
                          MCTK      Track bank
Contact:  N. West, Oxford.
Revision History:-
1.03  N. West     Converted to mixed format.
2.00  N. West     Add region code.
2.05  R.G. Van de Water  Add step size.
2.07  N. West     Add note about bank number. Add near distance (KMCTK_NEAR)
2.08  N. West     New particle codes.
2.09  N. West     Add clarifying comment about particle energy.
5.00  C. Kyba     Add mnemonics for Cerenkov history status word

    Describes the transport of one particle between its start and end
vertices.  Formally the information in the MCTK bank refers to the particle at
its end vertex.  For most tracks the quantities will be invarient along the
track but see Notes below. For Cerenkov photons, a history of its trajectory
is encoded into the status word 
Reference Links
 -1  -KMCTK_MCVX   MCVX  Track end vertex.
Structural Links
Status Bits
Note: Any status bit parameters are defined to work with bit functions such as
      IAND and BTEST.

      Bits 4-17 are used to store the "history" of Cerenkov photons.  
      The bit structure is the same as in the MCPM bank status word.  
      More details are available on the MCPM bank page.

Bit  Mnemonic          Description
---  --------          -----------
  0                    Undefined 
  1  KMCTK_IVX         Indirect vertex.  Track does not come directly from its
                       supporting vertex, see Notes below.
  2  KMCTK_SPARE1      Spare (Not part of Cerenkov history)
  3  KMCTK_SPARE2      Spare (Not part of Cerenkov history)
  4  KMCTK_INDIRECT    Indirect photon.
  5  KMCTK_RSCAT       Photon was Raleigh scattered.
  6  KMCTK_PSUP_SREF   Photon had a spectral reflection from the PSUP.
  7  KMCTK_PSUP_DREF   Photon had a diffuse reflection from the PSUP.
  8  KMCTK_AV_SREF     Photon had a spectral reflection from the AV.
  9  KMCTK_AV_DREF     Photon had a diffuse reflection from the AV.
 10  KMCTK_NCD_SREF    Photon had a spectral reflection from the NCD OVL.
 11  KMCTK_NCD_DREF    Photon had a diffuse reflection from the NCD OVL.
 12  KMCTK_PMT_REF     Photon entered and then escaped the PMT code (vxpmt).
 13  KMCTK_IN_PMT      Photon was produced inside a PMT.
 14  KMCTK_THROUGH_AV  Photon passed through the AV at least once.
 15                    Not yet defined (Assumed to be part of of Cerenkov history)
 16                    Not yet defined (Assumed to be part of of Cerenkov history)
 17                    Not yet defined (Assumed to be part of of Cerenkov history)

Data Words
    Data types: B(bit), I, F, D(double), H(hollerith 4 char)
 +1  I KMCTK_IDP  Particle_ID_Code id_particles.html).
 +2  F KMCTK_DRX  Direction cosine X.
 +3  F KMCTK_DRY  Direction cosine Y.
 +4  F KMCTK_DRZ  Direction cosine Z.
 +5  F KMCTK_ENE  Total energy (except for neutrons where it is kinetic).
 +6  I KMCTK_RGN  Region Code (see Region codes)
 +7  I KMCTK_IDM  Physical Media Code (see Media codes)
 +8  F KMCTK_PLX  Polarisation X. See note 5.
 +9  F KMCTK_PLY  Polarisation Y. See note 5.
+10  F KMCTK_PLZ  Polarisation Z. See note 5.
+11  F KMCTK_STP  Track step size.  Only non-zero for CBV vertex.  See note 2.
+12  F KMCTK_NEAR Minimum distance to nearest boundary or 0.  See note 4.
1)   Normally the MCTK represents a straight line propagation of a particle but
     possible exceptions are:-
     o  EGS4 will produce electron tracks at the point at which they interact to
        produce Cerenkov photons.
     o  Unwanted vertex removal, if activated, will eliminate unwanted internal
     In such cases the track direction will not correspond to a straight line
     joining its start and end  vertices, and the KMCTK_IVX bit will be set.
2)   A Cerenkov Bundle Vertex (CBV) is used to represent a bundle of photons
     for a single track step within EGS4.  See routine UNPCER.
3)   All ZEBRA banks have a number as well as a name.  The number has no
     significance for the MCTK bank. It may be used as a short range
     communication between the routine, called indirectly from TKMAIN, that
     determines where the next interaction occurs, and the routine, called
     indirectly from VXMAIN, that determines what the interaction products are.
4)   The near distance (KMCTK_NEAR) may be used to speed up the tracking of
     particles whose mean free path is small compared to the size of the region
     through which they are travelling.  The distance, which unlike all other
     variables refers to the start vertex NOT the end vertex, is first computed
     use GE_NEAR.  Subsequently it is passed from input track to output track
     decrementing by the step size and no further calls made to the geometry
     until it reaches zero.
5)   In CBVs, the polarisation of the electron is irrelevant. CBVs use
     these three words for a second set of directional cosines (those at the
     end of the step, after the particle has multiple scattered). This only
     occurs in CBVs

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