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Tracks from the EGS4 Vertex

Another reason why a bank may be missing is that the process that created it did not fully support the data structure. A major example in this area is the EGS4 code. When a particle, e.g. an electron, is passed to EGS4 it is passed a starting vertex which has a special interaction code meaning an EGS4 interaction. The code tracks the electron but does not normally record every step of its progress in the data structure. Instead, each time a Cerenkov photon is created, an MCVX is lifted at the point and a track connected from the main EGS4 vertex to it. So after the code has completed the main EGS4 vertex has one outgoing track for each photon generated and for each the track directly connects to the photon creation vertex. The resulting data structure is typified by figure 11.1 which shows the processing of an electron.

Figure 11.1: Data structure produced by EGS4 without data structure logging enabled.

In this diagram,

To illustrate use of this data structure the following code finds an EGS4 vertex and then finds the earliest photon produced from it.

      include ''
      include ''
      include ''
      include ''
      include ''
      include ''
      include ''
      integer              lmc_cur, lmcvx_cur, lmcvx_end,
     +                     lmctk_cur, lmctk_first, i
      double precision     time_cur, time_first, get_double
      lmcvx_cur   = 0
      lmctk_first = 0
      time_first  = 0.
**    Establish link to first MCVX.
      if (lmast .ne. 0) then
        lmc_cur = lq(lmast - kmast_mc)
        if (lmc_cur .ne. 0) lmcvx_cur = lq(lmc_cur - kmc_mxvx)
**    Loop over all MCVX looking for EGS4 interaction
      do while (lmcvx_cur .ne. 0)
        if (mod( iq(lmcvx_cur + kmcvx_inc), 1000) .eq. idiegs) then
**        EGS4 vertex found, loop over all outgoing tracks looking
**         for earliest.
          lmctk_cur = lq(lmcvx_cur - kmcvx_mctk)
          do while (lmctk_cur .ne. 0)
            lmcvx_end = lq(lmctk_cur - kmctk_mcvx)
            time_cur  = get_double( lmcvx_end + kmcvx_tim )
            if (      lmctk_first .eq. 0
     +           .or. time_first  .gt. time_cur ) then
              lmctk_first = lmctk_cur
              time_first  = time_cur
            lmctk_cur = lq(lmctk_cur)
**        Quit after first EGS4 bank found.
          lmcvx_cur = 0
**        Step on to next vertex.
          lmcvx_cur = lq(lmcvx_cur)
      if (lmctk_first .gt. 0) then
        lmcvx_end = lq(lmctk_first - kmctk_mcvx)
        write (iqprnt,*) ' Position of first photon: ',
     +                     (rq(lmcvx_end + kmcvx_psx + i), i = 0,2)

As from version 2.09, data structure logging from EGS can be produced using the command:-

$egs4_ds $on
Now the progress of electrons and gammas are recorded although the way that Cerenkov photons are incorporated is still slightly unusual. If one or more photons are produced in a single electron track step, then each is connected, via an electron, to the start of the step. The resulting data structure is shown in figure 11.2.
Figure 11.2: Data structure produced by EGS4 with data structure logging enabled.

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sno Guest Acct 2009-09-09