1 word 31 to ! $salt_flow  100.

! where salt flow into the acrylic vessel is in litres/min, in conjunction with
! $mc_position            $pos_user
! and the commands for partial fill (TGEO

! Isotopic abundances of O17. (NEUT)

! The isotopic abundance of O17 (as a fraction of the O16 abundance) can be
! defined for D2O with the following command:
set_O17_d2o         set bank neut 2 word 2 to ! $set_O17_d2o 0.00055


Neutron Debugging Switches(NEUT )

neut_law_count        set bank neut 3 word 7 tp  ! $neut_law_count $on
neut_dbg_window       set bank neut 3 word 1 to  ! $neut_dbg_window $on
neut_dbg_lower_window set bank neut 3 word 2 to  ! $neut_dbg_lower_window $on 1.e-3
neut_dbg_upper_window set bank neut 3 word 4 to  ! $neut_dbg_upper_window $on 1.
neut_dbg_1_step       set bank neut 3 word 6 to  ! $neut_dbg_1_step $on
neut_dbg_media        set bank neut 3 word 11 to ! $neut_dbg_media $on

! Users altering the dbg_window or dbg_1_step capabilities for neutrons are
! advised that neutrons that are not within the specified energy range 
! or have made 1 step when the appropriate 
! option flag is set to $on are sunk the next time they interact.
! The interaction code after such a sinking is 000-339-001 (ttt-ppp-ccc) 
! for 1_step, 000-339-002 for lower_window and 000-339-003 for upper_window.

! Users wishing to alter the debug_media capabilities for neutrons are 
! advised to read the SNOMAN programmer's manual. Normally, all users  
! should set this switch to $off.


MC Cerenkov Light.( MCMA )

low_wave_cut          set bank mcma 1 word  7 to  ! $low_wave_cut 200.e-7
high_wave_cut         set bank mcma 1 word  8 to  ! $high_wave_cut 720.e-7 
cerfac                set bank mcma 1 word  9 to  ! $cerfac 0.28
cerfac_ii             set bank mcma 1 word 10 to  ! $cerfac_ii 0.337 
mode_cerfac           set bank mcma 1 word 17 to  ! $mode_cerfac 2
np_external_cerfac    set bank mcma 1 word 20 to  ! $np_external_cerfac 1

sunfactor             set bank mcma 1 word 19 to  ! $sunfactor 0.0
pmt_var               set bank mcma 1 word 21 to  ! $pmt_var 0
reflector_var         set bank mcma 1 word 22 to  ! $reflector_var 0
acrylic_var           set bank mcma 1 word 23 to  ! $acrylic_var 0
PMT_Coll_Eff          set bank mcma 1 word 24 to  ! $pmt_coll_eff 0.55
WLS_concen            set bank mcma 1 word 38 to  ! $wls_concen 1.0  

fresnel_scat          set bank mcma 1 word  3 to  ! $fresnel_scat $on (or $off)
rayleigh_scat         set bank mcma 1 word  4 to  ! $rayleigh_scat $on (or $off)

mcevlv_debug          set bank mcma 1 word 51 to 1 ! $mcevlv_debug
fluka_only            set bank mcma 1 word 54 to   ! $fluka_only $on


MC PMT simulation.( GEDS, MCMA, MCPT, PMTE, PMTT )

grey_disk_pmt_bounce  set bank mcma 1 word  5 to       ! $grey_disk_pmt_bounce $on (or $off)
black_disk_pmt        set bank geds 422 word 2  to 0   ! $black_disk_pmt
grey_disk_pmt         set bank geds 422 word 2  to 1   ! $grey_disk_pmt
3d_pmt                @"pmt_simulation.cmd"            ! $3d_pmt
tube_eff_asym         set bank pmte 1 word 1 to        ! $tube_eff_asym $on (or $off)
pmt_nois_rate         set bank pmtt 1 word 3 to        ! $pmt_nois_rate 1000.
pmt_time_dist_pre_5_00  titles "pmt_time_dist_pre_5_00.dat" ! $pmt_time_dist_pre_5_00
pmt_refl_scale_factor set bank prat 1 word 1 to        ! $pmt_refl_scale_factor 1.03



mcdaq_hthresh       set bank mcdq  1 word 47  to ! $mcdaq_hthresh 10.
mcdaq_cthresh       set bank mcdq  1 word 2  to  ! $mcdaq_cthresh  5
mcdaq_ztell         set bank mcdq  1 word 3  to  ! $mcdaq_ztell $on (or $off)
ext_flag            set bank mcdq  1 word 21 to  ! $ext_flag $asynch
asynch              -1
synch                1
ext_time            set bank mcdq  1 word 22 to  ! $ext_time 50.
trigger_mode        set bank mcdq  1 word 26 to  ! see below
perfect             0     ! $trigger_mode $perfect
simulated           1     ! $trigger_mode $simulated
simulated_dead      2     ! $trigger_mode $simulated_dead
measured            3     ! $trigger_mode $measured
measured_dead       4     ! $trigger_mode $measured_dead
dqxx_info           set bank mcdq  1 word 27 to  ! $dqxx_info $on (or $off)

mcdaq_xtalk_thresh  set bank mcxt  1 word 1  to  ! $mcdaq_xtalk_thresh 30. (or $off)

tsp_sim_rate        set bank ttsp 1 word 2 to    ! $tsp_sim_rate 15.0
tsp_sim_navg        set bank ttsp 1 word 3 to    ! $tsp_sim_navg 12.0


Media Optical Properties( MEDA MEDA MEDA )

meda_vacuum               set bank meda 1 word 1      ! see below
meda_light_water          set bank meda 1 word 85     ! see below
meda_heavy_water          set bank meda 1 word 169    ! see below
meda_norite               set bank meda 1 word 253    ! see below
meda_acrylic_standard     set bank meda 1 word 337    ! see below
meda_acrylic_good         set bank meda 1 word 421    ! see below
meda_acrylic_bad_4_inch   set bank meda 1 word 505    ! see below
meda_acrylic_poor         set bank meda 1 word 589    ! see below
meda_acrylic_dark         set bank meda 1 word 673    ! see below
meda_acrylic_variable     set bank meda 1 word 757    ! see below
meda_nickel               set bank meda 1 word 841    ! see below
meda_stainless_steel      set bank meda 1 word 925    ! see below
meda_pmt_passive_coating  set bank meda 1 word 1009   ! see below
meda_petals               set bank meda 1 word 1093   ! see below
meda_dynode_stack         set bank meda 1 word 1174   ! see below
meda_glass                set bank meda 1 word 1261   ! see below
meda_air                  set bank meda 1 word 1345   ! see below
meda_aluminium            set bank meda 1 word 1429   ! see below
meda_kevlar               set bank meda 1 word 1513   ! see below
meda_ba_fa_feroxdur       set bank meda 1 word 1597   ! see below
meda_counter_gas          set bank meda 1 word 1681   ! see below
meda_abs_water            set bank meda 1 word 1765   ! see below
meda_abs_air              set bank meda 1 word 1849   ! see below
meda_photocathode         set bank meda 1 word 1933   ! see below
meda_nai                  set bank meda 1 word 2017   ! see below
meda_polyethylene         set bank meda 1 word 2101   ! see below
meda_concrete             set bank meda 1 word 2185   ! see below
meda_plastic_scintillator set bank meda 1 word 2269   ! see below
meda_quartz               set bank meda 1 word 2353   ! see below
meda_lead                 set bank meda 1 word 2437   ! see below
meda_germanium            set bank meda 1 word 2521   ! see below
meda_copper               set bank meda 1 word 2605   ! see below
meda_argon                set bank meda 1 word 2689   ! see below
meda_ptfe                 set bank meda 1 word 2773   ! see below
meda_he3ncdgas            set bank meda 1 word 2857   ! see below
meda_he4ncdgas            set bank meda 1 word 2941   ! see below
meda_arco2                set bank meda 1 word 3025   ! see below
meda_mineral_oil          set bank meda 1 word 3109   ! see below

optical_flag       offset 7  to  ! $meda_light_water $optical_flag      $on
ref_index_mean     offset 8  to  ! $meda_light_water $ref_index_mean    1.342
ref_index_poly     offset 10 to  ! $meda_light_water $ref_index_poly    1.302 0.01562 0.32
attn_scl_fac       offset 30 to  ! $meda_light_water $attn_scl_fac      1.0
attn_num_data      offset 31 to  ! $meda_light_water $attn_num_data     7.0
attn_wavelengths   offset 32 to  ! $meda_light_water $attn_wavelengths  250. 350. 400. 450. 500. 548. 578.
attn_coefficients  offset 47 to  ! $meda_light_water $attn_coefficients 1.0e-5 1.0e-5 1.3e-5 6.0e-5 2.0e-4 5.8e-4 9.2e-4
rayleigh_scl_fac   offset 62 to  ! $meda_light_water $rayleigh_scl_fac  2.0
isothermal_comp    offset 63 to  ! $meda_light_water $isothermal_comp   4.78e-10
specular_flag      offset 64 to  ! $meda_light_water $specular_flag     0
specular_poly      offset 65 to  ! $meda_light_water $specular_poly     0.0
diffuse_flag       offset 74 to  ! $meda_aluminium   $diffuse_flag      1
diffuse_poly       offset 75 to  ! $meda_aluminium   $diffuse_poly      0.2
diffuse_scf_air    offset 83 to  ! $meda_aluminium   $diffuse_scf_air   1.5
scint_flag         offset 84 to  ! $meda_aluminium   $diffuse_scf_air   0

scint_nphot        set bank scbu 1 word 1 to ! $scint_phot 12000
scint_birks        set bank scbu 1 word 2 to ! $scint_birks 13.3e-3
scint_ntime        set bank scbu 1 word 3 to ! $scint_ntime 3
scint_time_exp     set bank scbu 1 word 4 to ! $scint_time_exp 3.57 17.61 59.50
scint_time_frac    set bank scbu 1 word 9 to ! $scint_time_frac 0.895 0.958 1.00
scint_ncomp        set bank scbu 1 word 14 to ! $scint_ncomp 2
scint_comp_ids     set bank scbu 1 word 15 to 
  scint_comp_pc        1         ! $scint_comp_ids $scint_comp_pc $scint_comp_bpo
  scint_comp_ppo       2
  scint_comp_bismsb    3
  scint_comp_pcppo     4
  scint_comp_nd-carb   5
  scint_comp_pquat     6
  scint_comp_bpo       7
  scint_comp_dinppo    8
  scint_comp_labppo    9
scint_comp_fracs   set bank scbu 1 word 25 to ! $scint_comp_fracs 0.5 1.0 
scint_prim_em      set bank scbu 1 word 35 to 
 scint_prim_pc_ppo     1         ! $scint_prim_em $scint_prim_pc_ppo
 scint_prim_bpo        2
 scint_prim_ppo        3
 scint_prim_pc         4
 scint_prim_pquat      5
 scint_prim_uniform    6
scint_debug_hist   set bank scbu 1 word 36 to       ! $scint_debug_hist $on
scint_rem_prob     set bank scco $1 word 402 to $2  ! $scint_rem_prob $scint_comp_pc 0.63
scint_rem_ntime   set bank scco $1 word 804 to $2   ! $scint_rem_n_time $scint_comp_pc 1
scint_rem_time_exp set bank scco $1 word 805 to $2  ! $scint_rem_time_exp $scint_comp_pc 3.5
scint_rem_time_frac set bank scco $1 word 810 to $2 !


