import numpy as np def get_perp(x): """Returns an arbitrary vector perpendicular to `x`.""" a = np.zeros(3) a[np.argmin(abs(x))] = 1 return np.cross(a,x) def make_rotation_matrix(phi, n): """ Make the rotation matrix to rotate points through an angle `phi` counter-clockwise around the axis `n` (when looking towards +infinity). Source: Weissten, Eric W. "Rotation Formula." Mathworld. Raises ValueError if n has zero magnitude """ n = normalize(n) return np.cos(phi)*np.identity(3) + (1-np.cos(phi))*np.outer(n,n) + \ np.sin(phi)*np.array([[0,n[2],-n[1]],[-n[2],0,n[0]],[n[1],-n[0],0]]) def rotate(x, phi, n): """ Rotate an array of points `x` through an angle phi counter-clockwise around the axis `n` (when looking towards +infinity). """ n = normalize(n) x = np.atleast_2d(x) phi = np.atleast_1d(phi) return (x*np.cos(phi)[:,np.newaxis] + n*,n)[:,np.newaxis]*(1-np.cos(phi)[:,np.newaxis]) + np.cross(x,n)*np.sin(phi)[:,np.newaxis]).squeeze() def rotate_matrix(x, phi, n): """Same as rotate() except uses a rotation matrix. Can only handle a single rotation angle `phi`.""" rotation_matrix = make_rotation_matrix(phi, n) return np.inner(np.asarray(x),rotation_matrix) def norm(x): "Returns the norm of the vector `x`." return np.sqrt((x*x).sum(-1)) def normalize(x): "Returns unit vectors in the direction of `x`." x = np.atleast_2d(np.asarray(x, dtype=float)) return (x/norm(x)[:,np.newaxis]).squeeze()