
                          RLPN      Run Log PMT Noise bank
    Contact:  N. McCauley, Penn.
    Revision History:-
    4.02  N. McCauley    First Version
    5.01  N. McCauley    Add NCAL and NQC Noise Calculations.
          N. McCauley     Add QCed PT1 Noise Rate.

This bank contains the noise rate and uncertainty of the noise rate in Hz of 
the PMTs on each PMT system. In the case where the measured noise rate is 0 
the uncertainty is the 68% upper limit.

The bank number is the run number.
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Status Bits
Note: Any status bit parameters are defined to work with bit functions such as
      IAND and BTEST.
Data Words
    Data types: B(bit), I, F, D(double), H(hollerith 4 char)
  Wd Typ     Mnem.            Description

 +1   F  KRLPN_PMT         The noise rate on the inward looking PMT system.
 +2   F  KRLPN_PMT_ERR     The uncertainty of the noise rate on the inward looking PMT system.
 +3   F  KRLPN_OWL         The noise rate on the OWL PMT system.
 +4   F  KRLPN_OWL_ERR     The uncertainty of the noise rate on the OWL PMT system.
 +5   F  KRLPN_BUTT        The noise rate on the BUTT PMT system.
 +6   F  KRLPN_BUTT_ERR    The uncertainty of the noise rate on the BUTT PMT system.
 +7   F  KRLPN_NECK        The noise rate on the NECK PMT system.
 +8   F  KRLPN_NECK_ERR    The uncertainty of the noise rate on the NECK PMT system.
 +9   F  KRLPN_LG          The noise rate on the low gain PMT system.
 +10  F  KRLPN_LG_ERR      The uncertainty of the noise rate on the low gain PMT system.
 +11  F  KRLPN_PMT_CAL     The PMT noise rate using calibrated tubes.
 +12  F  KRLPN_PMT_CAL_ERR The uncertainty of the PMT noise rate using calibrated tubes.
 +13  F  KRLPN_PMT_QC      The PMT noise rate using calibrated tubes that pass tube quality control cuts.
 +14  F  KRLPN_PMT_QC_ERR  The uncertainty of the PMT noise rate using calibrated tubes that pass tube quality control cuts.
 +15  F  KRLPN_PMT_QC_PT1  As KRLPN_PMT_QC but using PT1 times.
 +16  F  KRLPN_PMT_QC_PT1_ERR The uncertainty in KRLPN_PMT_QC_PT1 

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