Geometry( GEDP, GEDS, TGEO )

disable_geom        set bank geds $1 word 1 to $off  ! $disable_geom $acrv_tile
enable_geom         set bank geds $1 word 1 to $on   ! $enable_geom  $bly_plate
ncd                 @geom_ncd                        ! $ncd
acrylic_tiles       @geom_acrylic_tiles              ! $acrylic_tiles
belly_plate_rope    @geom_belly_plate_rope           ! $belly_plates
partial_fill        set bank tgeo 1 word 1  to       ! $partial_fill $on (or $off)
d2o_level           set bank tgeo 1 word 2  to       ! $d2o_level 20.
h2o_level           set bank tgeo 1 word 3  to       ! $h2o_level 50.
partial_fill_media  set bank tgeo 1 word 6  to       ! $partial_fill_media $heavy_water
suppress_geo_err_print set bank tgeo 1 word 8 to 1   ! $suppress_geo_err_print

!The followings commands will simulate the partial filling of heavy water
! + 0.2% salt to a level of -300cm with heavy water above:
!$partial_fill        $on
!$partial_fill_media  $heavy water   (default is air)
!$d2o_level            -300.
!$d2o_region_01       $salt_gmgm     $added
!$d2o_region_02       $salt_gmgm     $added
air_fill            @geom_air_fill                   ! $air_fill
av_z_shift          set bank gedp 200 word 12 to     ! $av_z_shift -5.32
geom_media          set bank geds $1 word  3 to $2   ! $geom_media $D2O $air
translate_geom      set bank gedp $1 word 10 to $2 $3 $4 ! $translate_geom $icali_ovl 0.0 23.4 2.9
rotate_geom_t       set bank gedp $1 word  1 to $2 $3 $4 ! $rotate_geom_t  $icali_ovl 1.0 0.0 0.0
rotate_geom_m       set bank gedp $1 word  4 to $2 $3 $4 ! $rotate_geom_m  $icali_ovl 0.0 1.0 0.0
rotate_geom_b       set bank gedp $1 word  7 to $2 $3 $4 ! $rotate_geom_b  $icali_ovl 0.0 0.0 1.0
geom_debug_flags    set bank tgeo 1 word 4  to       ! $geom_debug_flags 3
geom_region_debug   set bank geds $1 word  6 to $2   ! $geom_region_debug $D2O 1
geom_probe_sphere_rad set bank tgeo 1 word 5 to      ! $geom_probe_sphere_rad 900
max_cer_ge_errors   set bank tgeo 1 word 7 to        ! $max_cer_ge_errors 2
translate_chime     set bank gedp 195 word 1 to $1 $2 $3  ! $translate_chime 0. 0. 0.
D2O                   100
D2O_AIR               101
CL_BAG                104
CL_BAG_D2O            105
NCD_OVL               111
NCD_LIVL              112
NCD_DIVL              113
NCD_WIRE              114
NCD_EC                115
NCD_LIVL_END          117
NCC                   120
NCC_ANC               121
ICALI_24NA_CAN        124
ICALI_24NA_STEM       125
ICALI_OVL             130
ICALI_CF_SRC          131
ICALI_CF_STEM         132
ICALI_CF_PUCK_N       135
ICALI_CF_CAN_N        136
ICALI_CF_STEM_N       137
ICALI_IVL             140
UMBIL_IVL             150
UMBIL_OVL             151
MAN_WEIGHT_IVL        152
MAN_WEIGHT_OVL        153
MAN_CAN_OVL_N         154
MAN_CAN_IVL_N         155
UMBIL_OVL_N           158
UMBIL_IVL_N           159
ICALI_N16_CAN         160
ICALI_N16_RING        161
ICALI_N16_OPT         162
ICALI_N16_GAP         163
ICALI_N16_SCINT       164
ICALI_N16_GAS         165
ICALI_N16_INSTR       166
ICALI_N16_PMT_E       167
ICALI_N16_PMT_I       168
ICALI_LI8_CAN         170
ICALI_LI8_CATH        172
ICALI_LI8_GAS         174
ICALI_AMBE_CAN        176
ICALI_24NA2_CAN       179
ICALI_24NA2_LID       180
ICALI_PTG_OVL         181
ICALI_PTG_IVL         182
ICALI_PTG_M_OVL       183
ICALI_PTG_M_IVL       184
ICALI_PTG_B_OVL       185
ICALI_PTG_B_IVL       186
ICALI_PTG_E_OVL       188
ICALI_PTG_E_IVL       189
ICALI_PTG_ACRY        191
ICALI_PTG_I_IVL       192
ICALI_PTG_POLY        193
ICALI_CHIME_D2O       197
ICALI_CHIME_EC        199
ACRV                  200
ACRV_TILE             201
ACRC                  210
ACRC_OVL              211
ACRC_IVL              212
ACRC_IVL_AIR          213
ICALI_LI8_HEAD        261
ICALI_LI8_CGAS        262
ICALI_LI8_OVWR        263
ICALI_LI8_RING        271
H2O                   300
H2O_AIR               301
BLY_PLATE             310
BLY_GROOVE            315
BLY_ROPE              320
OCALI_OVL             330
OCALI_IVL             340
OCALI_CBL             350
PAN_ZONE              400
PAN_ZONE_AIR          401
HEX_EMPTY             410
HEX_EMPTY_AIR         411
PMT_OVL               422
PMT_GLASS             423
PMT_VACUUM            424
PMT_PETAL             425
PMT_ABS               426
PMT_PINOUT            427
PMT_BASE              428
PMT_JACKET            429
PMT_STACK_OVL         431
PMT_STACK_OVL_T       432
PMT_STACK_IVL         433
PMT_OUT_DARK          450
ABS_SKIRT             455
PSUP_OVL              460
PSUP_IVL              462
INNER_DARK            500
INNER_DARK_AIR        501
COUNTING_ROOM         550
URYLON                570
SHOTCRETE             580
ACTIVE_NORITE         590
ROCK                  600
OUT_DARK              700



flt_start_test_names    0  ! Must immediately preceed Filter test mnemonics. 
                           ! See FLT_GET_TEST_NAME

user_1_cut             -1  !  call flt($user_1_cut)
user_2_cut             -2
user_3_cut             -3
user_4_cut             -4
user_5_cut             -5
two_pass_cut           -6
perm_bank_cut          -7
charge_cut             -8
cluster_cut            -9
amb_cut               -10
fts_cut               -11
qvt_cut               -12
qcluster_cut          -13
owl_cut               -14
seismic_cut           -15
ring_of_fire_cut      -16
neck_cut              -17
junk_cut              -18
esum_cut              -19
q_nhit_cut            -20
crate_isotropy_cut    -21
muon_tag              -22
itc_cut               -23
fgc_cut               -24
owl_up_cut            -25
owlehi_cut            -26
prescale_tag          -27
zero_zero_cut         -28
blind_event_tag       -29
fork1_cut             -30
fork2_cut             -31
ncdoscnoise_cut       -32
flattrace_cut         -33
narrow_pulse_cut      -34
blind_muon_event_tag  -35
no_ncd_info           -36
ncd_pulser            -37
prescale_2_tag        -38
prescale_3_tag        -39 
multi_ncd_cut         -40
freq_flat_cut         -41
freq_fork_cut         -42
freq_spike_cut        -43
freq_sym_cut          -44
freq_osc_cut          -45
corr_time_cut         -46
crate_off_tag         -47
sm3_cut               -48
mlp_cut               -49
ncdps_cut             -50
ncd_nre_pulse_cut     -51

flt_end_test_names      0  ! Must immediately follow Filter test mnemonics.

flt_set_prescale            set bank flth 27 word 1 to !$flt_set_prescale 0.5
flt_set_prescale_2          set bank flth 38 word 1 to !$flt_set_prescale_2 0.5
flt_set_prescale_3          set bank flth 39 word 1 to !$flt_set_prescale_3 0.5



time_fit_early_cut          set bank tftt 1 word 3 to ! $time_fit_early_cut 4.0
time_fit_late_cut           set bank tftt 1 word 4 to ! $time_fit_late_cut 4.0

muon_fit_min_tubes          set bank tftm 1 word 1 to
muon_fit_which_charge       set bank tftm 1 word 2 to
muon_fit_throw_away         set bank tftm 1 word 3 to
muon_fit_exit_guess_points  set bank tftm 1 word 4 to
muon_fit_dir_guess_points   set bank tftm 1 word 5 to
muon_fit_cut_at_once        set bank tftm 1 word 6 to
muon_fit_max_cut            set bank tftm 1 word 7 to
muon_fit_min_charge         set bank tftm 1 word 10 to
muon_fit_charge_cut_ratio   set bank tftm 1 word 11 to
muon_fit_min_eta            set bank tftm 1 word 12 to
muon_fit_exit_grid_angle    set bank tftm 1 word 13 to
muon_fit_time_window        set bank tftm 1 word 14 to
muon_fit_chisq_goal         set bank tftm 1 word 15 to
muon_fit_enter_radius       set bank tftm 1 word 16 to
muon_fit_water_level        set bank tftm 1 word 17 to
muon_fit_info               set bank tftm 1 word 20 to 1
muon_fit_debug              set bank tftm 1 word 20 to 2
muon_fit_dump_files         set bank tftm 1 word 21 to 1
muon_fit_multiphoton_time   set bank tftm 1 word 22 to 1
muon_fit_mpca_time_sigma    set bank tftm 1 word 23 to 1

path_fit_c_avg              set bank tftp 1 word 1 to
path_fit_temp_calls         set bank tftp 1 word 2 to
path_fit_anneal_calls       set bank tftp 1 word 3 to
path_fit_alpha              set bank tftp 1 word 4 to
path_fit_ftol               set bank tftp 1 word 5 to
path_fit_temp_start         set bank tftp 1 word 6 to
path_fit_rst1_temp_calls    set bank tftp 1 word 7 to
path_fit_rst1_anneal_calls  set bank tftp 1 word 8 to
path_fit_rst1_alpha         set bank tftp 1 word 9 to
path_fit_rst1_ftol          set bank tftp 1 word 10 to
path_fit_rst1_temp_start    set bank tftp 1 word 11 to
path_fit_demxyz             set bank tftp 1 word 12 to
path_fit_dem_costheta       set bank tftp 1 word 13 to
path_fit_dem_phi            set bank tftp 1 word 14 to
path_fit_dem_time           set bank tftp 1 word 15 to
path_fit_num_seg            set bank tftp 1 word 16 to
path_fit_root_tol           set bank tftp 1 word 17 to
path_fit_print_mode         set bank tftp 1 word 18 to
path_fit_print_verbose      set bank tftp 1 word 18 to 1
path_fit_seed_lvl           set bank tftp 1 word 19 to
path_fit_min_seed_lvl       set bank tftp 1 word 20 to
path_fit_gof_mask           set bank tftp 1 word 21 to
path_fit_fit_mode           set bank tftp 1 word 22 to
path_fit_tonly              set bank tftp 1 word 22 to 2
path_fit_drv_corr_flg       set bank tftp 1 word 23 to
path_fit_no_drv_corr        set bank tftp 1 word 23 to 0
path_fit_minimize_strategy  set bank tftp 1 word 24 to

ftk_print_verbose           set bank tftk 1 word 2 to 2
ftk_set_position_fitter     set bank tftk 1 word 3 to 
ftk_disable_data_geo        set bank tftk 1 word 12 to -1
ftk_set_minimization_type   set bank tftk 1 word 4 to 

fti_verbose                 set bank tfti 1 word 1 to 1  ! $fti_verbose
fti_anxx_pca_mask           set bank tfti 1 word 2 to    ! $fti_anxx_pca_mask 50462829
fti_anxx_neutrino_mask      set bank tfti 1 word 3 to    ! $fti_anxx_neutrinomask 1074470913
fti_imp_dev                 set bank tfti 1 word 4 to    ! $fti_imp_dev 30.
fti_ang_dev                 set bank tfti 1 word 5 to    ! $fti_ang_dev 5.
fti_first_temp              set bank tfti 1 word 6 to    ! $fti_first_temp 400.
fti_first_an_calls          set bank tfti 1 word 7 to    ! $fti_first_an_calls 8
fti_first_temp_calls        set bank tfti 1 word 8 to    ! $fti_first_temp_calls 30
fti_first_anneal_sched      set bank tfti 1 word 9 to    ! $fti_first_anneal_sched 1
fti_second_temp             set bank tfti 1 word 10 to   ! $fti_second_temp 200.
fti_second_an_calls         set bank tfti 1 word 11 to   ! $fti_second_an_calls 20
fti_second_temp_calls       set bank tfti 1 word 12 to   ! $fti_second_temp_calls 15
fti_second_anneal_sched     set bank tfti 1 word 13 to   ! $fti_second_anneal_sched 4
fti_dir_phot_t_cut          set bank tfti 1 word 14 to   ! $fti_dir_phot_t_cut 4.
fti_time_q_cut              set bank tfti 1 word 15 to   ! $fti_time_q_cut 2.
fti_use_mc_seed             set bank tfti 1 word 16 to 1 ! $fti_use_mc_seed

fty_verbose                 set bank tfty 1 word 1 to 1  ! $fty_verbose
fty_use_mc_seed             set bank tfty 1 word 2 to 1  ! $fty_use_mc_seed

ftz_verbose                 set bank tftz 1 word 1 to 1  ! $ftz_verbose
ftz_use_mc_seed             set bank tftz 1 word 2 to 1  ! $ftz_use_mc_seed


