MCNT      NCD Track Incursion.
    Contact:  D. Wark
    Revision History:-
    5.00  D. Wark     First version.
          H.S. Wan    Added mnemonics and removed unused words.
          N. West     Add link to MCTK. Move __START_TIME add _THETA, _PHI.
    5.02  N. Oblath   Added double-precision pulse-time and 
                      electron-arrival-time words
                      FIRST_DRIFT_TIME actually a float (not double), 
                      and includes only the track-segment central-value time
                      Added FIRST_E_ARRIVAL_TIME, which includes time smearing
          N. Oblath   Added KMCNT_TOT_ENERGY_DEP
          N. Oblath   Added KMCNT_MIN_SIGMA
	  H.S. Wan    Added KMCNT_ENDCAP

There is one MCNT for each charged track that passes through an individual NCD counter.
Reference Links
 -4  -KMCNT_MCTK   MCTK  The MC track that produced this MCNT as it entered an NCD counter.
 -3  -KMCNT_MCNT   MCNT  The next track that contributes to the same MCNC
 -2  -KMCNT_MCNC   MCNC  The unamplified current bank this track incursion contributed to.

Structural Links
 -1  -KMCNT_MCNI   MCNI  The first ionisation segment of the track. 
Status Bits
Note: Any status bit parameters are defined to work with bit functions such as
      IAND and BTEST.
Data Words
    Data types: B(bit), I, F, D(double), H(hollerith 4 char)
  +1    I  KMCNT_COUNTER_NO         NCD Counter number.
  +2    I  KMCNT_IDP                Particle_ID_Code (id_particles.html).
  +3    F  KMCNT_START_TIME         Time since MC generation time at which the track was created. See 
  +4    F  KMCNT_START_PSX          x coordinate of start point of track   
  +5    F  KMCNT_START_PSY          y coordinate of start point of track
  +6    F  KMCNT_START_PSZ          z coordinate of start point of track
  +7    F  KMCNT_THETA              Theta of start point of track
  +8    F  KMCNT_PHI                Phi of start point of track
  +9    D  KMCNT_DP_START_TIME      Track creation time, double-precision, first word
  +10                               second word
  +11   F  KMCNT_FIRST_DRIFT_TIME   Time at which the first electrons reach the anode (after track-creation time; based on the central value for each track segment)
  +12   F  KMCNT_FIRST_E_ARRIVAL_TIME  Time at which the first electrons arrive at the anode (after track-creation time; including time smearing)
  +13   F  KMCNT_TRACK_LENGTH       Length of the ionization track
  +14   I  KMCNT_NUM_SEGMENTS       Number of segments in the track
  +15   F  KMCNT_TOT_ENERGY_DEP     Total energy deposited (MeV)
  +16   F  KMCNT_MIN_SIGMA          Minimum time spread for the track segments
  +17   I  KMCNT_ENDCAP             Endcap switch (0=not endcap pulse, 1=endcap pulse)
note 1.

1)  This word is single precision (time is usually stored in double 
    precision) because the zebra routine ZSORT is used to arrange the 
    MCNT banks in temporal order. ZSORT takes single precision arguments only. 

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