MCNI      NCD Ionisation deposition
    Contact:  D. Wark
    Revision History:-
    5.00  D. Wark     First version.
          H.S. Wan    Added mnemonics and removed unused words.
    5.02  N. Oblath   Added link to previous MCNI
    5.03  N. Oblath   Added KMCNI_SEGMENT_LENGTH


These banks hold information about charge deposited within the NCDs.  There 
is one bank for  each piecewise straight section of charge deposit with 
constant charge density. The number (and hence the length) of MCNI segments 
for alphas, tritons, protons and electrons can be adjusted. 

Reference Links
 -1  -KMCNI_MCNT   MCNT  The track that this MCNI corresponds to.
 -2  -KMCNI_MCNI_PREV  Previous MCNI in the chain (0 for first bank)

Structural Links
Status Bits
Note: Any status bit parameters are defined to work with bit functions such as
      IAND and BTEST.
Data Words
    Data types: B(bit), I, F, D(double), H(hollerith 4 char)
 +1    F  KMCNI_START_PSX           Start position X.
 +2    F  KMCNI_START_PSY           Start position Y.
 +3    F  KMCNI_START_PSZ           Start position Z.
 +4    D  KMCNI_START_TIM           Start time in nsecs since MC generation time (in MC bank). First word.
 +5    D                            Second word.
 +6    F  KMCNI_END_PSX             End position X.
 +7    F  KMCNI_END_PSY             End position Y.
 +8    F  KMCNI_END_PSZ             End position Z.
 +9    D  KMCNI_END_TIM             End time in nsecs since MC generation time (in MC bank). First word.
 +10   D                            Second word.
 +11   F  KMCNI_CHARGE_DEPOSIT      Charge deposited in the segment. See note 1.
 +12   F  KMCNI_START_RADIUS        Radius of the segment in the counter just after ionization. See note 2. 
 +13   F  KMCNI_DRIFT_TIME          Time taken for segment to drift to the anode. See note 3. 
 +14   F  KMCNI_GAIN                The gas gain for this charge segment. See note 4.
 +15   F  KMCNI_ENERGY_DEP          Energy deposition (MeV) in this segment
 +16   F  KMCNI_ENERGY              Average energy of the particle in this segment
 +17   F  KMCNI_TIME_SIGMA          Time smearing due to stragglign and electron diffusion
 +18   F  KMCNI_FIRST_DRIFT_TIME    Time of arrival at the anode for the first electrons from this segment
 +19   F  KMCNI_SEGMENT_LENGTH      Length of this segment


1)   For electrons the energy deposited is calculated using EGS4; for 
     protons, tritons and alphas DE/DX tables are used. 

2)   The radius of the segment means the distance of the midpoint of 
     the segment from the anode wire.
3)   This is the time taken for a point charge at the midpoint of the 
     segment to drift to the anode. 
4)   When space charge is simulated, this might not be the same for 
     different segments.

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