Energy calibration( TRSP )

rsp_photon_dist             set bank trsp 1 word 1 to
rsp_mean_pgt                set bank trsp 1 word 2 to
rsp_fitter_index            set bank trsp 1 word 3 to
rsp_fitter_pull             set bank trsp 1 word 4 to
rsp_iterate_energy          set bank trsp 1 word 5 to
rsp_energy_tol              set bank trsp 1 word 6 to
rsp_max_iter                set bank trsp 1 word 7 to
rsp_nphi_sum                set bank trsp 1 word 8 to
rsp_ntheta_sum              set bank trsp 1 word 9 to
rsp_cer_lo                  set bank trsp 1 word 10 to
rsp_cer_hi                  set bank trsp 1 word 11 to
rsp_num_4pi                 set bank trsp 1 word 12 to
rsp_drift_correction        set bank trsp 1 word 13 to
rsp_make_ftxr               set bank trsp 1 word 17 to 1
rsp_use_anxx                set bank trsp 1 word 18 to $rsp_use_anxx $on
rsp_anxx_pca_mask           set bank trsp 1 word 19 to
rsp_anxx_neu_mask           set bank trsp 1 word 20 to
rsp_calc_ene2               set bank trsp 1 word 22 to


Energy calibration mnemonics

! RSP bank:-

KRSP_NWIN             2
KRSP_NWIN2            3
KRSP_NDARK            4
KRSP_NEFF             5
KRSP_NCOR             6
KRSP_NCORMC           7
KRSP_NONLINE          8
KRSP_NCAL             9
KRSP_ENE             12
KRSP_QUALITY         14
KRSP_R_D2O           15
KRSP_R_ACR           16
KRSP_R_H2O           17
KRSP_R_MPE           19
KRSP_R_PMTR          20
KRSP_R_EFF           21
KRSP_DRIFT           22
KRSP_NHITS           23
KRSP_FIT_IDX         24
KRSP_NWIN_ALL        25
KRSP_NHITS_AL        26
KRSP_NHITS_DQ        27
KRSP_NWIN_PT         28
KRSP_TSHIFT          29
KRSP_NCKV            32
KRSP_FOM             34


Classifier( TCLN )

cln_nhit_window       set bank tcln 1 word 1  to ! $cln_nhit_window 10 500
cln_vertex            set bank tcln 1 word 3  to ! $cln_vertex $KFT_FTT (or $none, $use_mc)
cln_direction         set bank tcln 1 word 4  to ! $cln_direction $none (or $KFT_FTx, $use_mc)
none                  0
use_mc                -1
cln_residual_cut      set bank tcln 1 word 5  to ! $cln_residual_cut 200.
cln_network           set bank tcln 1 word 6  to ! $cln_network $on (or $off or $update_fitter_banks)
update_fitter_banks   -1


Display( TXED )

xed_default_bank      set bank TXED 1 word 1 to  ! DMM bank used by default

Random Access Analyser

restore_discarded     set bank traa 1 word 3 to  !$restore_discarded $yes (or $no)
raa_delete_pmts       set bank traa 1 word 5 to  !$raa_delete_pmts $yes (or $no)
raa_run_boundry_subruns  set bank raas 13 word 2 to ! $raa_run_boundry_subruns 1 (or 2, or 3 etc)

!Subprocessor ID's

raa_user_1              1     ! call RAA($raa_user_1,$raa_user_2,...)
raa_user_2              2
raa_user_3              3
raa_user_4              4
raa_user_5              5
raa_burst_cut           6
raa_hib_cut             7
raa_mu_follow_cut       8
raa_rlog_anal           9
raa_tslh               10
raa_hca                11
raa_mis_mu_fol         12
raa_run_boundary       13
raa_shaper_overflow    14
raa_ncd_corr_tag       15
raa_qrc                16
raa_ngr_tag            17

!Status word bits

kraa_discard            0
kraa_perm               1
kraa_select             2
kraa_hib                3
kraa_mu_fol_short       4
kraa_mu_fol_long        5
kraa_mu                 6
kraa_orphan             7
kraa_salt_blind         8
kraa_mis_mu             9
kraa_mis_mu_fol_short  10
kraa_mis_mu_fol_long   11
kraa_ncd               12
kraa_run_start         13
kraa_run_end           14
kraa_run_bound         15
kraa_shaper_overflow   16
kraa_ncd_corr          17
kraa_ngr_tag           18

!Burst Cut status word bits
!For Cut i use bit i of this word.
kraa_first_ev           0
kraa_sub_bound         31      

!Runlog Analysis control.

rlai_update_mode   set bank RAAS 9 word 3 to !  $rlai_update_mode $no (or $yes)
rlai_write_to_sdb  set bank RAAS 9 word 2 to !  $rlai_write_to_sdb $yes (or $no)

!HCA control
hca_mode           set bank RAAS 11 word 1 to ! $hca_mode $perform_correction
hca_correction     set bank RAAS 11 word 2 to ! $hca_correction $all_corrections
hca_consecutive    set bank RAAS 11 word 3 to ! $hca_consecutive $no
hca_diagnostic     set bank RAAS 11 word 4 to ! $hca_diagnostic $yes
hca_ped_time       set bank RAAS 11 word 5 to ! $hca_ped_time 250.
hca_safe_factor    set bank RAAS 11 word 6 to ! $hca_safe_factor 6.

perform_correction      0
process_eca             1
process_rrate           2
hca_no_op              -1

new_correction          2
queens_correction       4
all_corrections         6

!QRC Control
qrc_pca           set bank RAAS 16 word 6 to ! $qrc_pca $yes


Ntuple Control( NTPR, TCAR )

disable_ntuple        set bank ntpr $1 word 4 to $off! $disable_ntuple 500
enable_ntuple         set bank ntpr $1 word 4 to $on ! $enable_ntuple  600
tca_disable_ntuple    set bank tcar $1 word 4 to $off! $tca_disable_ntuple 500
tca_enable_ntuple     set bank tcar $1 word 4 to $on ! $tca_enable_ntuple  600
tca_buffer_frac       set bank tcac 1  word 1 to     ! $tca_buffer_frac  0.5
tca_quit_on_ovfl      set bank tcac 1  word 2 to     ! $tca_quit_on_ovfl $on
tca_ambig_max         set bank tcac 1  word 3 to     ! $tca_ambig_max    10
tca_ambig_req         set bank tcac 1  word 4 to     ! $tca_ambig_req     2
tca_output_unass      set bank tcac 1  word 5 to     ! $tca_output_unass $on
tca_time_gate_low     set bank tcac 1  word 6 to     ! $tca_time_gate_low  -1000.
tca_time_gate_high    set bank tcac 1  word 7 to     ! $tca_time_gate_high +1000.
tca_time_gate         set bank tcac 1  word 6 to     ! $tca_time_gate -2000 2000

true               1    ! Use as cuts for logical DQFs e.g:-
false              0    ! ' _TEST_OR   OR    1., 2. : $true; '



sml_start_histo       set bank smlc 1  word 1 to     ! $sml_start_histo  $yes
sml_update_period     set bank smlc 1  word 2 to     ! $sml_update_period 100

yes                1    ! Use for switching on
no                 0    ! Use for switching off


Event Pruner( TPRU )

keep               0
drop               1

prune_mc               set bank tpru 1 word 1  to ! $prune_mc $keep
prune_mcpm             set bank tpru 1 word 2  to ! $prune_mcpm $keep 
prune_mcvx_source      set bank tpru 1 word 3  to ! $prune_mcvx_source $keep
prune_mcvx_boundary    set bank tpru 1 word 4  to ! $prune_mcvx_boundary $drop
prune_mcvx_interaction set bank tpru 1 word 5  to ! $prune_mcvx_interaction $drop
prune_mcvx_sink        set bank tpru 1 word 6  to ! $prune_mcvx_sink $keep
prune_mcvx_pre_source  set bank tpru 1 word 7  to ! $prune_mcvx_pre_source $keep
prune_pix              set bank tpru 1 word 8  to ! $prune_pix $keep
prune_zdab             set bank tpru 1 word 9  to ! $prune_zdab $keep
prune_px               set bank tpru 1 word 10 to ! $prune_px $keep
prune_pf               set bank tpru 1 word 11 to ! $prune_pf $keep
prune_pmt              set bank tpru 1 word 12 to ! $prune_pmt $keep
prune_cl               set bank tpru 1 word 13 to ! $prune_cl $keep
prune_ft               set bank tpru 1 word 14 to ! $prune_ft $keep
prune_dsml             set bank tpru 1 word 15 to ! $prune_dsml $keep
prune_ev               set bank tpru 1 word 16 to ! $prune_ev $keep
prune_pmt_style        set bank tpru 1 word 17 to ! $prune_pmt_style $keep
prune_rsp              set bank tpru 1 word 18 to ! $prune_rsp $keep
prune_anal             set bank tpru 1 word 19 to ! $prune_anal $keep
prune_ftxa             set bank tpru 1 word 20 to ! $prune_ftxa $keep
prune_nesg             set bank tpru 1 word 21 to ! $prune_nesg $keep
prune_nes              set bank tpru 1 word 22 to ! $prune_nes $keep
prune_nemg             set bank tpru 1 word 23 to ! $prune_nemg $keep
prune_nems             set bank tpru 1 word 24 to ! $prune_nems $keep
prune_npa              set bank tpru 1 word 25 to ! $prune_npa $keep
prune_mcns             set bank tpru 1 word 26 to ! $prune_mcns $keep
prune_mcnh             set bank tpru 1 word 27 to ! $prune_mcnh $keep
prune_mcna             set bank tpru 1 word 28 to ! $prune_mcna $keep
prune_mcnq             set bank tpru 1 word 29 to ! $prune_mcnq $keep
prune_mcnc             set bank tpru 1 word 30 to ! $prune_mcnc $keep
prune_mcnt             set bank tpru 1 word 31 to ! $prune_mcnt $keep
prune_mcni             set bank tpru 1 word 32 to ! $prune_mcni $keep
prune_npfa             set bank tpru 1 word 33 to ! $prune_npfa $keep
prune_necl             set bank tpru 1 word 34 to ! $prune_necl $keep


Event Packer( TPCK, TUPK )

zdab_option            set bank tpck 1 word 2 to ! See below

zdab_no_mc         0                             ! $zdab_option $zdab_no_mc
zdab_min_mc        1                             ! $zdab_option $zdab_min_mc
zdab_max_mc        2                             ! $zdab_option $zdab_max_mc

upk_make_pbun          set bank tupk 1 word 1 to ! $upk_make_pbun $on (or $off)
upk_tubes_off          set bank tupk 1 word 2 to ! $upk_tubes_off $on (or $off)
upk_use_ncd_gtid       set bank tupk 1 word 4 to 1  ! $upk_use_ncd_gtid


