Installing SNOLIB and SNOMAN
Installing The SNOMAN Companion
Installing The SNO Database

Installing SNOLIB and SNOMAN

An outline of the installation procedure can be found in the User Manual and full instructions can be found in:-


A complete set of tools .scr for UNIX are provided, the most important are:-

Full Installation Tools

Incremental Build Tools

Disk Management Tools

Installing The SNOMAN Companion

The Companion consists of a set of interlinked HTML files that all reside on:-

Links to Manuals and Source Files

There are links out of this directory to the User Manual and the Programmer Manual and to .for, .cmd, .dat and .cmd files in the code or prod directories. If you have trouble viewing these files then you need to update your browser However, all links use relative directory addressing so installation simply involves setting up this directory (which is automatic if you use the ftp_snoman tools or unpack the n_nn.tar.gz file) in the correct place. By default .dat and .cmd files are assumed to be in the prod directory. If, as happens at Oxford, you choose to put these files in the code directory then, to reset companion links correctly you need to:-
  1. cd $SNO_ROOT/snoman/$SNO_SNOMAN_VER/doc/html
  2. $SNO_TOOLS/set_companion_links.perl -use_code *.html

Links to the SNOMAN source code are used extensively in the Software Structure diagrams. If you frequently need to browse through the code, then you may want to generate a complete copy of the source code in a HTML form. See below.

HTML Version of the Code

Use the tool
to generate an HTML version of the code. This vastly improves readability with comment lines highlighted differently to the code, and more importantly, full bi-directional hypertext links to any called subroutines or functions and to include files. The companion links are updated automatically to point to the hypertext version of the code.

Link to SNODB

Other Documents has a link to the SNODB documentation. It is assumed that this documentation can be found in the directory ...snoman/snodb/html. However, SNODB is not part of SNOMAN so the local software librarian may have decided to put the SNODB documentation elsewhere. In which case the link will have to be updated accordingly.

Link to the SNOMAN Tutorial 98

The tutorial files are not distributed as part of the release. If you want this link to work locally, grab a set from:-
Store them in the directory tutorial98 below the snoman directory.

Viewing the Companion

To view the document make this directory the default, start an HMTL viewer (NETSCAPE is recommended), and open the local file:-

File Organisation

Updating your Browser

The companion links directly into a number of file types, such as .for, that are part of the program source. You made have to configure your browser to view such files. For example, on Netscape version 4:-

Installing The SNO Database

The SNO database is not part of SNOMAN and has to be installed separately. Please contact Bruce Cleveland ( However, a stripped down version of the database is available at:-
which is suitable for laptop development work. See the README file it contains for instructions.
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