
              FTM Muon Fitter Summary bank.  One for each event
    Contact:  N. Tagg, Guelph.
    Revision History:-
    3.02  N. Tagg     FTM fitter, new version.
    4.02  N. Tagg     FTM fitter, newer version.
          N. west     Add structural link to FTXA
    5.00  T. Tsui     FTM bank updated - removed 19 entries and added 5

    This document only describes time fitter extensions to the generic FTx bank.
for a description of the FTx bank.
Reference Links
    No extensions.
Structural Links
 -1  -KFTX_FTXV  FTMV   Link to first fit vertex.
 -2  -KFTX_FTXA  FTXA   Link to fit analysis bank.
    No extensions.
Status Bits
Note: Any status bit parameters are defined to work with bit functions such as
      IAND and BTEST.
Data Words
    Data types: B(bit), I, F, D(double), H(hollerith 4 char)
>+9                    The first 8 words are as for FTx bank.
 +9  F  KFTM_ChiDof              Chi-squared per tube used in fit.
 +10 F  KFTM_NTubes_GoodCharge   Number of tubes passing charge cut.
 +11 F  KFTM_NTubes_GoodGuess    Number of tubes inside time window of the best trial fit.
 +12 F  KFTM_NTubes_CutChisq     Number of tubes inside time window.
 +13 F  KFTM_PFit                Impact parameter of final fit.  See user manual.
 +14 F  KFTM_Length              Length of fit muon track inside PSUP.
 +15 F  KFTM_eta                 Muon diretion vector zenith angle (0=upgoing)
 +16 F  KFTM_psi                 Muon diretion vector azimuthal angle

 +17 F  KFTM_EXIT_X              |
 +18 F  KFTM_EXIT_Y              | Postion and time the muon exited PSUP, final fit
 +19 F  KFTM_EXIT_Z              |
 +20 F  KFTM_EXIT_T              |
 +21 F  KFTM_MeanQ               Mean charge on all tubes.
 +22 F  KFTM_RMSQ                RMS of charge on all tubes.
 +23 F  KFTM_MeanT               Mean calibrated time of all tubes.
 +24 F  KFTM_RMST                RMS of calibrated time of tall tubes.
 +25 F  KFTM_pcorr               Fitted Impact parameter, corrected for
                                 fitter pull.
 +26 F  KFTM_dEdX                Total charge / track length, pe/cm
 +27 F  KFTM_delta_t             Time elapsed since last event FTM processed.
The next section deals mainly with estimators of goodness-of-fit.
 +28 F  KFTM_AllTubes_Chisq      Chi-squared per tube using all tubes in event.
 +29 F  KFTM_Ntubes_Agree        Number of all tubes for which fit time is good to within 1 sigma
                                 of measured time
 +30 F  KFTM_qMean_Agree         The fraction of all charge deposited in tubes that agree
				 to within 1 sigma.
 +31 F  KFTM_ChiSq_Agree	 The chi-squared statistic on time residual for tubes
				 that agree to within 1 sigma.
 +32 F  KFTM_log_pdf		 Total log(pdf) of time residuals.
 +33 F  KFTM_pdf_dof		 log(pdf) of time residuals divided by number of tubes
 +34 F  KFTM_NShould		 Number of tubes that should have fired (see note 1) and did.
 +35 F  KFTM_FracShould		 Fraction of tubes that should have fired that DID fire
 +36 F  KFTM_NShouldnt		 Number of tubes that shouldn't have fired but did
 +37 F  KFTM_QShouldnt		 Total charge of tubes that shouldn't have fired but did
 +38 F  KFTM_chisq_should	 Chi-squared of time residuals for tubes that
				 should have fired and did
 +39 F  KFTM_should_and_agree	 Number of tubes that should have fired, did fire,
				 and had time residuals less than 1 sigma
 +40 F  KFTM_shouldnt_and_agree	 Number of tubes that shouldn't have fired but did,
				 and had a time residuals less than 1 sigma
 +41 F  KFTM_should_and_disagree     Number of tubes that should have fired, did, and had bad
	                             time residuals
 +42 F  KFTM_shouldnt_and_disagree   Number of tubes that shouldn't have fired but did, and had
                                     bad time residuals
 +43 F  KFTM_owl_tubes_online	     Number of OWL tubes for active during event (IS_TUBE_ON())
 +44 F  KFTM_neck1_charge	     The charge recorded in the first neck tube
 +45 F  KFTM_neck2_charge	     The charge recorded in the second neck tube
 +46 F  KFTM_neck1_time		     The time of the first neck tube
 +47 F  KFTM_neck2_time		     The time of the second neck tube
 +48 F  KFTM_nExitWoundShould	     The number of tubes in the exit wound
				     (See note 3)
 +49 F  KFTM_nExitWoundDid	     The number of tubes in the exit wound that fired
 +50 F  KFTM_qExitWound		     The total charge in the tubes of the exit wound
The following entries are extracted from MC data, if the event has an MC bank.
 +51 F  KFTM_mc_p		 True impact parameter

 +52 F  KFTM_mc_eta		 True muon diretion vector zenith angle
 +53 F  KFTM_mc_psi		 True muon diretion vector azimuthal angle
 +54 F  KFTM_mc_xstop		|
 +55 F  KFTM_mc_ystop		| The stopping position of the muon. (See note 4)
 +56 F  KFTM_mc_zstop		|
(1) "Agreeing" tubes are tubes where tfit-t is less than 1.6 ns.
(2) Tubes that "should" fire are defined as:
    - in the forward Cherenkov cone of the muon entrance wound, given the fit
    - tube_is_on() returns true.
Tubes that "shouldn't" fire are outside the Cherenkov cone, and on.
(3) Tubes 'in the exit wound' are such that they should have been hit by light
from the muon when the muon was 100 cm away from the exit point (on the PSUP)
(4) If all MCVX banks are kept during simulation, FTM will find the last muon
vertex in the chain; this is either where the muon left the detector volume,
or where it stopped. This is useful for looking at low-energy muons.  If there
is no track information this returns the point where the muon left the dectector
projected from the entrance point.

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