Raw Data Validation( TRDV )

rdv_print_level        set bank trdv 1 word 0 to  ! $rdv_print_level 2


Runlogger processors: RLG, RLR, RLO( TRLR )

rlr_run_range          set bank trlr 1 word 1 to 1 ! $rlr_run_range 1234 5678
rlr_date_range         set bank trlr 1 word 1 to 2 ! $rlr_date_range 19990101 0 20010101 0
rlr_run_list           set bank trlr 1 word 1 to 3 ! $rlr_run_list
rlr_app_damn_hist_id   set bank trlr 1 word 6 to   ! $rlr_app_damn_hist_id  8000



photon             001
gamma              002
e_minus            020
e_plus             021
mu_minus           022
mu_plus            023
tau_minus          024
tau_plus           025
nu_e               030
nu_e_bar           031
nu_mu              032
nu_mu_bar          033
nu_tau             034
nu_tau_bar         035
pi_zero            040
pi_plus            041
pi_minus           042
eta                043
eta_bar            044
k_short            050
k_long             051
k_plus             052
k_minus            053
k0                 054
k0_bar             055
etap               056
etap_bar           057
rho0               058
rho0_bar           059
rho                060
rho_bar            061
omega              062
omega_bar          063
kstar              064
kstar_bar          065
k0star             066
k0star_bar         067
phi                068
phi_bar            069
a20                070
a20_bar            071
a2                 072
a2_bar             073
a1                 074
a1_bar             075
proton             080
neutron            081
antiproton         082
antineutron        083
lambda             084
antilambda         085
sigma_plus         086
antisigma_plus     087
sigma_zero         088
antisigma_zero     089
sigma_minus        090
antisigma_minus    091
cascade0           092
cascade0_bar       093
cascade_minus      094
cascade_plus       095
delta2_plus        096
delta2_minus       097
deltau_plus        098
deltau_minus       099
delta0             100
delta0_bar         101
deltad_plus        102
deltad_minus       103
sigmastaru_plus    104
sigmastaru_minus   105
sigmastar0         106
sigmastar0_bar     107
sigmastard_plus    108
sigmastard_minus   109
cascstar0          110
cascstar0_bar      111
cascstar_minus     112
cascstar_plus      113
omegastar_minus    114
omegastar_plus     115
jpsi               116
triton             125
alpha              131
1h                 080
2h                 120
3h                 125
3he                130
4he                131
6li                160
7li                170
8li                180
8b                 182
9be                190
10b                200
11b                210
11be               211
12b                220
12c                221
12n                222
13c                223
14n                241
15n                242
16n                260
16o                261
17o                270
18o                271
19f                291
23na               330
24mg               340
24na               341
25mg               342
26mg               343
27al               370
28si               380
29si               381
30si               382
31p                385
32s                390
33s                391
34s                392
36s                394
35cl               451
36cl               461
39k                490
36ar               499
38ar               500
40ar               501
40k                502
40ca               503
41k                504
42ca               541
43ca               542
44ca               543
46ca               544
48ca               545
45sc               546
50cr               507
52cr               505
55mn               506
53cr               508
54cr               509
54fe               510
56fe               511
57fe               512
58fe               513
58ni               521
60ni               523
61ni               524
62ni               525
64ni               527
63cu               528
65cu               529
56co               530
59co               531
70ge               535
72ge               536
73ge               537
74ge               538
76ge               539
89y                561
93nb               562
99tc               563
107ag              564
109ag              565
121sb              551
123sb              552
127i               553
129i               566
133cs              554
134cs              567
135cs              568
136cs              569
137cs              570
130ba              555
132ba              556
134ba              557
135ba              558
136ba              559
137ba              560
138ba              550
151eu              571
153eu              572
152gd              573
154gd              574
155gd              575
156gd              576
157gd              577
158gd              578
160gd              579
165ho              581
181ta              582
182ta              583
182w               584
183w               585
184w               586
186w               587
185re              588
187re              589
197au              590
204pb              824
206pb              826
207pb              827
208pb              828
208tl              580
209bi              603
210tl              600
210pb              601
210bi              602
212pb              620
212bi              621
214pb              640
214bi              641
220rn              700
222rn              720
228ra              781
228ac              782
232th              835
234th              840
234pa              841
238u               850
252cf              880
c                  906
mg                 912
si                 914
s                  916
cl                 917
ar                 918
k                  919
ca                 920
ti                 922
v                  923
cr                 924
fe                 926
ni                 928
ga                 931
zr                 940
mo                 942
in                 949
hf                 972



any_channel        000
solar_nu           510  
atmos_nu           530  
supernova_nu       550  
start              100  
beta_decay         101    
beta_gamma_decay   103  
alpha_decay        104
n_pt               105  
es                 110  
nc                 111  
cc                 112  
fission            120 
cosmic_muon        196
neutron_bomb       197
particle_list      198
photon_bomb        199  
null_boundary      200  
cer_refl           201  
cer_diff_re        202  
cer_refr           203  
cer_diff_tr        204  
create_cer         301  
cer_impmt          302  
cer_rayl           303  
cer_escape         304  
cer_bounce         305  
cer_wls            306
photo_disin        310  
interaction        320  
n                  321  
2xn                322  
3xn                323  
n_n_alpha          324  
n_excited          325  
n_capture          326  
n_gamma            327  
n_proton           328  
n_deuteron         329  
n_triton           330  
n_3he              331  
n_alpha            332  
muon               340  
hadron             360  
cbv_cer            397  
egs_node           398  
egs                399  
lost               400  
cer_discard        401  
cer_pmt_hit        402  
cer_pmt_miss       403  
cer_absorbed       404  



vacuum                 1
light_water          100
heavy_water          200
norite               300
acrylic_standard     400
acrylic_good         401
acrylic_bad_4inch    402
acrylic_poor         403
acrylic_dark         450
acrylic_variable     499
nickel               500
stainless_steel      600
pmt_passive_coating  601
petals               602
dynode_stack         603
glass                700
air                  800
aluminium            900
kevlar              1000
ba_fe_feroxdur      1100
counter_gas         1200
abs_water           1300
abs_air             1400
photocathode        1500
mineral_oil         2900


DQF Mnemonics

! Modes for CCC_INFO:-

CCC_THRESH          1
CCC_STATUS          3
CCC_HV              6


Bank Addresses

KANAL_STATUS                1
KANAL_USER_1                2
KANAL_USER_2                3
KANAL_USER_3                4
KANAL_USER_4                5
KANAL_USER_5                6
KANAL_USER_6                7
KANAL_BURST                 8

KCAST_SIN                   1 
KCAST_STAT                  2 
KCAST_NROPE                 3 
KCAST_PSX                   4 
KCAST_PSY                   5 
KCAST_PSZ                   6 
KCAST_DSX                   7 
KCAST_DSY                   8 
KCAST_DSZ                   9 
KCAST_PERR                  10
KCAST_XERR                  11
KCAST_YERR                  12
KCAST_ZERR                  13
KCAST_ORNT                  14
KCAST_TAIL                  16
KCAST_RNUM1                 17
KCAST_LEN1                  18
KCAST_TLEN1                 19
KCAST_VEL1                  20
KCAST_TEN1                  21
KCAST_ERR1                  22
KCAST_RNUM2                 25
KCAST_LEN2                  26
KCAST_TLEN2                 27
KCAST_VEL2                  28
KCAST_TEN2                  29
KCAST_ERR2                  30

KCL_CLN                     1

KCLN_CLNP                   1

KCLN_RETC                   1
KCLN_PMT_USED               2

KCLNP_CLNO                  1

KDSML_SNOMAN_VER            1
KDSML_DTE                   2
KDSML_HMSC                  3
KDSML_PRO_ID                4
KDSML_PRO_MODE              5

KEGS4_NCE    	            1
KEGS4_EDP    	            2
KEGS4_RNG    	            3
KEGS4_NST    	            4
KEGS4_RNG_TOT 	            5
KEGS4_NCALL                 6
KEGS4_EDEP                  10
KEGS4_BSTR                  41
KEGS4_BST1                  42
KEGS4_MOLL                  43
KEGS4_BHAB                  44
KEGS4_IFEA                  45
KEGS4_STEA                  46
KEGS4_PAIR                  47
KEGS4_COMP                  48
KEGS4_COM1                  49
KEGS4_PHOT                  50

KEPED_DAC_SETTING              4
KEPED_CRATE_ID                 5
KEPED_GT_ID                    7
KEPED_BEG_END                  8
KEPED_RUN_NUMBER               9

KEV_NPFA                    32
KEV_NECL                    31
KEV_NPA                     30
KEV_NEMG_PAR                29
KEV_NEMG                    28
KEV_NES                     27
KEV_NESG                    26
KEV_RSP                     25
KEV_NECK                    24
KEV_BUTT                    23
KEV_ANAL                    22
KEV_FECD                    21
KEV_LG                      20
KEV_OWL                     19
KEV_PMT                     18
KEV_CL                      17
KEV_PIF                     16
KEV_PIT0                    15
KEV_PIT                     14
KEV_PIHS                    13
KEV_PIHL                    12
KEV_PILX                    11
KEV_PIN                     10
KEV_PT0                     9
KEV_PLX                     8
KEV_PHS                     7
KEV_ZDAB                    6
KEV_PF                      5
KEV_PN                      4
KEV_PHL                     3
KEV_PT                      2
KEV_FT                      1

KEV_ORPHAN                  0
KEV_TSLH                    1
KEV_HCA                     2
KEV_RUN                     1
KEV_EVN                     2
KEV_DTP                     3
KEV_JDY                     4
KEV_UT1                     5
KEV_UT2                     6
KEV_DTE                     7
KEV_HMSC                    8
KEV_GTR                     9
KEV_NPM                     11
KEV_NPH                     12
KEV_SUB_RUN                 13
KEV_TRG                     14
KEV_REC                     15
KEV_VPCK                    16
KEV_GTR_ID                  17
KEV_TRG_TYPE                18
KEV_PEAK                    19
KEV_DIFF                    20
KEV_INT                     21
KEV_ERR                     22
KEV_DATA_SET                23
KEV_NCD_STATUS              27
KEV_NUM_MUXG                28
KEV_NUM_MUX                 29
KEV_NUM_SCOPE               30
KEV_NCD_CLK_UP              36
KEV_NCD_CLK_LW  	    37
KEV_NCD_REG                 38
KEV_NCD_GTID                39
KEV_NCD_SYNC                40

KFT_FTX_CUR                 21
KFT_FTC                     17
KFT_FTZ                     16
KFT_FTY                     15
KFT_FTH                     14
KFT_FTI                     13
KFT_ENERGY                  12
KFT_FTR                     11
KFT_FTU                     10
KFT_FTP                     9
KFT_FTM                     8
KFT_FTG                     7
KFT_FTQ                     6
KFT_FTT                     5
KFT_FTE                     4
KFT_FT3                     3
KFT_FT2                     2
KFT_FT1                     1

KFTG_M_LIKE                 9
KFTG_M_LIKE_GRID            10
KFTG_M_LIKE_RATIO           11
KFTG_RFIT_GRID              12
KFTG_RCUBE                  13
KFTG_F_USED                 14

KFTQ_CLOUD_SIZE             9

KFTP_DSTAT_ANG2D            9
KFTP_DSTAT_ANG_PHI          10
KFTP_DSTAT_TIM              11
KFTP_KSPROB_ANG2D           12
KFTP_KSPROB_TIM             14

KFTT_CHI                    9

KFTE_POS_ENG                9
KFTE_DIR_ENG               10

KFTM_ChiDof                 9
KFTM_NTubes_GoodCharge     10
KFTM_NTubes_GoodGuess      11
KFTM_NTubes_CutChisq       12
KFTM_PFit                  13
KFTM_Length                14
KFTM_eta                   15
KFTM_psi                   16
KFTM_EXIT_X                17
KFTM_EXIT_Y                18
KFTM_EXIT_Z                19
KFTM_EXIT_T                20
KFTM_MeanQ                 21
KFTM_RMSQ                  22
KFTM_MeanT                 23
KFTM_RMST                  24
KFTM_pcorr                 25
KFTM_dEdX                  26
KFTM_delta_t               27
KFTM_AllTubes_Chisq        28
KFTM_Ntubes_Agree          29
KFTM_qMean_Agree           30
KFTM_ChiSQ_Agree           31
KFTM_log_pdf               32
KFTM_pdf_dof               33
KFTM_NShould               34
KFTM_FracShould            35
KFTM_NShouldnt             36
KFTM_QShouldnt             37
KFTM_chisq_should          38
KFTM_should_and_agree      39
KFTM_shouldnt_and_agree    40
KFTM_should_and_disagree   41
KFTM_shouldnt_and_disagree 42
KFTM_owl_tubes_online      43
KFTM_neck1_charge          44
KFTM_neck2_charge          45
KFTM_neck1_time            46
KFTM_neck2_time            47
KFTM_nExitWoundShould      48
KFTM_nExitWoundDid         49
KFTM_qExitWound            50
KFTM_mc_p                  51
KFTM_mc_eta                52
KFTM_mc_psi                53
KFTM_mc_xstop              54
KFTM_mc_ystop              55
KFTM_mc_zstop              56

KFTR_IMP                    9
KFTR_MEAN_Q                10
KFTR_MEAN_Q2               11
KFTR_MEAN_T                12
KFTR_MEAN_T2               13
KFTR_Q_DOT_T               14
KFTR_COS_QWA               15
KFTR_QVEC                  16
KFTR_TVEC                  19
KFTR_TRES_RMS              22

