
                          HIDx HBOOK Histogram Data
    Contact:  M. Thorman, Oxford.
    Revision History:-
    3.02  M. Thorman     First version.

The HIDx banks support datastructures which describe HBOOK histograms
or ntuples:-

  HID1  1-d histograms
  HID2  2-d histograms
  HIDN  ntuples

When generated by HBOOK routines, these are stored in a chain in the PAWC
store. The runlog generator copies over the entire chain to the RLOG d/s
so that they can be written to the database. They can later be read back in,
copied back to PAWC and then written to a HBOOK file for loading into PAW etc.
Only HBOOK needs to know about their internal structure, so no further details
are given here.

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