path: root/chroma/generator/
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2021-05-09SetParticleEnergy() requires kinetic energy only, not total energy.Kevin Wells
2021-05-09Cast position and direction parameters to appropriately typed ndarrays.Stan Seibert
2021-05-09Silence more GEANT4 output when starting GEANT4 generator processes.Stan Seibert
2021-05-09Add an argsort_direction() function to and use it toStan Seibert
2011-10-05Epic port of Chroma from units of meters/seconds/MeV toStan Seibert
2011-09-16Silence annoying GEANT4 warnings and banners during operation.Stan Seibert
2011-09-16Fix reference to _g4chroma moduleStan Seibert
2011-09-16Now use setuptools-built Boost::Python GEANT4 moduleStan Seibert
2011-09-16File reorganization to move toward standard python package layoutStan Seibert