KFTR_FTRM                   3
KFTRM_GEN_DIR_U             1
KFTRM_GEN_DIR_V             2
KFTRM_GEN_DIR_W             3
KFTRM_GEN_POS_X             4
KFTRM_GEN_POS_Y             5
KFTRM_GEN_POS_Z             6
KFTRM_ENT_POS_X             7
KFTRM_ENT_POS_Y             8
KFTRM_ENT_POS_Z             9
KFTRM_EXIT_POS_X           10
KFTRM_EXIT_POS_Y           11
KFTRM_EXIT_POS_Z           12
KFTRM_STOP_POS_X           13
KFTRM_STOP_POS_Y           14
KFTRM_STOP_POS_Z           15
KFTRM_MU_ENE               16
KFTRM_GEN_IMPACT           17
KFTRM_MU_MASK              18
KFTRM_PART_MASK            19
KFTRM_DEDX                 20
KFTRM_AVE_IMPACT           21

KFTI_IMP                   13
KFTI_NLL                   14
KFTI_DEDX                  15
KFTI_IN_TIME               16
KFTI_TRES_RMS              17
KFTI_TOT_PE                18
KFTI_FIT_TOT_PE            19
KFTI_PROMPT_Q              20
KFTI_SM_RATIO              21

KFTC_THETA                 12
KFTC_THETAG                13
KFTC_THETAF                14
KFTC_PHI                   15
KFTC_PHIG                  16
KFTC_PHIF                  17
KFTC_ETA                   18
KFTC_ETAG                  19
KFTC_ETAF                  20
KFTC_PSI                   21
KFTC_PSIG                  22
KFTC_PSIF                  23
KFTC_RHO                   24
KFTC_RHOF                  25
KFTC_DTIM                  26
KFTC_XSTOP                 27
KFTC_YSTOP                 28
KFTC_ZSTOP                 29
KFTC_EINI                  30
KFTC_EFIN                  31
KFTC_PGOF                  32
KFTC_TGOF                  33
KFTC_XGOF                  34
KFTC_NOWL                  35

KFTK_ENERGY                 9
KFTK_ENE_MERR              10
KFTK_ENE_PERR              11
KFTK_NEFF                  12
KFTK_DIR_SCALE             13
KFTK_DIR_SCALE_SQ          14
KFTK_SCAT_SCALE            15
KFTK_REFL_SCALE            16

KFTX_FTXV                   1
KFTX_FTXA                   2

KFTX_METHOD                 1
KFTX_RETC                   2
KFTX_PMT_AVAIL              3
KFTX_PMT_USED               4
KFTX_EARLY                  5
KFTX_LATE                   6
KFTX_ITER                   7
KFTX_PROB                   8
KFTXT_U                     1
KFTXT_V                     2
KFTXT_W                     3
KFTXT_DU                    4
KFTXT_DV                    5
KFTXT_DW                    6

KFTXA_FTXC                  1
KFTXA_FTXR                  2
KFTXA_FTXK                  3

KFTXC_NHIT                  1
KFTXC_NHIT_1                2
KFTXC_SOL_DIR               3
KFTXC_SOL_DIR_1             4
KFTXC_HAR                   5
KFTXC_HAR_1                 6
KFTXC_HAR_2                 7
KFTXC_HAR_3                 8
KFTXC_HAR_4                 9
KFTXC_HAR_5                10
KFTXC_RES_HAR              11
KFTXC_RES_HAR_1            12
KFTXC_RES_HAR_2            13
KFTXC_RES_HAR_3            14
KFTXC_RES_HAR_4            15
KFTXC_RES_HAR_5            16
KFTXC_RES                  17
KFTXC_RES_1                18
KFTXC_RES_2                19
KFTXC_RES_3                20
KFTXC_RES_4                21
KFTXC_RES_5                22
KFTXC_LEG                  23
KFTXC_LEG_1                24
KFTXC_LEG_2                25
KFTXC_LEG_3                26
KFTXC_LEG_4                27
KFTXC_LEG_5                28
KFTXC_THETA_IJ             29
KFTXC_THETA_IJ_1           30
KFTXC_NECK_LIKE            31
KFTXC_NECK_LIKE_1          32
KFTXC_ITR                  33
KFTXC_ITR_1                34
KFTXC_ANG_CORR             35
KFTXC_ANG_CORR_1           36
KFTXC_ANG_CORR_2           37
KFTXC_ANG_CORR_3           38
KFTXC_ANG_CORR_4           39
KFTXC_ANG_CORR_5           40
KFTXC_ANG_CORR_6           41
KFTXC_ANG_CORR_7           42
KFTXC_ANG_CORR_8           43
KFTXC_ANG_CORR_9           44
KFTXC_ANG_CORR_10          45
KFTXC_ANG_CORR_11          46
KFTXC_ANG_CORR_12          47
KFTXC_ANG_CORR_13          48
KFTXC_ANG_CORR_14          49
KFTXC_ANG_CORR_15          50
KFTXC_ANG_CORR_16          51
KFTXC_ANG_CORR_17          52
KFTXC_KSPHI                53
KFTXC_KSPHI_1              54
KFTXC_KSPHI_2              55
KFTXC_KSANG                56
KFTXC_KSANG_1              57
KFTXC_KSANG_2              58
KFTXC_QW_TIJ               59
KFTXC_QW_TIJ_1             60
KFTXC_QPDT                 61
KFTXC_QPDT_1               62
KFTXC_QPDT_2               63
KFTXC_QPDT_3               64
KFTXC_QPDT_4               65
KFTXC_KSTIM                66
KFTXC_KSTIM_1              67

KFTXK_PROB                  1
KFTXK_ENERGY                2
KFTXK_ENE_MERR              3
KFTXK_ENE_PERR              4
KFTXK_NEFF                  5
KFTXK_DIR_SCALE             6
KFTXK_SCAT_SCALE            8
KFTXK_REFL_SCALE            9

KFTXP_FIT_NPE               2
KFTXP_HIT_TUBES             4
KFTXP_IMPACT                5
KFTXP_MITR                  6
KFTXP_MCITR                 7
KFTXP_RICH_ALL              8
KFTXP_RICH_TRIM             9
KFTXP_TRES_RMS             10
KFTXP_DEDX_1               12
KFTXP_DEDX_2               13
KFTXP_PDF_RENAME           14
KFTXP_KS_ZENITH            15
KFTXP_KS_AZIMUTH           16
KFTXP_RAW_TRMS             21
KFTXP_RAW_QRMS             22

KFTXV_FTXT                  1

KFTXV_X                     1
KFTXV_Y                     2
KFTXV_Z                     3
KFTXV_T                     4
KFTXV_DX                    5
KFTXV_DY                    6
KFTXV_DZ                    7
KFTXV_DT                    8
KFTXV_C11                   9 
KFTXV_C12                  10 
KFTXV_C13                  11 
KFTXV_C14                  12 
KFTXV_C22                  13 
KFTXV_C23                  14 
KFTXV_C24                  15 
KFTXV_C33                  16 
KFTXV_C34                  17 
KFTXV_C44                  18

KMAST_RLOG                 25
KMAST_RLAI                 24
KMAST_LABL                 12
KMAST_CAAC                 11
KMAST_CAST                 10
KMAST_SOSF                  9
KMAST_SOSx                  8
KMAST_TRIG                  7
KMAST_EPED                  6
KMAST_RHDR                  5
KMAST_ANAL                  4
KMAST_DSML                  3
KMAST_MC                    2
KMAST_EV                    1

KMAST_SNOMAN_VER            1

KMC_MCNS                    6
KMC_MCNH                    5
KMC_MCPM                    4
KMC_EGS4                    3
KMC_MCVX                    2
KMC_MCGN                    1

KMC_JDY                     1
KMC_UT1                     2
KMC_UT2                     3
KMC_DTE                     4
KMC_HMSC                    5
KMC_SEED1                   6
KMC_SEED2                   7
KMC_SEED_NUM                8
KMC_DTP                     9
KMC_MCVER                  10
KMC_EVN                    11
KMC_GTR                    12
KMC_NUM_GE_ERR             14
KMC_PMT_EFF                15

KMCGN_MCTK                  1

KMCGN_PART                  1
KMCGN_NUM                   2

KMCNH_MCNA                  4   
KMCNH_MCNQ                  3   
KMCNH_MCNC                  2   
KMCNH_MCNT                  1

KMCNH_STRING_NO             1   
KMCNH_STR_PSX               2
KMCNH_STR_PSY               3

KMCNS_MCNA                  1   

KMCNS_NUM_BINS              1   
KMCNS_BIN_WIDTH            21   
KMCNS_BIN_LO               22   
KMCNS_SIGNAL               41   

KMCNA_MCNA                  3   
KMCNA_MCNS                  2   
KMCNA_MCNC                  1   

KMCNA_COUNTER_NO            1   
KMCNA_NUM_BINS              2   
KMCNA_BIN_WIDTH             3
KMCNA_BIN_LO                4   
KMCNA_CURRENT               5

KMCNC_MCNC                  3   
KMCNC_MCNA                  2   
KMCNC_MCNT                  1   

KMCNC_COUNTER_NO            1   
KMCNC_NUM_BINS              2
KMCNC_ID                    3   
KMCNC_BIN_WIDTH             4
KMCNC_BIN_LO                5   
KMCNC_CURRENT               6

KMCNQ_MCNC                  1

KMCNQ_ADC                   1
KMCNQ_TIME                  2

KMCNT_MCTK                  4   
KMCNT_MCNT                  3   
KMCNT_MCNC                  2   
KMCNT_MCNI                  1   

KMCNT_COUNTER_NO            1   
KMCNT_IDP                   2 
KMCNT_START_TIME            3
KMCNT_START_PSX             4
KMCNT_START_PSY             5
KMCNT_START_PSZ             6
KMCNT_THETA                 7
KMCNT_PHI                   8  

KMCNI_MCNT                  1   

KMCNI_START_PSX            1  
KMCNI_START_PSY            2   
KMCNI_START_PSZ            3   
KMCNI_START_TIM            4   
KMCNI_END_PSX              6  
KMCNI_END_PSY              7   
KMCNI_END_PSZ              8   
KMCNI_END_TIM              9   
KMCNI_DRIFT_TIME           13
KMCNI_GAIN                 14
KMCNI_ENERGY_DEP           15
KMCNI_ENERGY               16
KMCNI_TIME_SIGMA           17

KMCPM_MCVX                  1
KMCPM_MCPM_SVX              2

KMCPM_NUM                   1
KMCPM_TIM                   2
KMCPM_TYP                   4
KMCPM_HEI                   5
KMCPM_T0                    6

KMCTK_MCVX                  1

KMCTK_IDP                   1
KMCTK_DRX                   2
KMCTK_DRY                   3
KMCTK_DRZ                   4
KMCTK_ENE                   5
KMCTK_RGN                   6
KMCTK_IDM                   7
KMCTK_PLX                   8
KMCTK_PLY                   9
KMCTK_PLZ                   10
KMCTK_STP                   11
KMCTK_NEAR                  12

KMCVX_MCVXG                 4
KMCVX_MCPM                  3
KMCVX_MCTKI                 2
KMCVX_MCTK                  1

KMCVX_SRC                   1
KMCVX_BOU                   2
KMCVX_INT                   3
KMCVX_SNK                   4
KMCVX_PSC                   5
KMCVX_CRE                   8
KMCVX_IPM                   9

KMCVX_CLS                   1
KMCVX_INC                   2
KMCVX_PSX                   3
KMCVX_PSY                   4
KMCVX_PSZ                   5
KMCVX_TIM                   6
KMCVX_RGN                   8
KMCVX_IDM                   9
KMCVX_RG2                   10
KMCVX_IM2                   11
KMCVX_BNX                   12
KMCVX_BNY                   13
KMCVX_BNZ                   14
KMCVX_CER                   15

KNECL_CHARGE                1
KNECL_DTIME                 2
KNECL_CORR_GTID             3

KNEMC_STATUS                1  
KNEMC_MUX_CHAN              2
KNEMC_OS                    3
KNEMC_MUX_BUS               4
KNEMC_MUX_BOX               5
KNEMC_NCDSTRING             6
KNEMC_CLK                   9 
KNEMC_REG                   11
KNEMC_OS_LEN                12
KNEMC_CHAN                  13
KNEMC_START_TRACE           21

KNEMG_NEMS                  1
KNEMG_NEMC                  2

KNEMG_MUX_FIRED             1 
KNEMG_SCOPE_BUSY            2

KNEMS_STATUS                1  
KNEMS_MUX_CHAN              2
KNEMS_OS                    3
KNEMS_MUX_BUS               4
KNEMS_MUX_BOX               5
KNEMS_NCDSTRING             6
KNEMS_CLK                   9 
KNEMS_REG                   11
KNEMS_OS_LEN                12
KNEMS_OS_CHAN               13
KNEMS_WAVE                  21

