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Specifying multiple subruns

A limited form of wildcard is supported in the FILE command. The wildcard character '?' (the more natural choice '*' is already used as a comment delimiter) is replaced by matching subruns. For example:-

file inp 1 sno_0000001029_?.zdab
generates multiple FILE commands by replacing ? by 000, confirming that the file exists, and then trying 001, .. and so on until no matching file is found (or 999 is reached). The options first_subrun and last_subrun can be used to narrow the range e.g.:-

file inp 1 sno_0000001029_?.zdab first_subrun=4 last_subrun=9

would select just 6. This form is useful if wanting to process a run from which some subruns are missing.

sno Guest Acct 2009-09-09