What is being assumed when you run SNOMAN 5_03

The detector is divided into regions and the geometry defining these regions is an embedding geometry- that is regions of higher priority are embedded in regions of lower priority eg the acrylic chimney is considered to be a solid cylinder of acrylic, the region ACRC_OVL (OVL standing for outer volume) in which a cylinder of D2O, ACRC_IVL, is embedded. (For more information on how the geometry is handled in SNOMAN see the user's manual geometry .) Regions and media are each given region and media codes and these are listed in regions and media .

The shape, size, position and medium of each region are given in the file: geometry.dat . (The format for the information in this file is defined in the `titles' files GEDP and GEDS .)

The default detector regions

There are many regions defined, eg for calibration sources, and only those describing the detector in detail with just D2O and no calibration sources are enabled by default:

ie heavy water inside the acrylic vessel, with belly plates, ropes and a chimney, surrounded by light water then the PSUP, with the PMT panels and the PMT+concentrators, more light water and finally above the counting room and enclosing all the rock cavity.

These regions are:

	Region No	Region		Medium No	Medium
	100		D2O		200		Heavy water
	201		ACRV_TILE	400		Acrylic 
	211		ACRV_OVL	403		Acrylic (Poor)
	212		ACRV_IVL	200		Heavy water
	300		H2O		100		Light water
	310		BLY_PLATE	400		Acrylic 
	315		BLY_GROOVE	100		Light water
	320		BLY_ROPE	1000		Kevlar
	400		PAN_ZONE	100		Light water
	410		HEX_EMPTY	100		Light water
	422		PMT_OVL		100		Light water
	423		PMT_GLASS	700		Glass
	424		PMT_VACUUM	  1		Vacuum
	425		PMT_PETAL	602		Petals
	426		PMT_ABS		1300		Water/ABS sludge
	427		PMT_PINOUT	700		Glass
	428		PMT_BASE	1300		Water/ABS sludge
	431		PMT_STACK_OVL	603		Dynode stack
	432		PMT_STACK_OVL_T	  1		Vacuum
	433		PMT_STACK_IVL	  1		Vacuum
	455		ABS_SKIRT	1300		Water/ABS sludge
	500		INNER_DARK	100		Light water
	550		Counting_room	800		Air
	570		Urylon		1700		Polyethylene
	580		SHOTCRETE	1800		Concrete
	600		ROCK		300		Norite	


Optical properties of media

The optical properties of all the media in SNOMAN are given in media.dat . (The format for the information in this file is explained in the `titles' file MEDA .) The properties listed are: the mean refractive index (real and imaginary); the variation in refractive index and the absorption coefficient as a function of wavelength; the Rayleigh scattering parameters and data on any specular and diffuse reflection/transmission.

Properties of media assumed in the transport of electrons and gammas

The information on media used for the simulation of the transport of electrons and gammas using EGS4 is given in PEGS . The properties listed are: whether the medium is an element, a compound or a mixture; the composition, atomic numbers and atomic weights of the elements; the density and various energy thresholds that are applied in EGS4. (The actual information used by SNOMAN can be found in the very long file pegs4_10.dat )

Neutron cross sections

The data files giving the cross-sections for neutron interactions are described in neutron files . Where the atomic number is not given the cross-section is for the natural abundance of isotopes. The cross-sections included in SNOMAN are for:

H, D, HE3, HE4, B10, B11, C, N14, N15, O16, O17, F19, Na23, Mg, Al27, Si, S, Cl, Ar, K, Ca, Cr50, Cr52, Cr53, Cr54, Mn55, Fe54, Fe56, Fe57, Ni58, Ni60, Ni61, Ni62, Ni64, Cu63, Cu65, I127, Cs137, Ba138, Pb206 and Pb208

When tracking a neutron SNOMAN finds out what region and hence what medium the neutron is in. Given the medium the code in the routine neutron_media_query.for first uses the information in pegs4_10.dat to find out what nuclei are in the medium. If in the D2O, the heavy water is assumed to have a light water fraction of 0.8888% by weight and an isotopic abundance of O17 as a fraction of O16 of 0.055% (cf the normal 0.038%). The data file neutron_control.dat then identifies what neutron table, either the particular isotope table, the natural elemental abundance table or the most abundant isotope table, will be used for each nucleus. For O18 the O16 table is used which introduces negligible error as the isotopic fraction (~0.6% in D2O, 0.2% in H2O) is so small and the scattering and capture cross-sections are comparable to those of O16.

The main detector elements

Heavy water

For the heavy water the optical absorption lengths in the wavelength range 254nm to 578nm are all set equal to 1000 metres and the scattering is assumed to equal twice Rayleigh scattering (an isothermal compressibilty of 4.92e-10 N^-1 m^2 is assumed) (see media.dat .) The transport of electrons and gammas assumes the heavy water is pure D and O16 with a density of 1.105 (see PEGS ) .

For neutrons the heavy water is assumed to have a light water fraction of 0.8888% by weight defined in neutron_heavy_water.dat and an isotopic abundance of O17 as a fraction of O16 of 0.055% defined in neutron_impurities.dat , the format for these files being in neutron files .
(NOTE almost all of the hydrogen in the heavy water is in the form HDO and the use of H-in-H2O and D-in-D2O thermal tables introduces a small error estimated as less than 1% (Jeremy Lyon's thesis p100).)

Heavy water plus salt (sodium chloride)

Salt has to be added using the commands given in the symbol table . SNOMAN assumes the optical properties of the heavy water are unaffected by the addition of salt. The density though is corrected as well as adding sodium and chlorine nuclei to the heavy water in the routine neutron_media_query.for .

Acrylic vessel

The acrylic vessel is made up from acrylic tiles and belly plates, whose absorption lengths are given in opt_variations.dat , and an acrylic chimney made from acrylic (Poor). The acrylic glue between the tiles is made from acrylic (bad 4-inch).
NOTE: the various types of acrylic listed in media.dat only differ in their absorption lengths. Any diffuse transmission or reflection at the surface of the acrylic is assumed to be ZERO and the probability of specular reflection and refraction is calculated according to Fresnel coefficients.

Light water

For the light water the scattering is also assumed to be twice Rayleigh but the absorption is based on measurements in the 500-700nm range and is estimated to be (see media.dat ):

1000m at 250nm, 1000m at 350nm, 767m at 400nm, 50m at 500nm, 17m at 548nm and 11m at 578nm.


The modelling of the PMTs is a full 3D simulation. (For information on the modelling in SNOMAN see PMT modelling .) (The PMT efficiencies and concentrator reflectivities are currently assumed all the same in SNOMAN.)