KNES_CHARGE                 1
KNES_CHAN                   2
KNES_SLOT                   3
KNES_ADDRESS                4
KNES_NCDSTRING              5
KNESG_BOARD                 1  
KNESG_NSCLR                 2  

KNPA_NPAA                   1
KNPA_NPAC                   2
KNPA_NPAD                   3
KNPA_NPAQ                   4
KNPA_NPAW                   5
KNPA_NPAX_CUR              21

KNPAC_NTRAIN                1
KNPAC_LTRAIN                2
KNPAC_RES1                  6
KNPAC_RES2                  7
KNPAC_RES3                  8

KNPAD_A1                    1
KNPAD_A2                    2
KNPAD_B1                    3
KNPAD_B2                    4
KNPAD_T0                    5
KNPAD_T1                    6
KNPAD_T2                    7
KNPAD_Z                     8
KNPAD_chi2                  9
KNPAD_S1                   10
KNPAD_EA1                  11
KNPAD_EA2                  12
KNPAD_EB1                  13
KNPAD_EB2                  14
KNPAD_ET0                  15
KNPAD_ET1                  16
KNPAD_ET2                  17
KNPAD_EZ                   18
KNPAD_S2                   19
KNPAD_S3                   20
KNPAD_D1                   21
KNPAD_D2                   22

KNPAQ_NNCHI                 1
KNPAQ_NACHI                 2
KNPAQ_NCHI                 11
KNPAQ_ENCHI                12
KNPAQ_ACHI                 13
KNPAQ_EACHI                14

KNPAW_PID                   1
KNPAW_FAREA                 6
KNPAW_FRMS                  7
KNPAW_FSKEW                 8
KNPAW_FKURT                 9
KNPAW_FIRISE_0             10
KNPAW_FIRISE_1             11
KNPAW_FIRISE_2             12
KNPAW_FIRISE_3             13
KNPAW_FIRISE_4             14
KNPAW_FIRISE_5             15
KNPAW_FIRISE_6             16
KNPAW_FIRISE_7             17
KNPAW_FIRISE_8             18
KNPAW_FIRISE_9             19
KNPAW_FIRISE_10            20
KNPAW_FIMIN                21
KNPAW_FIMAX                22
KNPAW_FRISE_0              23
KNPAW_FRISE_1              24
KNPAW_FRISE_2              25
KNPAW_FRISE_3              26
KNPAW_FRISE_4              27
KNPAW_FRISE_5              28
KNPAW_FRISE_6              29
KNPAW_FRISE_7              30
KNPAW_FRISE_8              31
KNPAW_FRISE_9              32
KNPAW_FRISE_10             33
KNPAW_FFALL_0              34
KNPAW_FFALL_1              35
KNPAW_FFALL_2              36
KNPAW_FFALL_3              37
KNPAW_FFALL_4              38
KNPAW_FFALL_5              39
KNPAW_FFALL_6              40
KNPAW_FFALL_7              41
KNPAW_FFALL_8              42
KNPAW_FFALL_9              43
KNPAW_FFALL_10             44
KNPAW_FMIN                 45
KNPAW_FMAX                 46
KNPAW_DAREA                47
KNPAW_DRMS                 48
KNPAW_DSKEW                49
KNPAW_DKURT                50
KNPAW_DIRISE_0             51
KNPAW_DIRISE_1             52
KNPAW_DIRISE_2             53
KNPAW_DIRISE_3             54
KNPAW_DIRISE_4             55
KNPAW_DIRISE_5             56
KNPAW_DIRISE_6             57
KNPAW_DIRISE_7             58
KNPAW_DIRISE_8             59
KNPAW_DIRISE_9             60
KNPAW_DIRISE_10            61
KNPAW_DIMIN                62
KNPAW_DIMAX                63  
KNPAW_DRISE_0              64
KNPAW_DRISE_1              65
KNPAW_DRISE_2              66
KNPAW_DRISE_3              67
KNPAW_DRISE_4              68
KNPAW_DRISE_5              69
KNPAW_DRISE_6              70
KNPAW_DRISE_7              71
KNPAW_DRISE_8              72
KNPAW_DRISE_9              73
KNPAW_DRISE_10             74
KNPAW_DFALL_0              75
KNPAW_DFALL_1              76
KNPAW_DFALL_2              77
KNPAW_DFALL_3              78
KNPAW_DFALL_4              79
KNPAW_DFALL_5              80
KNPAW_DFALL_6              81
KNPAW_DFALL_7              82
KNPAW_DFALL_8              83
KNPAW_DFALL_9              84
KNPAW_DFALL_10             85
KNPAW_DMIN                 86
KNPAW_DMAX                 87

KPF_DIS                     0

KPMT_PN                     1
KPMT_PF                     2
KPMT_PT                     3
KPMT_PHL                    4
KPMT_PHS                    5
KPMT_PLX                    6
KPMT_PT0                    7
KPMT_PIF                    8
KPMT_PIT                    9
KPMT_PIHL                   10
KPMT_PIHS                   11
KPMT_PILX                   12
KPMT_PIT0                   13
KPMT_CELL                   14
KPMT_PIN                    15
KPMT_TSLH                   16
KPMT_HCA                    17
KPMT_ECA_VAL                18
KPMT_PCA_VAL                19
KPMT_ANXX                   20
KPMT_EPT                    21
KPMT_EHL                    22
KPMT_EHS                    23
KPMT_ELX                    24
KPMT_PT1                    25 
KPMT_PTM                    26
KPMT_PTMS                   27
KPMT_QM                     28
KPMT_QMS                    29

KRLAI_RLDT                  1
KRLAI_RLES                  2
KRLAI_RLCS                  3

KRLCS_JDAY                  1
KRLCS_UNI_SEC               2
KRLCS_UNI_NS                3
KRLCS_GTR                   4

KRLDT_START_DATE            1
KRLDT_START_TIME            2
KRLDT_RETRIGGER             5
KRLDT_BURST                 6
KRLDT_NHIT_BURST            7
KRLDT_HIB                   8
KRLDT_MU_FOL_LONG           10
KRLDT_SUB_BOUND             11
KRLDT_MIS_MU_SHORT          12
KRLDT_MIS_MU_LONG           13
KRLDT_MUX_BURST             16

KRLES_CRATE_DAQ              1
KRLES_CRATE_HV               2
KRLES_CHAN_NOT_OP            3
KRLES_CHAN_LIVE              4
KRLES_CHAN_SEQ               5
KRLES_CHAN_TRIG              6
KRLES_CHAN_AVE_VT            8
KRLES_PMT_LIVE               9
KRLES_PMT_SEQ               10
KRLES_PMT_TRIG              11
KRLES_PMT_AVE_VT            13
KRLES_OWL_LIVE              14
KRLES_OWL_TRIG              15
KRLES_BUTT_LIVE             16
KRLES_NECK_LIVE             17
KRLES_LG_LIVE               18
KRLES_FECD_SEQ              19
KRLES_FECD_TRIG             20  

KRLOG_HIDX                  1
KRLOG_RLAI                  2

KRLOG_RHDR_DATE             1
KRLOG_RHDR_TIME             2
KRLOG_MX_DATE               3
KRLOG_MX_TIME               4
KRLOG_RUN_TIME              5
KRLOG_NUM_CHAN              7
KRLOG_SNOMAN_VER            8
KRLOG_RLG_DATE              9  
KRLOG_RLG_TIME             10 
KRLOG_RLG_MACHINE          11 
KRLOG_NUM_EV               21 
KRLOG_EV_MIN               22 
KRLOG_EV_MAX               23 
KRLOG_SOSA                 25 
KRLOG_SOSG                 26 
KRLOG_SOSL                 27 
KRLOG_SOSR                 28 

KRLPN_PMT                   1
KRLPN_PMT_ERR               2
KRLPN_OWL                   3
KRLPN_OWL_ERR               4
KRLPN_BUTT                  5
KRLPN_BUTT_ERR              6
KRLPN_NECK                  7
KRLPN_NECK_ERR              8
KRLPN_LG                    9
KRLPN_LG_ERR               10
KRLPN_PMT_CAL              11
KRLPN_PMT_CAL_ERR          12
KRLPN_PMT_QC               13
KRLPN_PMT_QC_ERR           14

KSOSA_SIN                   1 
KSOSA_ON                    2 
KSOSA_TGV                   3 
KSOSA_TGC                   4 
KSOSA_AGV                   5 
KSOSA_AGC                   6 
KSOSA_GEV                   7 
KSOSA_GEC                   8 
KSOSA_DRX                   9 
KSOSA_DRY                   10
KSOSA_DRZ                   11

KSOSG_SIN                   1 
KSOSG_DTG                   2 
KSOSG_TPOS                  3 
KSOSG_PG1                   4 
KSOSG_PG2                   5 
KSOSG_PG3                   6 
KSOSG_PG4                   7 
KSOSG_PG5                   8 
KSOSG_PG6                   9 
KSOSG_VG1                   10
KSOSG_VG2                   11
KSOSG_FL_CO2                12
KSOSG_FL_HE                 13
KSOSG_FL_O2                 14
KSOSG_NEUT                  15
KSOSG_NRAD                  16
KSOSG_PMTV                  17
KSOSG_WRV                   18
KSOSG_DRX                   19
KSOSG_DRY                   20
KSOSG_DRZ                   21
KSOSL_SIN                   1 
KSOSL_STAT                  2 
KSOSL_DYE                   3 
KSOSL_NDFW1                 4 
KSOSL_NDFW2                 5 
KSOSL_PMV                   6 
KSOSL_PG1                   7 
KSOSL_PG2                   8 
KSOSL_FL                    9 
KSOSL_DRX                   10
KSOSL_DRY                   11
KSOSL_DRZ                   12

KSOSR_SIN                   1 
KSOSR_DRX                   2 
KSOSR_DRY                   3 
KSOSR_DRZ                   4 


Calibration Control( CECA, TCAL, TPCA, )

qslope             set bank ceca 1 word 1 to 1  ! extract qslope constants
tslope             set bank ceca 1 word 1 to 2  ! extract tslope constants
pedestals          set bank ceca 1 word 1 to 3  ! extract pedestals
eca_tol1           set bank ceca 1 word 4 to    ! $eca_tol1 6.0
eca_tol2           set bank ceca 1 word 5 to    ! $eca_tol2 3.0
first_crate        set bank ceca 1 word 2 to    ! $first_crate 0
last_crate         set bank ceca 1 word 2 to    ! $last_crate 18
eca_short_summary  set bank ceca 1 word 20 to 1 ! produce short ECA summary file
qslope_free        set bank ceca 1 word 21 to 1 ! unconstrained q-slope fit
old_eca            set bank tcal 1 word 9 to 1  ! apply old ECA constants
newer_eca          set bank tcal 1 word 9 to 4  ! apply newer ECA constants
use_ref_cal_consts set bank tcal 1 word 12 to 1 ! $use_ref_cal_consts
eca_val_flag       set bank tcal 1 word 15 to   ! $eca_val_flag 0
bad_adc_flag       set bank tcal 1 word 16 to   ! $bad_adc_flag 0
apply_xtalk_cut    set bank tcal 1 word 18 to 1 ! $apply_xtalk_cut
set_mpca_threshold set bank tcal 1 word 24 to   ! $set_mpca_threshold 1.5
combined_q_mode    set bank tcal 1 word 25 to   ! $combined_q_mode 1

pca_control        set bank tpca 1              ! PCA control bank
pca_gain_cal       word 1 to 1                  ! gain version 1 calibration
pca_wkv1_cal       word 1 to 2                  ! walk version 1 calibration
pca_walk_cal       word 1 to 3                  ! walk version 2 calibration
pca_rel_validity   word 4 to 1                  ! use relative validity
pca_abs_validity   word 4 to 2                  ! use absolute validity
pca_abs_start      word 5 to                    ! $pca_control $pca_abs_start 19991009 23000000
pca_abs_end        word 7 to                    ! $pca_control $pca_abs_end 19991009 23000000
pca_mplp_nomask    word 9 to 0                  ! No PMT mask from the MPLP bank used
pca_mplp_mask      word 9 to 1                  ! Use the PMT mask from the MPLP bank
pca_tcorr_off      word 10 to 0                 ! No time-of-flight correction
pca_tcorr_on       word 10 to 1                 ! Time-of-flight correction used for off-center laserball runs
pca_rel_set        word 11 to                   ! $pca_control $pca_rel_set 10. 30.
!                                                 (days before and after)
lrbp_perm          word 3 to 1                  ! use perm banks for laserball data
lrbp_ttl           word 3 to 2                  ! use data in titles bank

pca_gain           set bank tpca 2              ! GAIN version 1
pca_wkv1           set bank tpca 3              ! WALK version 1
pca_walk           set bank tpca 4              ! WALK version 2

calibration_mode   set bank TCAL 1 word 4 to     ! $calibraton_mode 14
queens_pca         set bank TCAL 1 word 10 to -1 ! Apply Queen's PCA
pca_walk_type      set bank TCAL 1 word 10 to    ! $pca_walk_type $walk_ver2
walk_ver1          10
walk_ver2          11
pca_gain_type      set bank TCAL 1 word 11 to    ! $pca_gain_type $gain_ver1
gain_ver1          10
pca_val_flag       set bank TCAL 1 word 17 to    ! $pca_val_flag 1

apply_hca          set bank TCAL 1 word 13 to    ! $apply_hca $new
hca_return_fails   set bank TCAL 1 word 14 to    ! $hca_return_fails $yes

new                1
queens             2

SPS - second pass run selection processor( TSPS, )

sps_verbose         set bank TSPS 1 word 28 to 1	! turn processor verbosity on
sps_orphan_fail     set bank TSPS 1 word 32 to		! set threshold for orphan check failure
sps_orphan_warning  set bank TSPS 1 word 33 to		! set threshold for orphan check warnings
sps_orphan_frac     set bank TSPS 1 word 34 to		! set threshold for allowed orphan fraction


