
              FTR Through-going Muon Fitter Summary bank.  One for each event
    Contact:  C. Kyba, Penn
    Revision History:-
    5.00  C. Kyba      First version.
    5.01  C. Kyba      Add QVec and TVec
                       Add KFTR_TRES_RMS and KFTR_SPAREx

    This document only describes track fitter extensions to the generic FTx bank.
for a description of the FTx bank.
Reference Links
    No extensions.
Structural Links
 -1  -KFTX_FTXV  FTRV   Link to first fit vertex.
 -2  -KFTX_FTXA  FTXA   Link to fit analysis bank.
 -3  -KFTR_FTRM  FTRM   Link to Monte Carlo info bank.
    No extensions.
Status Bits
Note: Any status bit parameters are defined to work with bit functions such as
      IAND and BTEST.
Data Words
    Data types: B(bit), I, F, D(double), H(hollerith 4 char)
>+9                    The first 8 words are as for FTx bank.
 +9  F KFTR_IMP            Fit impact parameter of the muon
 +10 F KFTR_MEAN_Q         Mean charge of event
 +11 F KFTR_MEAN_Q2        Mean charge squared of event
 +12 F KFTR_MEAN_T         Mean time of PMTs
 +13 F KFTR_MEAN_T2        Mean time squared of PMTs
 +14 F KFTR_Q_DOT_T        Dot product of qvec and tvec
 +15 F KFTR_COS_QWA        Mean charge weighted angle from tvec to PMTs
 +16 F KFTR_QVEC           First word of QVec (x)
 +17 F                     Second word of QVec (y)
 +18 F                     Third word of QVec (z)
 +19 F KFTR_TVEC           First word of TVec (x)
 +20 F                     Second word of TVec (y)
 +21 F                     Third word of TVec (z)
 +22 F KFTR_TRES_RMS       RMS of time residuals
 +23 F KFTR_SPARE1         Spare
 +24 F KFTR_SPARE2         Spare
 +25 F KFTR_SPARE3         Spare

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