... electron's13.1
positrons are a rarity in the code, and so all references to electrons in this section should be taken to refer to electrons or positrons
... travel13.2
EGS4 only updates the directional cosines of the electron at the end of each step, and this can give rise to a subtle artifact in which all the photons for one step are emitted on a cone oriented with respect to one direction. To overcome this problem, the electron's directional cosines are linearly interpolated between initial and final directions throughout the step.
... flat13.3
This is actually an approximation - the distribution is only flat if the refractive index is assumed to be constant, which is not quite true.
... boundary13.4
defined such that $\underline{\hat{a}}.\underline{\hat{n}}\ge 0$ for the purposes of the calculations in this section.
... SNNS18.1
Stuttgart Neural Network Simulator - contact Oxford for more information.
... zero.A.1
The 250 figure is the current best estimate of the optimal time window, in the final system this may be revised up or down slightly.
... delayA.2
Since the delays will not all be exactly the same, they will have to be measured and included in a calibration bank in the database. Currently SNOMAN sets the cable delay to zero, although this will change.