
              FTK Energy Fitter Summary bank.  One for each event
    Contact:  M. Dunford, Penn
    Revision History:-
    5.00  M. Dunford   First version.
    5.02  S. Seibert:  Add probability of detecting a NCD reflection photon + spares.

    This document only describes energy fitter extensions to the generic FTx bank.
for a description of the FTx bank.
Only FTK data using the MC position and direction is filled here. 
When using one of the fitters for the FTK position and direction, 
the data is stored in the FTXK bank 

Reference Links
    No extensions.
Structural Links
 -1  -KFTX_FTXV  FTKV   Link to first fit vertex.
 -2  -KFTX_FTXA  FTXA   Link to fit analysis bank.
    No extensions.
Status Bits
Note: Any status bit parameters are defined to work with bit functions such as
      IAND and BTEST.
Data Words
    Data types: B(bit), I, F, D(double), H(hollerith 4 char)
>+9                    The first 8 words are as for FTx bank.
 +9  F KFTK_ENERGY           Total Energy of the event
 +10 F KFTK_ENE_MERR         Lower uncertainty on the Energy (in MeV)
 +11 F KFTK_ENE_PERR         Upper uncertainty on the Energy (in MeV)
 +12 F KFTK_NEFF             Number of hits inside the FTK time cut 
 +13 F KFTK_DIR_SCALE        Probability of a direct photon being detected
 +14 F KFTK_DIR_SCALE_SQ     MPE correction term at the mean of the cerenkov
                             photons distribution
 +15 F KFTK_SCAT_SCALE       Probability of a scattered photon being detected
 +16 F KFTK_REFL_SCALE       Probability of detecting a PMT reflection photon
 +17 F KFTK_REFL_AV1_SCALE   Probability of detecting a AV reflection photon
                             which reflects off the first AV boundary
 +18 F KFTK_REFL_AV2_SCALE   Probability of detecting a AV reflection photon
                             which reflects off the second AV boundary
 +19 F KFTK_REFL_NCD_SCALE   Probability of detecting a NCD reflection photon
 +20 F                       Spare word
 +24 F                       Spare word

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