path: root/
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2021-05-09remove print statement from setup.pyAnthony LaTorre
2021-05-09use local boost when building g4chroma.soAnthony LaTorre
2021-05-09remove setuptools bootstrapAnthony LaTorre
2021-05-09update tests to work for python versions <2.7Anthony LaTorre
2021-05-09Add location of pyublas headers to include pathStan Seibert
2021-05-09Check for and include CLHEP libraries to support users working withStan Seibert
2021-05-09Use numpy.distutils to lookup numpy inlcude directoryStan Seibert
2021-05-09add chroma server scriptAndy Mastbaum
2021-05-09Add the include directory for the virtualenvStan Seibert
2021-05-09chroma-bvh: command to manipulate BVH trees in cache. Just a stat subcommand...Stan Seibert
2021-05-09Super simple geometry cache management tool: chroma-geoStan Seibert
2021-05-09Nope, Chroma really does require Numpy 1.6 or later. Putting dependency back...Stan Seibert
2021-05-09Require nose and sphinx for testing and documentationStan Seibert
2021-05-09Replace all uses of numpy.count_nonzero() with to ...Stan Seibert
2021-05-09Require pyublas at setup-time for compiling. Adjust numpy requirement for co...Stan Seibert
2021-05-09Copy implementation of check_output into our so it runs on Python 2.6.Stan Seibert
2011-10-05Chroma no longer requires h5py now that SNO has been factored out into a sepa...Stan Seibert
2011-09-16Silence annoying GEANT4 warnings and banners during operation.Stan Seibert
2011-09-16Now use setuptools-built Boost::Python GEANT4 moduleStan Seibert
2011-09-16Start of setuptools setup.pyStan Seibert