
          FTXK Fitter FTK Parameters bank. One for each fitter
    Contact:  N. West, Oxford.
    Revision History:-
     5.01  M. Dunford      First Version
     5.02  S. Seibert      Added NCD reflection word + spares

This bank holds the energy calibration (FTK) parameters extracted from the current event
for a specific fitter.  It is similar in content to the FTK bank 
but is fixed format making it easier to access.

Reference Links
 Structural Links

Status Bits
Note: Any status bit parameters are defined to work with bit functions such as
      IAND and BTEST.
Data Words

    Data types: B(bit), I, F, D(double), H(hollerith 4 char)


   1  F _PROB             LH value at the best fit point
   2  F _ENERGY           Total Energy of the event
   3  F _ENE_MERR         Lower uncertainty on the Energy (in MeV)
   4  F _ENE_PERR         Upper uncertainty on the Energy (in MeV)
   5  F _NEFF             Number of hits inside the FTK time cut 
   6  F _DIR_SCALE        Probability of a direct photon being detected
   7  F _DIR_SCALE_SQ     MPE correction term at the mean of the cerenkov
                          photons distribution
   8  F _SCAT_SCALE       Probability of a scattered photon being detected
   9  F _REFL_SCALE       Probability of detecting a PMT reflection photon
  10  F _REFL_AV1_SCALE   Probability of detecting a AV reflection photon
                          which reflects off the first AV boundary
  11  F _REFL_AV2_SCALE   Probability of detecting a AV reflection photon
                          which reflects off the second AV boundary
  12  F _REFL_NCD_SCALE   Probability of detecting a NCD reflection photon
  13  F                   Spare word
  17  F                   Spare word


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