MXF - likelihood fitter settings( MXFC, MXFF, MXFD, MXFP, MXFQ, MXFA, MXFB, )


General Settings - MXFC

mxf_do_errors      set bank MXFC 1 word 5 to    ! Fit errors 1=on, 0=off
mxf_do_correl      set bank MXFC 1 word 7 to    ! Determine correlations?1=on,0=off
mxf_set_acc        set bank MXFC 1 word 8 to    ! Accuracy for error and correlations
mxf_clean_data     set bank MXFC 1 word 3 to    ! clean data? 1=yes 0=no
mxf_clean_pdf      set bank MXFC 1 word 4 to    ! clean mc for pdf? 1=yes 0=no
mxf_error_cont	   set bank MXFC 1 word 6 to    ! error contours (L-0.5 default)
mxf_fit_type       set bank MXFC 1 word 9 to    ! fitter type? 1=powell, 2=dfpmin,3=minuit
powell             1
dfpmin             2
minuit             3
gridsear           4
mxf_sim_anneal     set bank MXFC 1 word 10 to   ! simulated annealing 1=on, 0=off
mxf_gtol           set bank MXFC 1 word 11 to   ! tolerance for mxf fitter
mxf_do_analytic    set bank MXFC 1 word 2 to    ! set to 1 to include analytic PDFs, 0=all arrays
mxf_do_blindness   set bank MXFC 1 word 12 to   ! on = 1 off=0
mxf_data_splitter  set bank MXFC 1 word 13 to   ! position of data splitter in ntp
mxf_verbosity      set bank MXFC 1 word 14 to   ! on=1 off=0 print pdf entries to output file
mxf_print_like     set bank MXFC 1 word 15 to   ! on=1 off=0 print out likelihood space sampled
mxf_convert_pdfs   set bank MXFC 1 word 16 to   ! on=1 off=0 convert analytic
                                                ! PDFs to arrays at input time
mxf_sys_granularity set bank MXFC 1 word 17 to  ! granularity of systematics


Data Settings - MXFD

mxf_params         set bank MXFD 1 word 1 to    ! Number of parameters
mxf_prim_params    set bank MXFD 1 word 2 to    ! Number of primary parameters (2ndary ones used for multiD pdfs)
mxf_data_ntp       set bank MXFD 1 word 3 to    ! Ntuple number containing data
mxf_data_pos       set bank MXFD 1 word 4 to    ! Ntuple position of data input parameters 1-15
	                                        ! eg. $mxf_data_pos 10 12 14 15 (for 4 parameters eg)
mxf_data_excep     set bank MXFD 1 word 19 to   ! exception for data input parameters 1-15
                                                ! 0=none,1=rsp energy drift, 2=r->2^3
					        ! eg. $mxf_data_excep 1 2 0 0 (for 4 parameters eg)
mxf_data_min_max_one      set bank MXFD 1 word 34 to   ! minimum and maximum bounds for data input parameter 1
mxf_data_min_max_two      set bank MXFD 1 word 36 to   ! minimum and maximum bounds for data input parameter 2
mxf_data_min_max_three    set bank MXFD 1 word 38 to   ! minimum and maximum bounds for data input parameter 3
mxf_data_min_max_four     set bank MXFD 1 word 40 to   ! minimum and maximum bounds for data input parameter 4
mxf_data_min_max_five     set bank MXFD 1 word 42 to   ! minimum and maximum bounds for data input parameter 5
mxf_data_min_max_six      set bank MXFD 1 word 44 to   ! minimum and maximum bounds for data input parameter 6
mxf_data_min_max_seven    set bank MXFD 1 word 46 to   ! minimum and maximum bounds for data input parameter 7
mxf_data_min_max_eight    set bank MXFD 1 word 48 to   ! minimum and maximum bounds for data input parameter 8
mxf_data_min_max_nine     set bank MXFD 1 word 50 to   ! minimum and maximum bounds for data input parameter 9
mxf_data_min_max_ten      set bank MXFD 1 word 52 to   ! minimum and maximum bounds for data input parameter 10
mxf_data_min_max_eleven   set bank MXFD 1 word 54 to   ! minimum and maximum bounds for data input parameter 11
mxf_data_min_max_twelve   set bank MXFD 1 word 56 to   ! minimum and maximum bounds for data input parameter 12
mxf_data_min_max_thirteen set bank MXFD 1 word 58 to   ! minimum and maximum bounds for data input parameter 13
mxf_data_min_max_fourteen set bank MXFD 1 word 60 to   ! minimum and maximum bounds for data input parameter 14
mxf_data_min_max_fifteen  set bank MXFD 1 word 62 to   ! minimum and maximum bounds for data input parameter 15

! systematics on parameters
system_one         set bank MXFD 1 word 64 to   ! systematics on fit param one 1=on, 0=0ff 
                                                ! in order scale,offset,spread
system_two         set bank MXFD 1 word 67 to 	! systematics on fit param two 
system_three       set bank MXFD 1 word 70 to 	! systematics on fit param three 
system_four        set bank MXFD 1 word 73 to 	! systematics on fit param four 
system_five        set bank MXFD 1 word 76 to 	! systematics on fit param five 
system_six         set bank MXFD 1 word 79 to 	! systematics on fit param six 
system_seven       set bank MXFD 1 word 82 to 	! systematics on fit param seven 
system_eight       set bank MXFD 1 word 85 to 	! systematics on fit param eight 
system_nine        set bank MXFD 1 word 88 to 	! systematics on fit param nine 
system_ten         set bank MXFD 1 word 91 to 	! systematics on fit param ten 
system_eleven      set bank MXFD 1 word 94 to 	! systematics on fit param eleven 
system_twelve      set bank MXFD 1 word 97 to 	! systematics on fit param twelve 
system_thirteen    set bank MXFD 1 word 100 to 	! systematics on fit param thirteen 
system_fourteen    set bank MXFD 1 word 103 to 	! systematics on fit param fourteen 
system_fifteen     set bank MXFD 1 word 106 to 	! systematics on fit param fifteen 


MC ntuple settings for array PDFs - MXFP

signal_number      set bank MXFP 1 word 1 to    ! How many ntuples to fit (CC,ES,NC...)
signal_ntuples     set bank MXFP 1 word 2 to    ! How many input  for signals 1-10
	                                        ! $signal ntuples 3 3 3 3 (3 input ntuples for 4 signals eg)

!Make unconstrained fit the default in bank definition - need both switches for constrained fit
constrain_one      set bank MXFP 1 word 12 to 1 ! Employ constrained fit for signal 1
num_spec_bins1      set bank MXFP 1 word 12 to   ! Number of spectral bins required
num_spec_bins2      set bank MXFP 1 word 13 to   ! Number of spectral bins required
num_spec_bins3      set bank MXFP 1 word 14 to   ! Number of spectral bins required
num_spec_bins4      set bank MXFP 1 word 15 to   ! Number of spectral bins required
num_spec_bins5      set bank MXFP 1 word 16 to   ! Number of spectral bins required
num_spec_bins6      set bank MXFP 1 word 17 to   ! Number of spectral bins required
num_spec_bins7      set bank MXFP 1 word 18 to   ! Number of spectral bins required
num_spec_bins8      set bank MXFP 1 word 19 to   ! Number of spectral bins required
num_spec_bins9      set bank MXFP 1 word 20 to   ! Number of spectral bins required
num_spec_bins10     set bank MXFP 1 word 21 to   ! Number of spectral bins required
use_ntuple         set bank MXFP 1 word 22 to   ! What ntuple number is input for pdfs
spec_param         set bank MXFP 1 word 23 to   ! position of parameter used to bin spectra
mxf_mc_pos         set bank MXFP 1 word 24 to   ! ntuple position of mc input parameters 1-15
                                                ! $mxf_mc_pos 10 12 14 15 (for 4 parameters eg)
mxf_mc_excep       set bank MXFP 1 word 39 to   ! exceptions for mc input parameters 1-15
                                                ! 0=none,1=rsp energy drift, 2=r->2^3
mxf_bins_one       set bank MXFP 1 word 54 to   ! number of bins for parameter 1
mxf_bins_two       set bank MXFP 1 word 55 to   ! number of bins for parameter 2
mxf_bins_three     set bank MXFP 1 word 56 to   ! number of bins for parameter 3
mxf_bins_four      set bank MXFP 1 word 57 to   ! number of bins for parameter 4
mxf_bins_five      set bank MXFP 1 word 58 to   ! number of bins for parameter 5
mxf_bins_six       set bank MXFP 1 word 59 to   ! number of bins for parameter 6
mxf_bins_seven     set bank MXFP 1 word 60 to   ! number of bins for parameter 7
mxf_bins_eight     set bank MXFP 1 word 61 to   ! number of bins for parameter 8
mxf_bins_nine      set bank MXFP 1 word 62 to   ! number of bins for parameter 9
mxf_bins_ten       set bank MXFP 1 word 63 to   ! number of bins for parameter 10
mxf_bins_eleven    set bank MXFP 1 word 64 to   ! number of bins for parameter 11
mxf_bins_twelve    set bank MXFP 1 word 65 to   ! number of bins for parameter 12
mxf_bins_thirteen  set bank MXFP 1 word 66 to   ! number of bins for parameter 13
mxf_bins_fouteen   set bank MXFP 1 word 67 to   ! number of bins for parameter 14
mxf_bins_fifteen   set bank MXFP 1 word 68 to   ! number of bins for parameter 15

spec_min_max       set bank MXFP 1 word 174 to  ! minimum and maximum for spectral parameter
					        ! eg. $spec_min_max 5.511 20.011
min_max_one        set bank MXFP 1 word 144 to  ! minimum and maximum value of parameter 1
min_max_two        set bank MXFP 1 word 146 to  ! minimum and maximum value of parameter 2
min_max_three      set bank MXFP 1 word 148 to  ! minimum and maximum value of parameter 3
min_max_four       set bank MXFP 1 word 150 to  ! minimum and maximum value of parameter 4
min_max_five       set bank MXFP 1 word 152 to  ! minimum and maximum value of parameter 5
min_max_six        set bank MXFP 1 word 154 to  ! minimum and maximum value of parameter 6
min_max_seven      set bank MXFP 1 word 156 to  ! minimum and maximum value of parameter 7
min_max_eight      set bank MXFP 1 word 158 to  ! minimum and maximum value of parameter 8
min_max_nine       set bank MXFP 1 word 160 to  ! minimum and maximum value of parameter 9
min_max_ten        set bank MXFP 1 word 162 to  ! minimum and maximum value of parameter 10
min_max_eleven     set bank MXFP 1 word 164 to  ! minimum and maximum value of parameter 11
min_max_twelve     set bank MXFP 1 word 166 to  ! minimum and maximum value of parameter 12
min_max_thirteen   set bank MXFP 1 word 168 to  ! minimum and maximum value of parameter 13
min_max_fourteen   set bank MXFP 1 word 170 to  ! minimum and maximum value of parameter 14
min_max_fifteen    set bank MXFP 1 word 172 to  ! minimum and maximum value of parameter 15

