AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2021-05-09fix sign in rayleigh scattering codeHEADmastertlatorre
2021-05-09update docsAnthony LaTorre
2021-05-09update rhel/centos/scientific linux installation instructionsAnthony LaTorre
2021-05-09add a note about deleting pip's cache folder if you are reinstalling chromaAnthony LaTorre
2021-05-09fix torus function to use radius argumentAnthony LaTorre
2021-05-09update installation instructionsAnthony LaTorre
2021-05-09SetParticleEnergy() requires kinetic energy only, not total energy.Kevin Wells
2021-05-09wrap cuda.memcpy_htod args in np.asarraymastbaum
2021-05-09remove print statement from setup.pyAnthony LaTorre
2021-05-09use local boost when building g4chroma.soAnthony LaTorre
2021-05-09remove setuptools bootstrapAnthony LaTorre
2021-05-09remove project from __init__Anthony LaTorre
2021-05-09remove project.pyAnthony LaTorre
2021-05-09move from_film function into toolsAnthony LaTorre
2021-05-09cleanup testsAnthony LaTorre
2021-05-09fix ACLiC problem with rootAnthony LaTorre
2021-05-09fix from previous commitAnthony LaTorre
2021-05-09update tests to work for python versions <2.7Anthony LaTorre
2021-05-09move map_to_color import inside function because it requires matplotlibAnthony LaTorre
2021-05-09update rhel installation instructions to use cuda rpm packageAnthony LaTorre
2021-05-09Set dtype explicitly when making morton codesStan Seibert
2021-05-09Add location of pyublas headers to include pathStan Seibert
2021-05-09Fix typo in install docsStan Seibert
2021-05-09Stub page for Tour of features.Stan Seibert
2021-05-09Speed up detector test. Still fails, though.Stan Seibert
2021-05-09Force merging of BVH nodes to always reduce the number of parent nodes in ord...Stan Seibert
2021-05-09Fix test_daq to use newer DAQ API.Stan Seibert
2021-05-09Skip ray intersection test until the reference data file can be updated.Stan Seibert
2021-05-09Reduce number of photons generated for reemission test to speed up testing on...Stan Seibert
2021-05-09Cast position and direction parameters to appropriately typed ndarrays.Stan Seibert
2021-05-09Convert test script to one big unit test. Needs further refactoring.Stan Seibert
2021-05-09Fix bvh test. No longer a leaf attribute in node object.Stan Seibert
2021-05-09Documentation updatesStan Seibert
2021-05-09Fix warning about redefinition of INFINITY.Stan Seibert
2021-05-09Temporary kludge to correctly handle a Photons object passed into simulate.Stan Seibert
2021-05-09Check for and include CLHEP libraries to support users working withStan Seibert
2021-05-09Assign to a GPU array slice with a numpy array of length 1 to silenceStan Seibert
2021-05-09Add virtual destructors to ROOT data classes to silence compiler warnings.Stan Seibert
2021-05-09Do not automatically initialize pycuda before forking the camera process.Stan Seibert
2021-05-09Fix bug in intersection calculation that prevented axis-aligned photons from ...Stan Seibert
2021-05-09Add method to show total charge in eventStan Seibert
2021-05-09Mark one of the propagate functions as __noinline__ to work around bug where ...Stan Seibert
2021-05-09Remove unused function to read a word bypassing L1 cache. Seems to be incorr...Stan Seibert
2021-05-09Use numpy.distutils to lookup numpy inlcude directoryStan Seibert
2021-05-09woops. accidentally left in some print statements in camera.pyAnthony LaTorre
2021-05-09add chroma server scriptAndy Mastbaum
2021-05-09add a simple example script to produce a detector and simulate some events.Anthony LaTorre
2021-05-09no channels was resulting in a seg fault. for now if there are no channels, j...Anthony LaTorre
2021-05-09add get_triangle_centers() method to mesh; this method is useful for selectin...Anthony LaTorre
2021-05-09make sure arguments to Photon have the correct dtype.Anthony LaTorre