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Derivation of energy calibration constants

The mapping from $N_{eff}$ to energy is derived from Monte-Carlos of mono-energetic electrons at the detector center. To derive this map we must first determine the absolute detector gain by comparing $^{16}$N data with a Monte-Carlo calculation. We can then generate monoenergetic electrons with this calibrated Monte-Carlo to generate the energy $\longrightarrow$  $N_{eff}$ map used by RSP.

The script rsp_calibrate.scr can be used with RSP to generate the energy calibration constants for a specific fitter and optical constants. The header of the script should be edited to reflect the $^{16}$N data and fitter to be used:

#rsp_calibrate.scr: Generate energy calibration constants
#Modify the following as required

$fitter = "ftt";
$fitidx = 5;
$n16_input = "FILE INP 1 /prod/data/SNO_0000010429_000.zdab";

The file rsp_ntuple.dat should also be modified to reflect the desired fitter.

The script should then be executed. It will generate SNOMAN command files and

The new calibration constans will be written the file new_energy_calibration.dat. The script will also generate the following figures and files:

Figure 19.1: $N_{eff}$ distributions for $^{16}$N generated with rsp_calibrate.scr

Figure 19.2: $N_{eff}$ distributions for electrons generated with rsp_calibrate.scr

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sno Guest Acct 2009-09-09