
               Monte Carlo Event Energy Distribution Codes
The different types of energy distributions used in INGENR and MCGENR are:
    ID      Mnemonic     Description
    --      --------     -----------
    -n       none        Give this particle the same energy as particle n
                         (particle n must have already been generated).
                         Same warning as for direction types
    10       IDEMON      Generate all events with the same energy.
    20       IDECC       Generate events with the proper energies for CC e-
                         from a B8 neutrino source with no MSW distortion.
                         See warning
    30       IDENC       Generate events with the proper energies for NC n's.
                         See warning
    40       IDEES       Generate events with the proper energies for ES e-
                         from a B8 neutrino source with no MSW distortion.
                         See warning
    50       IDECER      Generate events with a Cerenkov energy spectrum.
    60       IDEBET      Generate events with a beta spectrum.
    70       IDEUSR      Generate energies using user specified distribution.
    80       IDTHRM      Generate energies from a Maxwwell-Boltzmann thermal
                         distribution. Generates kinetic energies only -
                         suitable only for NEUTRONS.
    90       IDGAUSS     Generate energies from a Gaussian distribution.
   100       IDEPL       Generate events with directions taken from a MCPL bank
                         (see MCPL bank).
   110       IDHEG       Generate high energy (rock) gamma.  Use energy spectrum
                         measured by Isaac et al (SNO-STR-97-009).
   120       IDENNOR     Generate energies using norite neutron spectrum.
   130       IDENSHOT    Generate energies using shotcrete neutron spectrum. 
   140       IDENCOSMU   Cosmic ray spectrum.
   150       IDENDEL     Draw the energy from a series of delta functions. 
                         The energy of the delta functions are specified in the MCND bank.
   160       IDENSPALL   Spallation neutron energy
   170       IDENBIN     User neutron energy spectrum defined by user in the MCBE bank.

Notes:	EN_TYPE is automatically set to IDEBET if the interaction code
	is that for a beta or beta-gamma decay. In such a case, any user-
	supplied value for EN_TYPE in the MCPI bank is ignored (see below
	for other parameters that are also ignored).

	IDENC currently calls routines which do not produce real
For the different distributions there are different input parameters to be
stored in the EN_PARAM array.  These are:
  EN Type   Param. #   Description
  -------   --------   -----------
    10       1         Selected energy.
    20       1         Minimum energy threshold.
	     10	       Neutrino type (only electron neutrino now implemented)
    30       1         Minimum Neutron energy threshold.
             10        Neutrino type (can be any neutrino or anti-neutrino)
    40       1         Minimum energy threshold.
	     10	       Neutrino type (only electron neutrino now implemented)
    50       none      (W1 and W2 are used from the MCMA master bank).
    60       1,2       Minimum kinetic energy thresholds for the GENERATION of
		       betas and gammas, respectively, in beta decay.  Used
		       to stop the production of particles that are unlikely
		       to produce Cerenkov light. (NOT to be confused with
		       the EGS4 cutoff energies!)
	     ***       (If the interaction code is for a beta or beta-gamma
		       decay, then the following parameters are IGNORED and
		       the information is got from the relevant MCDS bank.
		       Otherwise, these parameters must be set in the MCPI
	     3,4       Z,A for the daughter nucleus.  Set Z negative for
		       positron emission. 
	     5	       Type of beta decay (0.0 = allowed, 1.0 = first
		       parity forbidden, 2.0 = 2nd parity forbidden,
		       11.0 = first unique forbidden, 12.0 = second unique
		       forbidden, 13.0 = third unique forbidden).
	     6	       Beta end-point energy.
	     7,8,9     Shape factor constants. (see titles_mcds.html
		       for more details.  Set these to 0.0 if you have 
		       no idea what they should be.)  
    70       ?         User defined.
    80       1         The equilibrium temperature of the Maxwell-Boltzmann
                       distribution, usually the temperature of the medium
                       that is the 'parent' of the particle generated. The
                       default value is 300 degrees Kelvin, and this value
                       is adopted if T is given as <= 0. Kinetic energies 
    90       2         The mean and standard deviation of the Gaussian used
                       to generate the energies.
   100       none
   110       none
   120       none
   130       none
   140       none
   150       none
   160       none
   170       none

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