Structure Diagram for EIO: Event I/O Support
         An Introduction to the Structure Diagrams is available.
        NB  These links will be broken until the HTML Version of the Code is installed.
This section emcompasses both INP (Event Input) and OUT (Event Output) which are
both effectively dummies.  Their only purpose is to activate the input and
output aspects of EIO.
EIO takes the input and output file names from File Input Output Support  (FIO)
and uses internal table to support multi-stream file I/O.  It uses Generic FZ
Input Output  (SIO) to read and write the data.
As far as is possible, it reformats old data. It provides a simple, stream
independent, input NHIT threshold veto.
Titles Banks Used
 JOB  Job control (for default file names)
TEIO Event Input Output Support
Initialisation Routines ----------------------- EIO_INI Execution Routines ------------------ EIO_EVREAD EIO_EVWRITE EIO_WIPE EIO_LOCKED Termination Routines -------------------- EIO_TRM

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