
            PBUN PMT Bundle.  One for each PMT bundle in the ZDAB
    Contact:  N. West, Oxford.
    Revision History:-
    3.01  N. West     First version.
    3.02  D. Wark     Put PMT bundle global trigger id into the unused PN slot.
          N. McCauley Add comments on BUTTs and NECK tubes

   These banks contain the information for every PMT bundle in the ZDAB bank.
   This includes spare and invalid channels as well as those channels that feed
   the PMT, OWL, LG, FECD BUTT and NECK banks.


   The only function of the PBUN banks is to allow full access to the contents
   of the ZDAB to permit analysis of the electronics.  These banks do NOT form
   part of the permanent data structure as, for all connected channels, they
   duplicate data found elsewhere in the data structure.  These banks are not
   normally created, to generate them issue the command:-

      $upk_make_pbun $on

   when running the unpacker (UPK).

   The format is identical to the PMT bank but as it only contains data read
   from the ZDAB bank, it will only be partially filled.  The filled portion is
   shown below, all other words will be zero. Use the PMT bank address mnemonics
   to access the bank.

Reference Links
Structural Links
Status Bits

Data Words

    Data types: B(bit), I, F, D(double), H(hollerith 4 char)

 +1  I  KPMT_PN    PMT bundle global trigger id.  
                   This is very useful for debugging the DAQ/electr 
 +8  I  KPMT_PIF   Set of n-bit flags for ith hit in list. All undefined bits are
                   set to zero. (PIF) The following bits are defined:-

        Bit Field            DAQ Meaning
          0-3                NCELL    (CMOS Cell address 0 to 15)
          4-5                FLAG1     Bit  4 = CGT ES16

                                       Bit  5 = CGT ES24.
          6-9                FLAG2     Bit  6 = Missed Count
                                       Bit  7 = NC/CC Flag
                                       Bit  8 = LGISELECT (1=long sample)
                                       Bit  9 = CMOS ES16.

 +9  F  KPMT_PIT   Uncalibrated times (PIT)
 +10 F  KPMT_PIHL  Uncalibrated high-gain, long int. charge  (PIHL)       
 +11 F  KPMT_PIHS  Uncalibrated high-gain, short int. charge (PIHS)
 +12 F  KPMT_PILX  Uncalibrated low-gain, long int. charge   (PILX)
 +14 I  KPMT_CELL  PMT channel cell number.
 +15 I  KPMT_PIN   CCC DAQ Circuit Number
                       = 1024*card + 32*crate + channel

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