! correlations of parameters
correl_one         set bank MXFP 1 word 69 to   ! 1st correlated parameters of param 1 (up to 5)
						! $correl_one 2 4 (correlation of p1 with p2 and p4)
correl_two         set bank MXFP 1 word 74 to   ! 1st correlated parameters of param 2 (up to 5)
correl_three       set bank MXFP 1 word 79 to   ! 1st correlated parameters of param 3 (up to 5)
correl_four        set bank MXFP 1 word 84 to   ! 1st correlated parameters of param 4 (up to 5)
correl_five        set bank MXFP 1 word 89 to   ! 1st correlated parameters of param 5 (up to 5)
correl_six         set bank MXFP 1 word 94 to   ! 1st correlated parameters of param 6 (up to 5)
correl_seven       set bank MXFP 1 word 99 to   ! 1st correlated parameters of param 7 (up to 5)
correl_eight       set bank MXFP 1 word 104 to  ! 1st correlated parameters of param 8 (up to 5)
correl_nine        set bank MXFP 1 word 109 to  ! 1st correlated parameters of param 9 (up to 5)
correl_ten         set bank MXFP 1 word 114 to  ! 1st correlated parameters of param 10 (up to 5)
correl_eleven      set bank MXFP 1 word 119 to  ! 1st correlated parameters of param 11 (up to 5)
correl_twelve      set bank MXFP 1 word 124 to  ! 1st correlated parameters of param 12 (up to 5)
correl_thirteen    set bank MXFP 1 word 129 to  ! 1st correlated parameters of param 13 (up to 5)
correl_fourteen    set bank MXFP 1 word 134 to  ! 1st correlated parameters of param 14 (up to 5)
correl_fifteen     set bank MXFP 1 word 139 to  ! 1st correlated parameters of param 15 (up to 5)

! bin sizes - can only enter up to 20 numbers at once so need to split up - allow up to 100 bins -
! for more than 20 anotates titles file
bin_size_onea      set bank MXFP 1 word 176 to  ! first 20 bin sizes of parameter 1
					        ! $bin_size_onea 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 5.
						! ( 10 bins, last one 5* other bin sizes)
bin_size_oneb      set bank MXFP 1 word 196 to  ! second 20 bin sizes of parameter 1
bin_size_onec      set bank MXFP 1 word 216 to  ! third 20 bin sizes of parameter 1
bin_size_twoa      set bank MXFP 1 word 276 to  ! first 20 bin sizes of parameter 2
bin_size_twob      set bank MXFP 1 word 296 to  ! second 20 bin sizes of parameter 2
bin_size_twoc      set bank MXFP 1 word 316 to  ! third 20 bin sizes of parameter 2
bin_size_threea    set bank MXFP 1 word 376 to  ! first 20 bin sizes of parameter 3
bin_size_threeb    set bank MXFP 1 word 396 to  ! second 20 bin sizes of parameter 3
bin_size_threec    set bank MXFP 1 word 416 to  ! third 20 bin sizes of parameter 3
bin_size_foura     set bank MXFP 1 word 476 to  ! first 20 bin sizes of parameter 4
bin_size_fourb     set bank MXFP 1 word 496 to  ! second 20 bin sizes of parameter 4
bin_size_fivea     set bank MXFP 1 word 576 to  ! first 20 bin sizes of parameter 5
bin_size_fiveb     set bank MXFP 1 word 596 to  ! second 20 bin sizes of parameter 5
bin_size_sixa      set bank MXFP 1 word 676 to  ! first 20 bin sizes of parameter 6
bin_size_sixb      set bank MXFP 1 word 696 to  ! second 20 bin sizes of parameter 6
bin_size_sevena    set bank MXFP 1 word 776 to  ! first 20 bin sizes of parameter 7
bin_size_sevenb    set bank MXFP 1 word 796 to  ! second 20 bin sizes of parameter 7
bin_size_eighta    set bank MXFP 1 word 876 to  ! first 20 bin sizes of parameter 8
bin_size_eightb    set bank MXFP 1 word 896 to  ! second 20 bin sizes of parameter 8
bin_size_ninea     set bank MXFP 1 word 976 to  ! first 20 bin sizes of parameter 9
bin_size_nineb     set bank MXFP 1 word 996 to  ! second 20 bin sizes of parameter 9
bin_size_tena      set bank MXFP 1 word 1076 to ! first 20 bin sizes of parameter 10
bin_size_tenb      set bank MXFP 1 word 1096 to ! second 20 bin sizes of parameter 10
bin_size_elevena   set bank MXFP 1 word 1176 to ! first 20 bin sizes of parameter 11
bin_size_twelvea   set bank MXFP 1 word 1276 to ! second 20 bin sizes of parameter 12
bin_size_thirteena set bank MXFP 1 word 1376 to ! first 20 bin sizes of parameter 13
bin_size_fourteena set bank MXFP 1 word 1476 to ! second 20 bin sizes of parameter 14
bin_size_fifteena  set bank MXFP 1 word 1576 to ! first 20 bin sizes of parameter 15

bin_size_speca     set bank MXFP 1 worf 1676 to ! first 20 spectral bin sizes for signal 1
bin_size_specb     set bank MXFP 1 worf 1696 to ! first 20 spectral bin sizes for signal 2
bin_size_specc     set bank MXFP 1 worf 1716 to ! first 20 spectral bin sizes for signal 3


Analytical PDF settings - MXFQ

num_anal_pdfs      set bank MXFQ 1 word 1 to    ! number of analytical PDF signals


ANXX Banks Commands( ANCT )

anxx_data_type1            set bank anct 1 word 1 to
anxx_data_type2            set bank anct 1 word 2 to
anxx_data_type3            set bank anct 1 word 3 to
anxx_low_tac_stage_1       set bank anct 1 word 4 to
anxx_upp_tac_stage_1       set bank anct 1 word 5 to
anxx_low_qhs_stage_1       set bank anct 1 word 6 to
anxx_upp_qhs_stage_1       set bank anct 1 word 7 to
anxx_low_qhl_stage_1       set bank anct 1 word 8 to
anxx_upp_qhl_stage_1       set bank anct 1 word 9 to
anxx_low_qlx_stage_1       set bank anct 1 word 10 to
anxx_upp_qlx_stage_1       set bank anct 1 word 11 to
anxx_tac_cut_stage_2       set bank anct 1 word 12 to
anxx_qhs_cut_stage_2       set bank anct 1 word 13 to
anxx_qhl_cut_stage_2       set bank anct 1 word 14 to
anxx_qlx_cut_stage_2       set bank anct 1 word 15 to
anxx_tac_lo_cut_stage_2    set bank anct 1 word 16 to
anxx_tac_hi_cut_stage_2    set bank anct 1 word 17 to
anxx_qhs_lo_cut_stage_2    set bank anct 1 word 18 to
anxx_qhs_hi_cut_stage_2    set bank anct 1 word 19 to
anxx_qhl_lo_cut_stage_2    set bank anct 1 word 20 to
anxx_qhl_hi_cut_stage_2    set bank anct 1 word 21 to
anxx_qlx_lo_cut_stage_2    set bank anct 1 word 22 to
anxx_qlx_hi_cut_stage_2    set bank anct 1 word 23 to
anxx_low_occ_cut_stage_2   set bank anct 1 word 24 to
anxx_orphan_cut_stage_2    set bank anct 1 word 25 to
anxx_synclear_cut_stage_2  set bank anct 1 word 26 to
anxx_cell_id_cut_stage_2   set bank anct 1 word 27 to
anxx_high_occ_cut_stage_2  set bank anct 1 word 28 to
anxx_time_interval         set bank anct 1 word 29 to
anxx_flag_old_tubes        set bank anct 1 word 30 to
anxx_gr_cut                set bank anct 1 word 31 to



segment_p             set bank ncmc 1 word 1 to    ! $segment_p 0.0001
segment_t             set bank ncmc 1 word 2 to    ! $segment_t 0.0001
segment_a             set bank ncmc 1 word 3 to    ! $segment_a 0.0001
segment_e             set bank ncmc 1 word 4 to    ! $segment_e 0.0001
trigger_window        set bank ncmc 1 word 11 to   ! $trigger_window 15000.
current_pulse_bin     set bank ncmc 1 word 12 to   ! $current_pulse_bin 1.
p_theta               set bank ncmc 1 word 13 to   ! $p_theta 90.
p_phi                 set bank ncmc 1 word 14 to   ! $p_phi   0.
avalanche_radius      set bank ncmc 1 word 6 to    ! $avalanche_radius 2.4
avalanche_size        set bank ncmc 1 word 7 to    ! $avalanche_size 120.E-4
gas_gain              set bank ncmc 1 word 19 to   ! $gas_gain 219.
scale_ncd_pulses      set bank ncmc 1 word 23 to   ! $scale_ncd_pulses 1.
use_gas_gain_value    set bank ncmc 1 word 31 to   ! $use_gas_gain_value 0 (set to 1 to use the gas-gain value instead of calculating with the Diethorn equation)
low_energy_pulses     set bank ncmc 1 word 38 to   ! $low_energy_pulses 0

custom_ncd_electronics  set bank ncdp 1 word 1  to  ! $custom_ncd_electronics $off (or $on)
check_set_thresholds    set bank ncdp 1 word 2  to  ! $check_set_thresholds $off (or $on)
ncd_anode_voltage       set bank ncdp 1 word 35 to  ! $ncd_anode_voltage 1950.
ncd_inv_prop_vel        set bank ncdp 1 word 16 to  ! $ncd_inv_prop_vel 0.039
ncd_refl_rc             set bank ncdp 1 word 17 to  ! $ncd_refl_rc 8.0
ncd_preamp_gain         set bank ncdp 1 word 18 to  ! $ncd_preamp_gain 25000.
ncd_preamp_lowpass_rc   set bank ncdp 1 word 19 to  ! $ncd_preamp_lowpass_rc 3.
ncd_preamp_highpass_rc  set bank ncdp 1 word 20 to  ! $ncd_preamp_highpass_rc 58000.
ncd_mux1_rc             set bank ncdp 1 word 21 to  ! $ncd_mux1_rc 13.5
ncd_mux2_rc             set bank ncdp 1 word 22 to  ! $ncd_mux2_rc 16.7
ncd_logamp_a            set bank ncdp 1 word 23 to  ! $ncd_logamp_a -95.
ncd_logamp_b            set bank ncdp 1 word 24 to  ! $ncd_logamp_b -0.013
ncd_logamp_c            set bank ncdp 1 word 25 to  ! $ncd_logamp_c -0.2
ncd_logamp_time_delay   set bank ncdp 1 word 26 to  ! $ncd_logamp_time_delay 250.
ncd_pretrigger_offset   set bank ncdp 1 word 27 to  ! $ncd_pretrigger_offset 50.
ncd_shaper_threshold    set bank ncdp 1 word 28 to  ! $ncd_shaper_threshold 0.
ncd_shaper_gain         set bank ncdp 1 word 29 to  ! $ncd_shaper_gain 1.
ncd_mux_threshold       set bank ncdp 1 word 30 to  ! $ncd_mux_threshold 0.
ncd_delay_line_time     set bank ncdp 1 word 31 to  ! $ncd_delay_line_time 89.
ncd_delay_line_length   set bank ncdp 1 word 32 to  ! $ncd_delay_line_length 16.2
ncd_cable_rc            set bank ncdp 1 word 33 to  ! $ncd_cable_rc 3.
ncd_counter_rc          set bank ncdp 1 word 34 to  ! $ncd_counter_rc 0.007 (ns/cm)
shaper_open_time        set bank ncdp 1 word 36 to  ! $shaper_open_time 180.
shaper_dead_time        set bank ncdp 1 word 37 to  ! $shaper_dead_time 350000.
mux_dead_time           set bank ncdp 1 word 38 to  ! $mux_dead_time 0.001 [seconds]
scope_dead_time         set bank ncdp 1 word 39 to  ! $scope_dead_time 0.9 [seconds]

End of Symbol Table

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