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The only non-standard thing introduced by the MSW code in job_control.dat is the meaning of the number of particles generated (MGEN). This means to the MSW code: the total number of neutrino interactions of all types chosen to be generated.

For example: if one wants to generate all types of solar neutrino interactions, and MGEN is set to 10,000 events, the MSW program would calculate the interaction rates of each type of interaction, and would convert these to relative probabilities. Let's say the probabilities are 10$\%$, 35$\%$, and 55$\%$ for ES, CC, and NC respectively for certain values of the mixing parameters set in mc_set_msw.dat. Then SNOMAN would generate $\sim $1000 ES interactions, $\sim $3500 CC interactions and $\sim $5500 NC interactions.

The problem with this method is if one wants to generate exactly a year of data, one needs to know the rates beforehand. But in general, one doesn't know the rates until the code has been run. This Catch 22 situation has been resolved with the use of the duration flag which sets the number of generated particles properly for the duration supplied and rate structure which is calculated by the code. If flag 14 in mc_set_msw.dat is set to 1 then this process is enabled. Set flag 15 to the number of total days of data desired, and the code calculates the number of particles to generate.

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sno Guest Acct 2009-09-09